In this article
dropdown icon
New and changed information
    New and changed information
dropdown icon
    Webex App for VDI overview
    dropdown icon
    VDI environment overview
      VDI components
      Environment types
    dropdown icon
      Webex VDI with Unified CM
      Webex VDI with Unified CM and Expressways for MRA
      Webex App VDI with Webex Calling
      Webex VDI with Webex for BroadWorks
      Webex App VDI with Meetings
    Fallback mode
dropdown icon
Prepare Your Environment
    Webex App VDI login flow
    dropdown icon
    Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements
      Hosted virtual desktop
      Windows thin clients
      Linux thin clients
      macOS thin clients
    Webex App and plugin requirements
    Headset Requirements
    dropdown icon
    Supported realtime media workflows for calling and meetings
      Unified CM requirements
      Webex Calling requirements
      Webex for BroadWorks requirements
      Full-featured meetings requirements
    dropdown icon
    Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) requirements
      MRA with Webex App VDI workflow
      Dual NIC considerations
      DNS configuration
      Firewall configuration
dropdown icon
Deploy Webex App VDI
    Webex App VDI deployment task flow
    dropdown icon
    Configure hosted virtual desktop and install Webex App
      Installation arguments, explanations, and required privileges
      Installation comparison
      User preferences
    Configure Azure Virtual Desktop for the Webex App
    Install the Webex App VDI plugin on Windows thin client systems
    Install the Webex App VDI plugin on Linux thin client systems
    Install the Webex App VDI plugin on macOS thin client systems
    Install Webex Meetings VDI plugin on thin client systems
    Known issues and limitations with Webex App for VDI
dropdown icon
Manage Webex App for VDI
    dropdown icon
    Upgrade management
      Webex App upgrades on the virtual desktop
      Thin client upgrades
      Citrix or VMware upgrades
    Disable VDI detection after installation
    Enable or disable advanced video features in Webex App VDI fallback mode
    Configure VDI plugin notification
    Disable VDI version compatibility check
    Ringers and alerts setting not working for all devices
    Diagnostics in the Webex App
    Browser content redirection

Deployment guide for Webex App for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

list-menuIn this article

New and changed information

New and changed information

This table covers content updates related to new features or functionality, changes to existing content, and any major errors that were fixed in the Deployment guide for Webex App for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).

For more information about Webex App VDI updates, new features, added VDI support, and limitations, see the VDI release notes.


Changes made

November 13, 2023

Prepare your environment:

  • Updated supported versions for 43.10 release.

August 23, 2023

Throughout document:

  • Removed mention of installing both plugins on thin clients.

    Noting the exception for Linux thin clients, which still need Meetings VDI plugin.

  • Changed downloads link to point to Downloads tab of Release notes.

Prepare your environment:

  • Updated full-featured meetings requirements.

  • Updated supported versions for 43.6 and 43.8 releases.

  • Added GeoDNS configuration for VDI with MRA.

Deploy Webex App for VDI:

  • Configure hosted virtual desktop and install Webex App: Removed some install options, and removed mention of 32-bit Webex App installer.

  • Install Webex App on Azure Virtual Desktop: Noted no support for full-featured meetings.

  • Removed topic about configuring VDI optimization in Control Hub (no longer required).

  • Simplified Webex App VDI plugin for Windows installation. Only one installer required. Mentioned command line switch.

  • Simplified Webex App VDI plugin for MacOS installation.

  • Simplified Webex Meetings VDI plugin installation. Separate plugins only required for Linux thin clients. Corrected links to download packages and the Meetings VDI articles.

Manage and troubleshoot Webex App for VDI:

  • Removed limitation about needing auto upgrade on HVD to be able to auto upgrade plugin.

  • Updated for new N-4 version compatibility.

May 18, 2023

Clarified the note about Azure Virtual Desktop in Full-featured meetings requirements. AVD does not support full-featured meetings.

April 17, 2023

New content about disabling the VDI version compatibility check, in Manage and troubleshoot Webex App for VDI.

Updated supported infrastructure and OS versions for the 43.4 (April 2023) release, in Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements.

March 15, 2023

  • Clarified behavior of ENABLEVDI argument, in Installation arguments, explanations, and required privileges.

  • Removed a registry-based workaround from Known issues and limitations with Webex App for VDI and replaced it with recommendation to use ENABLEVDI install argument.

March 3, 2023

  • Added latest infrastructure versions in Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements.

  • Noted that some versions of Unicon eLux are "End of life" in Linux thin clients.

  • Added support (since 42.10) of Webex App VDI plugin on Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 Series), in macOS thin clients.

  • Added a note about Browser Content Redirection in Manage and troubleshoot Webex App for VDI.

February 27, 2023

Added recommendation to synchronize some AppData/Roaming folders across VDI sessions, so users can decrypt the roaming database to maintain their Webex preferences in non-persistent VDI environments.

January 11, 2023

Added latest tested infrastructure and thin client OS versions and supported hardware in the Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements. Includes Apple M2 chip, macOS Ventura, HP ThinPro 8, and Dell ThinOS 9.3.

October 26, 2022

Updated msiexec command examples in the section Configure hosted virtual desktop and install Webex App: removed FORCELOCKDOWN=LockWhenCompatible parameter, because this parameter should only be used when installing the bundled MSI package (Webex Meetings desktop app and Webex App).

August 25, 2022

Updated for Webex App VDI version 42.8:

  • Connection broker version updates in Hosted virtual desktop requirements.

Updated description for VDIScreenShareEnabled registry key to include Linux thin client sharing behavior, for Webex 42.8 and later (in the section Enable or disable advanced video features in Webex App VDI fallback mode).

May 30, 2022

  • Added the command line parameter:


    to the section Installation arguments, explanations, and required privileges

    This command installs Microsoft's WebView2 embedded browser while installing the Webex app.

April 26, 2022

  • Updated the list of supported Windows versions, as of April 2022.

April 25, 2022

  • Updated the description of Webex for BroadWorks requirements.

April 13, 2022

  • Added Stratodesk NoTouch OS to the section listing suported Linux thin clients.

February 9, 2022

  • Added automatic upgrade information to Upgrade management section (applies to Webex App 42.2 and later).

  • Added new supported versions for hosted virtual desktops: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) 7 2112 and VMWare Horizon 8 2111.

February 3, 2022

  • Created VDI list of links page:

  • Added the following note to Firewall configuration in the Prepare your environment for Webex App VDI chapter of this book:

    "Although VDI requires its own set of network requirements, you must ensure all Webex network required ports, URLs, and media subnets are followed according to the network requirements. See Network Requirements for Webex Services."

    This note links to:

  • Added FORCELOCKDOWN=1 parameter to msiexec command call, in Configure hosted virtual desktop for Webex App section.

December 15, 2021

  • Clarified in requirements that Full featured meetings don't work with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). Also, the version of the Remote Desktop App (connection broker) on the Microsoft Store is not supported with Webex App VDI.

  • In the Deploy chapter, added information about the single installer for the VDI plugin. The Webex App for VDI Client Plugin installation file includes the latest version of the Meetings VDI Client Plugin. The standalone Meetings VDI Client Plugin is released monthly, while the standalone Webex App VDI Client Plugin is released bimonthly. The combined installer updates bimonthly.

  • Added new supported platforms for release 41.12:

    • Connection broker—Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop 7 LTSR 1912 Cu4

    • Thin client—MacOS Monterey (12.x)

    • HVD environment—Windows 365

  • Added note to the connector broker table:

    • Since Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 release 2109, "virtual channel allow list policy" is enabled by default. You must configure this policy for Webex App VDI first (add Cisco Virtual Channel) for optimized mode to function properly, or disable this policy.

  • Added note to the macOS thin client table:

    For MacOS, currently only Webex App VDI plugin 41.12 works with Citrix Workspace App 2111 for Mac.

  • Added new troubleshooting section "Ringers and alerts setting not working for all devices".

November 12, 2021

  • Added limitation about Linux VDI clients where the ringtone only plays on the audio devices that is selected on the HVD host.

October 29, 2021

  • Added new hardware to the Linux thin clients section:

    • HP T640

    • HP T740

    • HP mt32

    • HP mt45

    • HP mt46

October 8, 2021

  • In the Prepare Your Environment and Deploy Webex for VDI chapters, added sections for the MacOS VDI plugin.

  • In the Deploy Webex for VDI and Manage and Troubleshoot Webex for VDI, added information about automatic upgrades for the HVD installed version of the app.

  • Added new platforms for 41.10:

    • XenApp and XenDesktop (7.15 LTSR up to Cu8)

    • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 CR 2109

  • Added new supported hardware devices for Linux thin clients:

    • HP t730

    • Dell Optiplex 7060

    • Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q

  • In thin client sections, added link to virtual background requirements and clarified that they're the same as the requirements for the standalone Windows app.

  • Added the following known issues:

    • On the MacOS VDI client, a video feed spills into the MacOS system bar or Application menu when the HVD connection is full screen.

    • The multitasking feature does not work with the Webex App on VDI.

  • Added details on enabling automatic upgrades with the AUTOUPGRADE=1 install switch.

August 10, 2021

  • Enhanced steps in Webex App VDI Login Flow, in particular Step 5: This step retrieves the Expressway-E's IP address (internal IP without split DNS or external IP with split DNS), which is used for Edge configuration and SSO authentication over port 8443.

  • Added following supported platforms for 41.8:

    • VMware Horizon 8 (2106)

    • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop CR version 7 (2106)

    • eLux RP6 2104 LTSR

July 6, 2021

  • Updated diagrams with new Webex app and Webex cloud logos.

  • Added new diagram for Webex Meetings VDI architecture.

  • Added task flow table to the deployment chapter.

  • Added more information about Meetings VDI components if users install both Webex app and Meetings VDI plugins.

  • Added information about static route considerations for dual NIC deployments.

June 3, 2021

Updates for June (41.6) release, including the following:

  • Added new section Webex App VDI Login Flow.

  • Added details for the Move a Call to a Meeting feature with Calling in Webex (Unified CM) to the Unified CM Requirements section in Prepare Your Environment.

  • Added the following supported platform: 10ZiG Zero Client Thin Clients (Linux Thin Clients). Also added disclaimer statement about getting supported from 10ZiG.

Other general updates:

  • Added registry key values for enabling and disabling virtual backgrounds in optimized VDI mode to the Manage and Troubleshoot chapter.

  • In references to Expressway (for MRA), clarified that X12.7 and later is the minimum supported version to work with Webex VDI.

May 3, 2021

  • Added HP Thinpro 7.2 to the list of supported Linux thin clients.

April 16, 2021

  • Added allow list policy settings for Citrix environments in the HVD requirements section.

  • Updated IGEL OS and ThinOS disclaimer statements in the Linux Thin Client requirements section.

  • Added omitted content to the Citrix upgrade section: for 1912 LTSR or 2003 and later, you don't need to reinstall the VDI plugin on a Windows thin client.

April 9, 2021

  • Updates for April (41.4) release, including the following:

    • Notify users when VDI plugin is not installed or a version mismatch is detected

    • Registry Setting to Force Running in VDI Optimized Mode

    • BroadWorks Calling support

    • Newly supported features are added to the release notes.

  • Added the following supported platforms:

    • HVD—Citrix virtual apps and desktops 7: 1912 Cu2, Xenapp and xendesktop: 7.15 Cu7, VMware Horizon: 8.1 (2012), 8.2 (2103)

    • Thin Pro 7.1 SP13.5 for Webex release 41.1 and later.

    • Thin client—VMWare Horizon client version 8.x (2103) for Webex app release 41.4 and later.

  • Added more details for MRA deployments in the Prepare Your Environment chapter.

  • Added supported calling and meeting options to a new section called Supported Realtime Media Workflows for Calling and Meetings in the Prepare Your Environment chapter.

  • Added new section Upgrade Management to the Manage Webex VDI chapter.

  • Updated the HVD VDI arguments to show options for detecting or not detecting the VDI environment automatically.

January 18, 2021

  • Added options 3–5 for VDIFallBackConf registry key configuration.

  • Added new registry keys VDIBackgroundEnabled and VDIScreenShareEnabled, along with related configuration.

  • Added Single-session OS Support for VM Hosted Applications

  • Added Dell Wyse ThinOS 9.1 support

  • Updated the Expressway NAT workaround to state that an upgrade to X12.7 or later fixes the issue.

  • Added diagram of MRA deployment and information about the HVD needing to be able to send requests to the Expressway-E.

December 11, 2020

  • Changed "Webex Teams" references to "Webex."

September 29, 2020

  • Added new sections Configure Windows Virtual Desktop and Enable or Disable Advanced Video Features.

  • Added the following new features:

    • Disable HD video by default for VDI deployments

    • Mirror self-video for calls and meetings

    • Fallback mode

    • Mobile and Remote Access (MRA)

    • System tray icon for VDI client (Windows)

    • Intel hardware acceleration for Windows thin client

    • VMware shared session application support for Windows thin client

    • Citrix XenApp publish application mode for Windows thin client

  • Added the following new supported platforms:

    • Citrix Remote PC

    • Windows Virtual Desktop (deployed on Microsoft Azure) for Windows thin client

    • iGelOS 11.04.100

    • Ubuntu 18.04

    • Ubuntu 20.04

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Unicon eLux 6.9 support

  • Added steps for thin client installation on IGEL OS.

  • Added new section Configure VDI Optimization for Webex Teams.

  • Added known issues for Windows Virtual Desktop, MRA, and video quality in fallback mode.

July 16, 2020

  • Added Cisco Headsets-Basic Call Control over USB in Windows thin client to the supported Calling in Webex Teams (Unified CM) features.

  • Corrected a mistake with the Windows Server supported versions: changed 2016 R2 to 2016.

  • Added the following supported versions for Citrix: Virtual Apps and Desktops up to 1912 LTSR CU1.

  • Removed incorrect information about parameter usage during installation.

June 29, 2020

  • Initial version of the document for official release.


Webex App for VDI overview

Without optimization, Webex App messaging works as-is in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment. However, the full Webex App experience also includes calling and meetings, which require video and audio media processing.

Because of a limitation known as the hairpin effect, calling, meeting, and accompanying video capability are not supported without optimization. The additional bandwidth required for calls and video creates a bottleneck at the data center because the media flows from one user to the data center back to another user. As a result of this unoptimized media path and the lack of easy access to peripherals such as device speakers, microphone, and camera, the user experience is not ideal.

To fix the issue of the hairpin effect, the Webex App VDI plugin extends the Cisco collaboration experience to virtual deployments so that users can use the full messaging, meeting, and calling functionality that the Webex App provides.

To reduce latency and to enhance media quality, the VDI plugin optimizes the media workflows by streaming media directly between users on thin client endpoints and leverages the hardware of the thin client machines to handle media processing. This media path does not go through the hosted virtual desktops (HVDs). The result is a stable and full-featured calling and meeting experience for your VDI users.

In this architecture, the Webex App is installed on the HVD in your VDI environment and required VDI plugins are installed on the user's thin client (typically a lightweight system, like a repurposed laptop or desktop).

Architecture diagram for Webex App installed on the HVD in VDI environment

Using a supported Linux, Mac, or Windows-based thin client, users access the Webex App on the HVD from a remote virtual desktop environment. With supported versions of Webex App, users can use all of the built-in messaging, meetings, and calling on Webex App functionality on their thin client. Additionally, you can integrate Webex App VDI with a Unified CM or Webex Calling environment, so that users can use supported call features.

  • The Webex App on the virtual desktop still processes lightweight data such as call signaling and retrieving configuration from the cloud.

  • For Linux thin clients, you must install the Webex Meetings VDI plugin alongside the Webex App VDI plugin.

For new features for each release, see the release notes for more information.

VDI environment overview

VDI components

Using Webex App in an optimized virtual environment requires the following components.

  • Connection broker—The resource and connection manager (Citrix, VMware) that connects the virtualization provider to the thin client.

  • Hosted virtual desktop (HVD)—The Virtual Machine (VM) that runs the Webex App remotely.

  • Thin client—The endpoint (for example, low profile or repurposed desktop or laptop) that the user uses to sign in remotely to the virtual desktop. The connection broker and VDI plugin are installed on the thin client device so it can access the HVD environment.

  • Plugin—Software that is installed on the thin client used to offload media processing to the user device instead of HVD resources. The supported versions of the Webex App VDI plugin are linked from the Downloads tab of the Webex App VDI release notes.

    For Linux thin clients, you must install the Webex Meetings VDI plugin alongside the Webex VDI plugin.

  • Webex App—The app that is installed and runs on the HVD. The supported versions for the HVD installer are available on the Downloads tab of the Webex App VDI release notes.

Environment types

  • Persistent mode—In a persistent environment, a user's local operating system changes are preserved after a user signs out.

    All user preferences are in the roaming database (spark_roaming_store.db). This database is much smaller than the main db (spark_persistent_store.db).

  • Non-persistent mode—In a non-persistent environment, a user' local operating system changes are not preserved after a user signs out. The applicable user-specific information (user data, profile, and settings) is cached during the user session.

    If you are a non-persistent VDI customer (a VDI environment that is deleted everytime the user logs out), you can quickly back up and restore spark_roaming_store.db so that VDI users won't lose preferences between sessions.

    The roaming database contains all user credentials and preferences, encrypted using AES256. As a VDI customer, you should always back up the roaming database, so that user credentials and preferences are maintained across VDI sessions.


The architecture diagrams show the components, signaling, and optimized media flows that are involved in a typical Webex App VDI deployment with an existing supported call service deployment: either Unified CM, Webex Calling, or BroadWorks.

On the left of each diagram is your corporate network which contains the virtual environment. This virtual environment lightens the load on the user-side hardware by running the apps, the operating system, and user data the virtual data center. With that framework, you can manage the environment from a central location and users can access it remotely from supported thin clients.

The components in the corporate network consist of the Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD), the central environment you manage where the Webex App is installed and runs, and a virtual channel connection (through the Cisco HVDAgent) to the user's thin client endpoint.

On the thin client, users install the Webex VDI plugin and sign into a connection broker (Citrix or VMware), a piece of software that creates connections to HVDs. A connection broker performs a number of tasks including the following:

  • Validating the username and providing a connection for the user.

  • Allowing the user to connect to a specific virtual desktop.

Once signed in, the thin client endpoint simulates interactions with applications and an operating system through peripherals such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, USB devices, and so on, as if the software were installed on the thin client itself. Users use a thin client app on this endpoint to access Webex App on the remote server.

This architecture optimizes the direction of signaling and media. It communicates over HTTPS, WSS, and SIP for signaling with the Webex cloud or BroadWorks cloud (on the right side). Separate media streams for meetings (Webex App) and calling (Unified CM, Webex Calling, or BroadWorks) are established through SRTP.

You must update the Webex App on the HVD. New versions are released every two months and have backwards compatibility with previous thin client VDI plugins. New thin client VDI plugin builds are also made available every two months. Download the software and see the release notes for more information about version compatibility.

Webex VDI with Unified CM

Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI deployments with Unified CM
Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI deployments with Unified CM

Webex VDI with Unified CM and Expressways for MRA

The Expressways in the diagram are used to represent a Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) deployment. For MRA to work with Webex App VDI, the HVD must be able to send requests to the Expressway-E, which is typically configured in the DMZ.

Webex App VDI with a Mobile and Remote Access deployment
Webex App VDI with a Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) deployment

Webex App VDI with Webex Calling

Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI deployments with Webex Calling
Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI deployments with Webex Calling

Webex VDI with Webex for BroadWorks

Webex VDI With Webex for BroadWorks
Webex VDI With Webex for BroadWorks

Webex App VDI with Meetings

Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI Deployments with Meetings
Components on the corporate network and cloud connectivity for Webex App VDI Deployments with Meetings

Fallback mode

Webex App VDI fallback mode offers short-term support for basic audio and video calls when VDI can't establish the virtual channel. Fallback mode supports standard calls and call recording. The full feature set isn't supported. Call quality is lower because of the server or network issues that cause the switch to fallback mode.

Prepare Your Environment

Webex App VDI login flow

The Webex App VDI architecture consists of two primary components: the Webex App for VDI and the Webex VDI plugin for the thin client. The VDI plugin is installed on a thin client while the app is installed on the HVD.

When a user launches a virtual broker-client (Citrix Workspace app or VMWare Horizon Client), the vendor's software initiates a virtual channel. The Webex App plugin and agent use this virtual channel to communicate.

This diagram shows the expected protocol sessions that are set up during normal Webex App use when deployed with Unified CM calling over Mobile and Remote Access (MRA).

Protocol sessions for Webex VDI with Unified CM over MRA
Protocol sessions for Webex VDI with Unified CM over MRA

Although the diagram depicts Webex App VDI over MRA, the flow is the same as an on-premises VDI deployment. However, unlike VDI over MRA, on-premises deployments don't route traffic through the DMZ and all the traffic resides on the LAN.

  1. To start a session, users first launch their virtual broker-client (Citrix Workspace App or VMware Horizon Client),connect to the connection broker, and then select an HVD or virtual application. Once selected, a virtual channel is set up between the user's thin client (physical machine) and the HVD (virtual machine) hosted on the Hypervisor.

  2. After a user launches the Webex App on the HVD, Webex determines if it is in a virtual environment and if Unified CM is used for phone service. If Unified CM is enabled, the Webex App starts the teamshvdagent.exe process and begins internal service discovery. (The internal service discovery includes the UDS DNS SRV lookup, Unified CM authentication, home cluster lookup, and configuration retrieval.)

  3. The Webex App client and Webex App VDI plugin then go set up all the control streams that are used to exchange data over the virtual channel. After these channels are set up, the Webex App client sends the voice service domain information to the Webex App VDI plugin.

  4. Next, the Webex App VDI plugin performs service discovery. The Webex App VDI plugin does this by referencing the voice service domain information that was sent to it from the Webex App client. In this scenario, the Webex App VDI plugin resolves the _collab-edge DNS SRV record because the VDI plugin machine is connecting from an external network, therefore needing to connect over MRA. Once service discovery is complete, Webex App VDI plugin sends the Expressway-E FQDN to the Webex App client.

  5. After receiving and caching the Expressway-E FQDN, the Webex App (HVD) then performs a DNS A record lookup for the Expressway-E FQDN. For a single NIC deployment, this step retrieves the Expressway-E's IP address (internal IP with split DNS or external IP without split DNS), which is used for Edge configuration and SSO authentication over port 8443.

    If Expressway-E is set up in a dual NIC deployment, both interfaces can have an internal IP address. In this case, the internal interface is the opposite of what's configured for the external interface.

  6. After the Edge details are retrieved, the Webex App (HVD) establishes HTTPS connections to the Expressway-E IP for UDS and TFTP requests. Through this process, the Webex App (HVD) authenticates and retrieves configuration details, such as Soft-phone Device Config, Application Dial Rules, and Directory Lookup Dial Rules.

  7. The Webex VDI plugin resolves the Expressway-E external IP and then sends to the Webex App (HVD). Through the device information that is retrieved in the previous step, Webex App begins the CSF device (Windows desktop) registration through the Expressway-E external interface.

Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements

Make sure your VDI environment meets the requirements for the supported servers (Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD), where the Webex app is installed) and thin clients (user-side device where the Webex VDI plugins are installed).

For users joining Webex meetings from Webex App, please refer to Hosted virtual desktop and thin client requirements for Webex meetings VDI.

Hosted virtual desktop

VDI component

Supported platforms

Single-session operating system—Installed on the HVD
  • Microsoft Windows 11

  • Microsoft Windows 10

  • Windows 365 Cloud PC

Multi-session operating system—Installed on the HVD

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Multi-session cloud virtualization service

  • Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD, formerly Windows Virtual Desktop)—provides Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 10 Enterprise virtualization

  • Horizon on VMware Cloud (installed on AWS)

Connection broker for the hosted virtual desktop
  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 CR 2308

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2203 LTSR CU4

  • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1912 LTSR CU8

  • XenApp and XenDesktop (7.15 LTSR CU9)

  • The following are supported:

    • Multi-session OS published desktop

    • Single-session OS for VDI desktop

    • Citrix Remote PC sessions

    If you enabled virtual channel allow list policy in your deployment, then you must add the Webex app virtual channel (CSCOTM) to the allow list with the virtual channel name and process path: "CSCOTM,C:\Program Files\Cisco Spark\dependencies\teamshvdagent.exe"

    • Since Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2109, "virtual channel allow list policy" is enabled by default. You must configure this policy for Webex App VDI first (add Cisco Virtual Channel) for optimized mode to function properly, or disable this policy.

    • For MacOS, currently only Webex App VDI plugin 41.12 works with Citrix Workspace App 2111 for Mac.

  • VMware Horizon Agent:

    • 7.10 to 7.13 (7.13.0 to 7.13.2)

    • 8 2006 (8.0) to 8 2309 (8.11)

    The following are supported:

    • Shared Desktop

    • Published Desktop

    • Published Application

  • Remote Desktop App for AVD

    You must use the version of this app from the direct download page. The app on the Microsoft Store is not supported.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces with WSP (DCV)

A connection broker is software that creates connections to hosted virtual desktops. A connection broker performs a number of tasks including the following:

  • Validating the username and providing a connection for the user.

  • Allowing the user to connect to a specific virtual desktop.

Windows thin clients

VDI component

Supported platforms

Microsoft Windows-based thin client hardware

Supported Hardware

  • 2 GB installed RAM

  • 128 MB physical memory

  • 256 MB disk space

  • Minimum CPU Mobile AMD Sempron Processor 3600+, 2-GHz Intel Core 2 CPU, or T7400 2.16 GHz

  • DirectX 11-compatible GPU

  • USB 2.0 ports for camera and audio devices

If you want users to use virtual backgrounds, you must meet the virtual background requirements. (Webex App for VDI has the same requirements as the Windows standalone app.)

Supported Software

We support 64-bit architectures for the following Windows versions:

  • Microsoft Windows 10

  • Microsoft Windows 11 (for VDI plugin 41.12 and later)

Windows Embedded Standard-based thin client hardware

Supported Hardware

Installed RAM 2 GB

Free Physical Memory 128 MB

Free Disk Space 256 MB

CPU performance affects the maximum video resolution. With Windows Embedded Standard thin clients, the expected resolution depends on the CPU:

  • Up to 720p with quad-core AMD GX-420CA SOC 2 GHz or similar

  • Up to 240p with dual-core AMD G-T56N 1.65 GHz or similar

  • Audio-only support with dual-core VIA Eden X2 U4200 1 GHz or similar CPU

These hardware specifications are only guidelines for the expected resolutions. Other factors can affect video resolution.

DirectX 11 compatible GPU

USB 2.0 for USB camera and audio devices

Supported Software

  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

Citrix Workspace app or VMware Horizon client

  • Citrix Receiver 4.9 and later

  • Citrix Workspace app 1808 and later

  • VMware Horizon View Client version 5.x

  • VMWare Horizon client version 8.x (2103) is supported from the Webex VDI plugin version 41.4 onward.

  • VMware Horizon client version 8.x (2106) for Webex VDI plugin version 41.8 onward.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces 5.15 and later

Linux thin clients

VDI component

Supported platforms

Thin Client OS

Ubuntu (64-bit)

  • 16.04

  • 18.04

  • 20.04

  • 22.04

Unicon eLux (64-bit)

  • 6.5.2000 (End of life)

  • 6.9 (End of life)

  • RP6 2104 LTSR (Webex VDI plugin 41.8 and later)

  • RP6 2302 LTSR (Webex VDI plugin 43.4 and later)

    RP6 2302 LTSR CU 1 (Webex VDI plugin 43.8 and later)

    RP6 2302 LTSR CU 2 (Webex VDI plugin 43.12 and later)

HP ThinPro 7.1 (End of life)

HP ThinPro 8.0, 8.1 (64-bit)

  • SP 13.5 and later for Webex app plugin release 41.1 and later

  • SP 3.4-12.7 for Webex app plugin release that are earlier than 41.1


  • 11.04.100 and later

The Webex VDI plugin is packaged with IGEL OS. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact IGEL for technical support. For more information, see the IGEL OS documentation for your supported release; the Component Versions section of their release notes mentions the version of the Webex VDI plugin that's integrated and supported. See the software download page to get a copy of the OS installation package.

Dell Wyse ThinOS

Specific versions of the Webex VDI plugin are supported with Dell Wyse ThinOS. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact Dell for technical support. For more information, see the Dell Wyse ThinOS documentation for your supported release; the Supported packages section of their release notes mentions the version of the Webex VDI plugin that's supported. See the software download page to get a copy of the OS installation package.

10ZiG Zero Client Thin Clients

Specific versions of the Webex VDI plugin are supported with 10ZiG zero client thin clients. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact 10ZiG for technical support. For more information, see the 10ZiG page for your specific thin client.

Stratodesk NoTouch OS

Specific versions of the Webex VDI plugin are supported with Stratodesk NoTouch OS. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact Stratodesk for technical support. For more information, see the Stratodesk NoTouch OS documentation for your supported release.

Ubuntu/Thinpro Thin Clients Hardware

The minimum hardware requirements for thin clients are as follows:

  • CPU: Any 64-bit x86 CPU.

  • Memory: 2GB of memory, with at least 1GB free for operating system use.

  • Storage: 2GB or more of internal storage for installation.

  • Graphics: Intel, ATI/AMD, or Nvidia. If the graphics card is not recognized, limited-performance VESA mode can be used.

  • Audio: Audio support is optional.

  • Networking: A recognized wired or wireless network adapter.

  • USB: HP recommends 2.0 or 3.0 or USB-C high-performance flash drives

If you want users to use virtual backgrounds, you must meet the virtual background requirements. (Webex App for VDI has the same requirements as the Windows standalone app.)

eLux RP 6 Thin Clients Hardware

Minimum hardware requirements

The following system properties enable using basic eLux RP 6 features.

  • Processor: x86, 1 GHz (2 CPUs), 64-bit-capable

  • RAM: 2 GB

  • HDD: 2 GB

  • GPU: AMD or Intel graphics chipset

  • I/O ports: USB 2.0

If you want users to use virtual backgrounds, you must meet the virtual background requirements. (Webex App for VDI has the same requirements as the Windows standalone app.)

Tested and Recommended Devices
  • HP T640

  • HP T740

  • HP mt32

  • HP mt45

  • HP mt46

  • HP t730

  • Dell Optiplex 7060

  • Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q

  • Dell 3040*—eLux 6.5

  • Dell 5060*—eLux 6.5

  • Dell 5070*—eLux 6.5

  • Dell Z50Q*—eLux 6.5

  • HP T430*—Thinpro 7.1 / eLux 6.5

  • HP T520*—Thinpro 7.1 / eLux 6.5

  • HP T530*—Thinpro 7.1 / eLux 6.5

  • HP T630*—Thinpro 7.1 / eLux 6.5

  • HP mt21*—Thinpro 7.1 / eLux 6.5

* Based on hardware requirements, these devices are not recommended for use with virtual backgrounds. See virtual background requirements for more information. (Webex App for VDI has the same requirements as the Windows standalone app.)

Citrix Workspace app or VMware Horizon client

  • Citrix Receiver 4.9 and later

  • Citrix Workspace app 1808 and later

  • VMware Horizon View Client versions 5.x

  • VMWare Horizon client version 8.x (2103) for Webex VDI plugin version 41.4 onward.

  • VMware Horizon client version 8.x (2106) for Webex VDI plugin version 41.8 onward.

macOS thin clients

VDI component

Supported platforms

MacOS-based thin client hardware

Supported hardware

  • Minimum CPU: Apple M2 chip or Intel Core 2 Duo processor

  • 2 GB installed RAM

  • 1 GB physical memory

  • 300 MB disk space

  • USB 2.0 ports for camera and audio devices

Intel Core 2 Duo or later processors on any of the following Apple hardware:

  • iMac Pro

  • MacBook Pro

  • MacBook

  • MacBook Air

  • iMac

  • Mac Mini

If you want users to use virtual backgrounds, you must meet the virtual background requirements. (Webex App for VDI has the same requirements as the Windows standalone app.)

Supported software

The Webex App VDI plugin is supported on the following macOS versions:

  • Sonoma (14.x) for VDI plugin release 43.10 and later

  • Ventura (13.x) for VDI plugin release 42.12 and later

  • Monterey (12.x) for VDI plugin release 41.12 and later

  • Big Sur (11.x)

  • Catalina (10.15)

Citrix Workspace app or VMware Horizon client

  • From version 42.10 onwards, Webex App VDI plugin supports both Citrix Workspace App and VMware Horizon Client for macOS - Native support for Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 Series).

  • Citrix Workspace app 2008 and later

    For macOS, currently only the Webex App VDI plugin 41.12 works with Citrix Workspace App 2111 for Mac.

    The macOS plugin does not work with Citrix Workspace App 21.08 or 21.08.1.

  • VMware Horizon View Client version 7 (5.x) and 8

    For installing or upgrading VMware Horizon Client, we recommend that you launch the client once before deploying the Webex App VDI plugin (up to version 41.12). See Loading 3rd Party Mac plugins with Session Enhancement SDK for more information.

  • Amazon WorkSpaces 5.17 and later

Webex App and plugin requirements

Headset Requirements

For Webex App VDI, we support the same headsets as the standalone Webex App unless otherwise noted. See Details about headset support for more information.

Supported realtime media workflows for calling and meetings

Webex App VDI supports the following realtime media workflows:

  • Calls on Webex (built into the app)

  • Unified CM

  • Webex Calling

  • Webex for BroadWorks

  • Webex Meetings

To integrate a supported calling service and Webex Meetings, you must follow configuration steps in the documentation for those solutions. Choose an option and then use the documentation that is linked in that section.

Unified CM requirements

If you want to use Unified CM as your call service for Webex App VDI users, use the Deployment Guide to walk through the required configuration steps. The document contains an overview of the service, prerequisites, and deployment steps.

Move a call to a meeting

To support this feature, make sure you've configured your Unified CM calling deployment correctly.

Additionally, make sure the following VDI configuration is in place so that offloading to meetings is supported: Full-featured meetings requirements.

Mobile and Remote Access (MRA)

Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) is supported. Follow the standard MRA deployment steps in the Expressway MRA documentation and keep the following points in mind for a supported VDI deployment:

  • See Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) requirements for more guidance for VDI support.

  • You must run a minimum of X12.7 and later.

  • Dual NIC deployments are supported. You must ensure there's a connection from the HVD to both the external and internal IP addresses of the Expressway-E. You must add a NAT between the HVD and the external IP of the Expressway-E.

Webex Calling requirements

If you want to use Webex Calling as your call service for Webex App VDI users, use the following documentation links to walk through the required configuration steps. The documents contains an overview of the service, prerequisites, and deployment steps.

If your HVD supports IPv4 and IPv6, we recommend that you disable IPV6 in your HVD environment to prevent compatibility issues with Webex Calling.

Configuration in Control Hub (partners and administrators)

Control Hub ( is a web-based management portal that integrates withWebex Calling to streamline your orders and configuration, and centralize your management of the bundled offer—Webex Calling, Webex App, and Meetings.

As a partner service provider, you can brand, market, and sell Webex Calling to your customers. You can set up and extend trials, deploy services for your customers, and create and provision orders for your customers. For more partner resources, see the Webex Calling Sales Connect resources. (Requires partner credentials).

As a customer administrator on a trial or paid subscription to Webex Calling, you can set up your organization in the Control Hub by adding locations, licenses, phone numbers, calling features, users, and Workspaces (Room Devices that register to the Webex cloud).

Make sure that your environment supports Webex Calling by following the prerequisites and port reference material before you start specific configuration steps in the Control Hub. You can refer to the following configuration work flow diagram and the article links, in the order presented, to get your organization up and running with Webex Calling:

Configuration in Control Hub for partners and administrators

For more information on the Webex Calling offer, see Cisco Webex Calling in the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan for End Customers Data Sheet.

Webex for BroadWorks requirements

The Webex App in a VDI environment supports Webex for BroadWorks. Webex for BroadWorks is an offer that integrates BroadWorks Calling in Webex. Subscribers use a single application (the Webex App) to take advantage of features provided by both platforms.

For general information about Webex for BroadWorks, see the Webex for BroadWorks Solution Guide.

Full-featured meetings requirements

Keep these points in mind when deploying Webex App VDI for full-featured meetings:

Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) requirements


  • You must run a minimum of Expressway X12.7 for the traversal pair for MRA to work with Webex VDI. Earlier versions must be upgraded to X12.7 or later to avoid routing issues.

  • Ensure connectivity between Webex in the HVD environment, external interface, and internal interface (dual NIC deployment) of Expressway.

Dual NIC considerations

Keep these design considerations in mind when deployment Webex App VDI over MRA with an Expressway-E dual NIC deployment.

  • Static route—Verify the default gateway on the Expressway-E. Typically, this is the default gateway of the external interface IP subnet. Once you verify the Expressway default gateway configuration, you must add a Static Route to the Expressway-E for the IP subnet that is used for the HVD machines.

    The static route sends traffic out of the internal interface of the Expressway-E to the HVD subnet. This configuration is needed, because of the UDS and TFTP config queries sent from the HVD to the Expressway E internal interface. Once Unified CM responds to the request, the Expressway-E sends the response through the default gateway if the static route to the HVD subnet does not exist.

  • NAT transition—The SIP traffic from the HVD to the Expressway-E external interface needs to have the source IP changed before reaching the Expressway to avoid a routing issue. NAT addresses this problem. A NAT translation must be put in place on a network device that is the path between the HVD and Expressway-E.

DNS configuration

Internal DNS
  • For dual NIC deployments, you can specify the Expressway-E address using a FQDN that resolves to the IP address of the internal interface. With split DNS, you can optionally use the same FQDN that is available on the public DNS. If you don't use split DNS, you must use a different FQDN.

    To avoid a routing issue, the SIP traffic from the HVD to the Expressway-E external interface needs to have the source IP changed before reaching the Expressway. You must set up a NAT translation on a network device that is between the HVD and Expressway-E.

  • For single NIC with static NAT, you must specify the Expressway-E address using a FQDN that resolves to the public IP address. This setup also means that the external firewall must allow traffic from the Webex app in HVD to the external FQDN of the Expressway-E. This design is known as NAT reflection, and may not be supported by all types of firewalls.

  • The internal DNS must be configured with  _cisco-uds._tcp.<domain> SRV records so that the Webex app can discover Unified CM.

Public DNS
SRV records

The public, external DNS must be configured with _collab-edge._tls.<domain> SRV records so that endpoints can discover the Expressway-Es to use for MRA. 


In versions 43.6 and later, you can configure the Webex App to work with GeoDNS. This option improves network efficiency by enabling the App to connect to the geographically nearest Expressway-E.

If you have configured GeoDNS for your SRV records, we recommend that you edit the registry on your HVD as follows:

  1. Open the registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native.

  2. Create a new DWORD key named VDIGeoDnsEnabled.

  3. Set VDIGeoDnsEnabled to 1.

    (Set VDIGeoDnsEnabled to 0 (the default) if you want to disable GeoDNS compatibility for the Webex App on this HVD).

  4. Save the registry.

Firewall configuration

Both the internal and external firewall must allow the following outbound connections from Webex App on the HVD to Expressway-E:

  • SIP—TCP 5061

  • HTTPS—TCP 8443

The external firewall must also allow the following inbound connections from the user thin client to Expressway:

  • Media—UDP 36002–59999

Deploy Webex App VDI

Webex App VDI deployment task flow

These steps walk you through how to deploy the Webex App in your VDI environment. The steps include what you need to do on the hosted virtual desktop (HVD) environment and what users need to do on their thin clients.

Before you begin

Prepare your environment for Webex App for VDI

If you want your Webex App VDI users to have access to calling features in your organization, you must use the directions in the Prepare your environment chapter to deploy a call service (Unified CM, Webex Calling, or BroadWorks) before you deploy VDI.


Configure one of the following types of Hosted Virtual Desktop:

To prepare for your users wanting to access the Webex App remotely from thin client devices, set up the Webex App on the centralized hosted virtual desktop (HVD) environment.


Install the Webex App VDI plugin on thin client machines for the following platforms:

After Webex App is installed on your central HVD environment, you next get your users to install a Webex App VDI plugin on their thin client devices. Thin clients are typically lightweight or repurposed computers that users use to establish a remote connection with a centralized HVD server where Webex App is hosted.

The thin client plugins for supported platforms are available from the Webex App VDI release notes.


(Optional) On Linux thin clients, you must also Install Webex Meetings VDI plugin on thin client systems.

For full-featured meetings in Webex App, you must install two separate VDI plugins on Linux thin clients.

Configure hosted virtual desktop and install Webex App

To prepare for your users wanting to access the Webex App remotely from thin-client devices, set up Webex App on the centralized hosted virtual desktop (HVD) environment.

Before you begin

  • Follow all the prerequisites in Prepare your environment for Webex App for VDI.

    If you want your Webex App VDI users to have access to calling features in your organization, you must deploy a call service (Unified CM, Webex Calling, or BroadWorks) before you deploy VDI.

  • This section only covers how to install the Webex App in an existing HVD environment. See the Citrix or Vmware documentation for HVD deployment best practices.


Sign in to Microsoft Windows HVD as a new user with domain administration rights.


Join the HVD to the corporate domain.


Set up Citrix or VMware access to the HVDs.


If your organization has its own download site that includes your site-specific Webex App, go to that site and download your organization-specific version. Otherwise, for the generic version, go to Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads and download the Webex App you need:

  • Localized installer for 64-bit Windows
  • English only installer for 64-bit Windows

Using administrative permissions, install the app on the HVD using these command and arguments (these examples use a download directory of c:\users\[username]\Downloads\WebexBundle.msi (where "username" is the name of the signed in user) and the autodetect VDI switch (ENABLEVDI=2)):

  • Auto-upgrade enabled:
    • VDI client in a persistent VDI setting with autoupgrade enabledmsiexec /i c:\users\[username]\Downloads\WebexBundle.msi ALLUSERS=1 ENABLEVDI=2 AUTOUPGRADEENABLED=1

    If you use auto-upgrade, we recommend that you move your Control Hub organization to the latest version. For more information, see Upgrade Management in this guide.

  • Auto-upgrade disabled:
    • VDI client in a non-persistent VDI setting with autoupgrade disabledmsiexec /i c:\users\[username]\Downloads\WebexBundle.msi ALLUSERS=1 ENABLEVDI=2 AUTOUPGRADEENABLED=0 ROAMINGENABLED=1

See the following table for explanations of the arguments that you can use when installing Webex App in a VDI environment.


Clone the HVD image.

For more information about the best practices for cloning Microsoft Windows HVD images, see the documentation for your Citrix or VMware product.

What to do next

For information about user preferences and how to preserve them, see User preferences.

Installation arguments, explanations, and required privileges

See the following table for explanations of the arguments that you can use when installing Webex App in a VDI environment.

ArgumentNotesRequires admin install privileges

Installs Webex App in c:\program files. This is useful in a shared environment (typically non-persistent VDI).

This is a mandatory argument for installation. VDI must be installed per HVD. Per user installation is not supported yet.



A value of 0 prevents Webex App from downloading updates in a VDI environment.

Use this option if you prefer to manually maintain upgrades.

Use the versions that are linked from the Webex App VDI release notes. The argument does not affect a non-VDI environment.

A value of 1 allows automatic upgrades for Webex App on the HVD. If using this option, ensure that your organization is configured for latest version.

This argument must be accompanied by ALLUSERS=1, otherwise the AUTOUPGRADEENABLED argument is ignored.



Controls the optimized VDI solution. (Officially supported.)

1 enforces optimized VDI mode. 2 enables optimized VDI mode automatically with environment detection.



Only for the bundle installer. When installing the bundled components for Webex App, you can use this argument to lock the version of the app that is used to join meetings, if the version is compatible with the site version.


Install Microsoft's WebView2 embedded browser while installing Webex App using the INSTALLWV2 command line parameter. WebView2 is required for proper operation of Webex.

For more information on the Webex App and WebView2 requirements, see Webex App | WebView2 requirement.


If this argument is specified, then the roaming database (spark_roaming_store.db) is stored in the user's roaming directory (AppData\Roaming). Otherwise the roaming database is stored in AppData\Local.

This argument must be accompanied by ALLUSERS=1, otherwise the ROAMINGENABLED argument is ignored.

See User preferences for more information.

Installation comparison

Users may be in a Citrix environment and not have the thin client installed or the virtual channel is disconnected. We support this scenario with fallback to a non-virtual Webex App installation. In this mode, the app shows a warning that the quality of video may be affected. Once the virtual channel is connected, the app can change to VDI mode.

Use this table to understand the different installation combinations and how they affect media optimization for Unified CM, Webex Calling, and calls on Webex App.

HVD VDI argumentThin client pluginCall service-enabled UserCalls on Webex App
ENABLEVDI=0Not installedMedia is not optimizedMedia is not optimized
ENABLEVDI=0InstalledMedia is not optimizedMedia is not optimized



InstalledSupported deployment; media is optimizedSupported deployment; media is optimized



Not installedFallback to non-optimized mediaFallback to non-optimized media

* This argument does not detect the VDI environment automatically.

** This argument detects the VDI environment automatically.

User preferences

All user preferences are in the roaming database (spark_roaming_store.db). This database is much smaller than the main db (spark_persistent_store.db).

If you are a non-persistent VDI customer (a VDI environment that is deleted everytime the user logs out), you can quickly back up and restore the folder Appdata\Roaming\CiscoSpark so that VDI users won't lose preferences between sessions.

The roaming database contains all user credentials and preferences, encrypted using AES256. As a VDI customer, you should always back up the above folder, so that user credentials and preferences are maintained across VDI sessions.

To decrypt the roaming database, you should also synchronize the following folders across VDI sessions:

  • AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials

  • AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto

  • AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect

  • AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SystemCertificates

Configure Azure Virtual Desktop for the Webex App

Use these high-level steps to deploy a new Windows environment on Azure Virtual Desktop (formerly Windows Virtual Desktop). AVD is a cloud-managed VDI solution. Users access the Webex App through a virtualized Windows environment.

We do not support full-featured meetings using the Webex App on Azure Virtual Desktop.

Before you begin

  • This solution requires a Microsoft Azure subscription.

  • You must have a user account with the TenantCreator role.

  • User accounts must be synchronized into Azure Active Directory.


Walk through the deployment steps in the Azure admin portal to create the host pool, virtual machines, and related settings.

A host pool is a collection of VMs that offer a similar service. Azure indicates when the virtual environment is ready.


Use the Windows client to test if a user can access the host pool.

For specific deployment steps, see the Microsoft documentation on getting started with AVD.

Install the Webex App VDI plugin on Windows thin client systems

After you install Webex App on your central HVD environment, you must install a Webex App VDI plugin on the thin client devices.

Download the thin client plugins from the Webex App VDI release notes.

If you're unable to install the VDI plugin for your users, walk them through these steps on their thin client devices.

Before you begin

  • See Windows thin clients for a list of supported platforms for the Webex App VDI Plugin for Windows.

  • Webex App needs to be installed on your central HVD environment.


Go to Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads, and download the Webex App VDI plugin installer for Windows.


Run the msi file that you downloaded.


To open the executable file, click OK.


Read the EULA and, if you agree, click Accept and Install.


To complete the installation, click Finish.


(Optional) If you or users are manually installing the two plugins for full featured meetings, follow the steps in Install Meetings VDI plugin on thin client systems.

What to do next

For Webex App to function properly for your users, you must use the official thin client plugin. To confirm, the Health Check shows a connected status for the Virtual Channel.

Health Check showing connected status for the Virtual Channel

Install the Webex App VDI plugin on Linux thin client systems

After Webex App is installed on your central HVD environment, you next get your users to install a Webex App VDI plugin on their thin client devices. Thin clients are typically lightweight or repurposed computers that users use to establish a remote connection with a centralized HVD server where Webex App is hosted. The thin client plugins for supported platforms are linked from the Webex App VDI release notes.

Before you begin

See Linux thin clients for a list of supported platforms for the Webex App VDI Plugin for Linux.

  • HP Thin Pro

    1. Download the HP ThinPro installer ( from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

    2. You can install the Webex App for VDI .deb package from a USB memory stick, or you can use HP Device Manager.

      For more information about mass deployment, see the documentation for HP Device Manager, available from HP.

    3. Create an image for the thin clients. See the documentation for HP Device Manager, available from HP.

  • Ubuntu

    1. Download the Ubuntu installer ( from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

    2. On the thin client, install the Webex App VDI plugin; enter your password at the authentication prompt.

      When you double-click the Webex App for VDI deb package, the Ubuntu Software Center opens. After you click Install, the Ubuntu Software Center locates and installs the dependency libraries, and then installs the Webex App Client.

    3. Create an image for the thin clients.

  • Unicon eLux

    1. Download the eLux RP6 installer ( from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

    2. On the thin client, install the Webex App VDI plugin and if required, deploy Cisco AnyConnect at the same time.

    3. Use the Elias tool to create an image that contains Webex App VDI plugin. Deploy the image to the thin clients. For more information about how to create an image or how to update the thin client, see the Elias documentation available from the Unicon website.


    1. Ensure that a supported version of IGEL OS is installed on the thin client device, by creating a USB stick with the OS and booting from that stick on the device.)

    2. Use the Universal Management Suite (UMS) to update the system firmware as needed.

    3. For features, check Cisco Teams.

    4. Under the registry, enable the vdciscoteams parameter.

    5. Under Registry > vmware > view, check Cisco Teams.

    6. On the thin client, install the Webex App VDI plugin; enter your password at the authentication prompt.

    7. Create an image for the thin clients.

  • Dell ThinOS

    Specific versions of the Webex VDI plugin are supported with Dell Wyse ThinOS. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact Dell for technical support. For more information, see the Dell Wyse ThinOS documentation for your supported release; the "Supported packages" section of their release notes mentions the version of the Webex VDI plugin that's supported. See the software download page to get a copy of the OS installation package.

  • 10ZiG Zero Client Thin Clients

    Specific versions of the Webex VDI plugin are supported with 10ZiG zero client thin clients. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact 10ZiG for technical support. For more information, see the 10ZiG page for your specific thin client.

For Webex App to function properly for your users and be optimized for VDI, you must use the thin client build. To confirm, the Health Check in Webex App shows a connected status for the Virtual Channel.

Health Check showing connected status for the Virtual Channel

Install the Webex App VDI plugin on macOS thin client systems

After Webex App is installed on your central HVD environment, you next get your users to install a Webex App VDI plugin on their thin client devices. Thin clients are typically lightweight or repurposed computers that users use to establish a remote connection with a centralized HVD server where Webex App is hosted. The thin client plugins for supported platforms are linked from the Webex App VDI release notes.

Run the MacOS installer (PKG) to install the Webex VDI plugin.

Before you begin

See macOS thin clients for a list of supported platforms for the Webex App VDI plugin for macOS.


Download the Webex App plugin for your macOS thin client systems from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.


Run the CiscoWebexVDIPlugin.pkg file.


Read the EULA and, if you agree, click Continue.


Click Install, and if a prompt appears that Citrix Workspace client or VMware Horizon client must be closed first, click Close Application and Install.

You can also click Install Later if you cannot close Citrix or VMware at the time.


Click through the remaining screens to complete the installation.

What to do next

When users launch the Webex App VDI plugin for the first time, accept the following required permissions:

Access CameraUses the camera in a video call, or trying to open the camera in Settings.
Access MicrophoneUses the microphone for voice in a call.
Record ScreenUses the camera in a video call, or trying to open the camera in Settings.

For Webex App to function properly for your users, you must use the official thin client plugin from the download site. To confirm, the Health Check shows a connected status for the Virtual Channel.

Health Check showing connected status for the Virtual Channel

Install Webex Meetings VDI plugin on thin client systems

For full featured meetings with Webex App:

  • On Windows or MacOS thin clients, install the bundled (App + Meetings) plugin.

  • On Linux thin clients, install the separate Meetings VDI plugin after installing the separate App VDI plugin.

Before you begin

  • Install the bundled plugin for Windows:

    This installer includes the Webex App and Webex Meetings VDI plugins as a single package. You can find the version numbers on the download page. This bundled plugin installer is released bimonthly.

    1. Download the plugin bundle for 64-bit Windows from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

    2. Run the msi file that you downloaded.

      The bundle file installs VDI plugins for both Webex App and Webex Meetings. If you do not want to install the Meetings VDI plugin, add the command line switch MEETINGSVDI=0.

      For example, msiexec WebexVDIPlugin.msi /MEETINGSVDI=0.

      (You can repair the install if you want to add the Meetings VDI plugin later.)

    3. Read the welcome screen, that shows which plugin versions are being installed, and then click Next.

    4. Read the EULA and, if you agree, click I agree and then click Install.

    5. Click Finish.

  • Install the bundled plugin for macOS:

    This installer includes the Webex App and Webex Meetings VDI plugins as a single package. You can find the version numbers on the download page. Webex Meetings VDI as a standalone plugin is released every month, but this bundled plugin installer is release bimonthly.

    1. Download the plugin bundle for MacOS from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

    2. Run the pkg file.

    3. Read the EULA and, if you agree, click Continue.

    4. Click Install, and if a prompt appears that Citrix Workspace client or VMware Horizon client must be closed first, click Close Application and Install.

      You can also click Install Later if you cannot close Citrix or VMware at the time.

    5. Click through the remaining screens to complete the installation.

  • For Linux thin clients: Install the separate Webex App and Webex Meetings VDI plugins:

    1. Install the Webex App VDI plugin on Linux thin client systems.

    2. Download the Meetings VDI plugin from Webex Meetings VDI release notes > Downloads.

    3. Install the Meetings VDI plugin on Linux thin clients. See Administration guide for Webex Meetings Virtual desktop software.

Known issues and limitations with Webex App for VDI


For feature limitations for each release, see the Webex App VDI release notes.

Webex App and VDI client

  • For VDI mode, we only support the provided Webex App for Windows (HVD installer) and Webex App thin-client plugin versions that are posted on Webex App VDI release notes.

  • We only support IPv4 for the HVD and thin client environments.

  • When users either don't use the VDI optimized solution or are in fall back mode, HD video is disabled and Webex App shows a notification that you may see a media quality issue.

    We do not recommend that users use VDI in unoptimized or fallback mode. Their camera or headset may not work and they may experience poor media quality.

  • On the MacOS VDI client, a video feed spills into the MacOS system bar or Application menu when the HVD connection is full screen.

  • On Linux VDI clients, an incoming call does not ring all devices (including speakers on the thin client) even if that option is selected in Webex App on the HVD host. Only the audio device selected on the HVD plays the ringtone.

Unified CM calling

  • For on-premises calling only with Expressways: if there is is no NAT between the HVD and Expressway-E in a traversal pair used for MRA, Expressway treats the SIP and media signaling as internal and does not transmit the media to the thin client. To fix this, deploy a NAT between the HVD and the Expressways. That way, when HVD sends a SIP INVITE to the Expressway-E, it goes to the NAT first. Then, Expressway-E can transmit to the thin client.

  • For fallback mode, the Mode Selection registry key cannot control the media for an auto-answered Unified CM call.

  • Unified CM calling only supports screen share.


  • The multitasking feature does not work with the Webex App on VDI.

  • In non-optimization mode or fall back mode, Citrix device mapping supports a maximum of 4 devices.

  • On Citrix for Linux, we only support voicemail playback by using the default device on the thin client. So when you want to play back voicemail using your preferred audio device, you need to open the sound settings on the thin client to set the device that you want to use by default.

  • You must install Citrix Receiver/Workspace before you install the Webex App VDI client, including when you update the Receiver/Workspace environment. If either a Citrix or VMWare client are not installed, the Webex App VDI client shows an error and the installation ends.

  • For Windows, if you're running a version of Citrix Workspace that is earlier than 2002, you must reinstall (uninstall and then install again or repair) the Webex App VDI client after you uninstall and reinstall the Citrix Receiver/Workspace. If you run version 2002 or later, you don't have to uninstall and reinstall.

    For all supported versions of Citrix Workspace for Linux, you must reinstall (uninstall and then install again or repair) the Webex App VDI client after you uninstall and reinstall the Citrix Receiver/Workspace.

  • Citrix Receiver/Workspace uses 32-bit architecture. Webex App VDI works with this environment.

Azure Virtual Desktop (Formerly Windows Virtual Desktop)

  • On Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) for on-premises Unified CM calling, we currently only support the thin client working under MRA. Webex App in a WVD desktop (a cloud based remote desktop) works on MRA. If the thin client is on-premises, Unified CM calling may be blocked by some firewall settings. Webex Calling and Webex App built-in calling are not affected.

  • AVD doesn't support "Fit session to Window" in the AVD client setup.

  • For AVD deployments, you must enable the UDP connections between the internal network and the Expressway-E—port ranges from 16384–32767.


  • You must install VMware Horizon client before you install the Webex App VDI client. If either a Citrix or VMware client are not installed, the Webex App VDI client shows an error and the installation ends.

  • VMware Horizon client version 8.x (2103) is supported from the Webex VDI plugin version 41.4 onward.

    For compatibility mode: If users have the previous VDI plugin version (including only upgrading the Webex app to 41.4), video in a call may not appear correctly.

  • We do not support VMWare Horizon client on 32-bit architecture, because we discontinued the 32-bit plugin for Windows.

    The Webex App VDI client must have the same architecture as VMware Horizon client: the 64-bit VMware Horizon client works with the (64-bit) Webex App VDI client. The VMware Horizon client only has one installer and the default installation is 64-bit.

    If vdpService.dll exists in C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\x64, you have the 64-bit VMware Horizon client.

    If vdpService.dll is under C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Horizon View Client\, you have the 32-bit VMware Horizon client.

  • On VMware for Linux and Windows, we only support voicemail playback by using the default device on the thin client. So when you want to play back voicemail using your preferred audio device, you need to open the sound settings on the thin client to set the device that you want to use by default.

  • On VMware Cloud desktop for on-premises Unified CM calling, we currently only support the thin client working under MRA. Webex App in a VMware Cloud desktop (a cloud based remote desktop) works on MRA. If the thin client is on-premises, Unified CM calling may be blocked by some firewall settings. Webex Calling and Webex App built-in calling are not affected.

  • For VMware Cloud desktop deployments, you must enable the UDP connections between the internal network and the Expressway-E—port ranges from 16384–32767.

  • After you check check the camera or audio device in Connect USB Device on the VMware Horizon Client, Webex in HVD cannot detect or show those devices.

Amazon WorkSpaces

  • On the hosted virtual desktop, please follow instructions here to enable extensions for WSP by GPO.
  • In case "No VDI environment is detected" was reported in Health Checker of Webex App after new installing manually by command line, please try to sign out/sign in hosted Windows desktop first.


  • In Citrix and Windows Virtual Desktop vGPU environments, Webex App is not detected as working in a VDI environment.

    We recommend you install the Webex App with the ENABLEVDI=1 argument, to enforce VDI optimization.

  • We support one Webex App VDI client working together with one instance of Webex App. Users can start multiple Citrix or VMware sessions, but only one connection instance works and the other instances fall back to non-VDI mode.

  • Webex App VDI detects Citrix at first and then VMware in the HVD environment. If you want to use VMware, make sure no Citrix Agent is installed.

Manage Webex App for VDI

Upgrade management

Webex App upgrades on the virtual desktop

For VDI environments, a new release of the Webex App comes out every two months. You can get the latest and supported versions from Webex App VDI release notes > Downloads.

We recommend that you enable automatic upgrades for the Webex App on the virtual desktop. This option ensures that users automatically get the latest features. Another option is to manually upgrade when the new release is available.

You have two options to enable automatic upgrade of the Webex App on the virtual desktop:

  • Enable it during initial installation from the command line (see Configure hosted virtual desktop for Webex App in the deployment chapter of this book).

  • Edit a Windows registry key on the virtual desktop:

    In the registry entry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native, set AutoUpgradeEnabled=1.

    If you want to manually upgrade the Webex App, set AutoUpgradeEnabled=0.

  • VDI users of Webex App do not receive monthly updates, because monthly thick client releases are not pushed to hosted virtual desktops.

    VDI users are prompted to upgrade when the virtual desktop version of Webex App becomes available (released once every two months).

  • The upgrade package is stored in %appdata%\Local\CiscoSparkLauncher. If this folder is non-persistent in user's environment, Webex App rolls back to the previous version after rebooting the virtual desktop.

  • The Webex App on your HVD is backwards compatible with the Webex App VDI plugins (N-4) on your users' thin clients. Keep in mind that the latest features and functionality may not work if you or your users are not using the latest HVD version and VDI plugin. See Version Support in the Release Notes for more information.

  • Automatic upgrade of Webex App is applied for Slow Channel since 44.10.

Thin client upgrades

The Webex App VDI plugin is released once every two months.

We recommend that you enable automatic upgrades for the plugins. To enable automatic upgrades for the VDI plugin, you must edit a Windows registry key on the virtual desktop:

  • In the registry entry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native, set AutoUpgradeVDIPluginEnabled=1.

  • In the same path, check that AutoUpgradeEnabled=1.

If you want to prevent automatic upgrade of the plugin, set AutoUpgradeVDIPluginEnabled=0 on the virtual desktop. If you choose this option, you must manually upgrade the plugins to maintain version compatibility with the app.

  • Automatic upgrade of the plugins is only available with Webex App 42.2 and later.

  • Automatic upgrade of the plugin is supported on Windows and MacOS thin clients. The plugin does not automatically upgrade on Linux thin clients.

  • Users are prompted to upgrade the plugin after the Webex App has upgraded on the virtual desktop.

  • We recommend that you keep the plugin and the virtual desktop Webex App on the latest version. There is some backwards compatibility if you can't upgrade them together. See Version support in the Release notes for more information.

  • Automatic upgrade of the plugins is also applied for Slow Channel.

Citrix or VMware upgrades

Keep this information in mind as you manage upgrades or changes to your Citrix or VMware connection brokers. Be sure to use the supported versions that are listed in the Prepare Your Environment chapter.


Install or upgrade

Windows and Mac thin clients

Linux thin clients

New install

Install Citrix Receiver or Workspace before you install the Webex App VDI plugin on a Windows or Mac thin client. You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connection broker first.

Install Citrix Receiver or Workspace before you install the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux thin client. You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connection broker first.


If you see an upgrade notice in the Citrix environment, performing this upgrade does not affect the Webex App VDI plugin on a Windows or Mac thin client.

If you see an upgrade notice in the Citrix environment, you must reinstall the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux thin client after upgrading your Citrix environment.


  • For Citrix Workspace earlier than 1912 LTSR or 2002, you must reinstall or repair the Webex App VDI plugin.

  • For a reinstall of 1912 LTSR or 2002 and later, the VDI plugin works and is not affected.

For reinstallation of any supported Citrix Workspace version, you must reinstall the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux thin client.


Install or upgrade

Windows thin client

Linux and Mac thin clients

New install

Install the VMware Horizon client before you install the Webex App VDI plugin on a Windows thin client. You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connector broker first.

Install the VMware Horizon client before you install the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux or Mac thin client. You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connector broker first.


If you see an upgrade notice in the VMware environment, performing this upgrade does not affect the Webex App VDI plugin on a Windows thin client.

If you see an upgrade notice in the VMware environment, you must reinstall the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux or Mac thin client after upgrading your Citrix environment.


For a VMware reinstallation, the Windows VDI plugin works and is not affected.

For a VMware reinstallation, you must reinstall the Webex App plugin on a Linux or Mac thin client.

Disable VDI detection after installation

If you have users that don't want to use the VDI client and Webex App is already deployed, you can disable VDI detection after installation. After this configuration, Webex App runs on the non-optimized solution.


Open one of the following installation paths, depending on how you deployed Webex App in your HVD:

  • c:\Program Files\Cisco Spark (if Webex App was installed with the ALLUSER parameter)
  • %localappdata%\Programs\Cisco Spark (if Webex App was installed per user)

Rename TSDetectionLib.dll to TSDetectionLib_b.dll to preserve the file as a backup.

What to do next

If you uninstall Webex App later, the TSDetectionLib_b.dll remains in the folder. You must either rename the file back to TSDetectionLib.dll before you uninstall Webex App or delete the TSDetectionLib_b.dll manually after you uninstall Webex App.

Enable or disable advanced video features in Webex App VDI fallback mode

By modifying the registry, you can enable or disable specific Webex App features such as high definition (HD) and screen sharing. Doing so can save resources on the server in the data center. You can also decide whether users can do full or HVD window only screen share. If your users are on systems that are capable of more advanced video features, you can enable the features as needed.

Before you begin

  • You can modify the registry keys before or after the VDI plugin is installed.

    Changes to the Windows registry should be done with extreme caution. We recommend that you make a backup of your registry before using these steps.

  • Virtual backgrounds are disabled by default.


In Windows search or the Run window, type regedit and then press Enter


Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cisco Spark Native\.


Change values for the following registry keys as needed:


Choose a DWORD value for VDIFallBackConf:

  • 0—Advanced video features are disabled. (Default)
  • 1—Advanced video features are enabled. Users will be in full mode, which is the same as Webex App for Windows (audio, video, screen share and advanced video features).
  • 2—Video and screen sharing are disabled. Users are able to do audio only calls.
  • 3—Video is disabled. Users are able to do audio calls with sharing capability.
  • 4—Screen or application share only is enabled. Users cannot make audio or video calls and are in messaging only mode.

This registry key only works when enablevdi=1 during installation and the VDI plugin is not installed. In fallback mode, datacenter load increases, so to prevent overload, media is not used.


Choose a DWORD value for VDIBackgroundEnabled:

  • 0—Disables virtual backgrounds when Webex App is in optimized VDI mode. (Default)
  • 1—Enables virtual backgrounds when Webex App is in optimized VDI mode.

Choose a DWORD value for VDIScreenShareEnabled:

  • 0—Disables full screen sharing when Webex App is in optimized VDI mode.

    On Windows thin clients, users can only share the HVD window view in published or shared desktop.

    From Webex release 42.8, Linux thin clients can only share the HVD window during a "Call on Webex" call or when using "messaging only sharing".

  • 1—Enables full screen sharing when Webex App is in optimized VDI mode. (Default)

Configure VDI plugin notification

By default, users are notified if their Citrix or VMware client is connecting to an HVD without the VDI plugin. A notice appears to let them know to install the VDI plugin so that optimized VDI mode is enabled. Users can dismiss the reminder if they want.

Also, if the version of Webex App VDI plugin is not compatible with Webex App on HVD, a popup notifies users to upgrade the Webex App VDI plugin. The reminder appears weekly until users take action. Users can also dismiss this notification.

As an administrator, you can enable or disable these notifications at the organization-wide level.

Before you begin

You can modify the registry keys before or after the VDI plugin is installed.

Changes to the Windows registry should be done with extreme caution. We recommend that you make a backup of your registry before using these steps.


In Windows search or the Run window, type regedit and then press Enter


Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cisco Spark Native\.


Choose a DWORD (32-bit) reg key value for VDIPluginNotificationEnabled:

  • 1—Enables the VDI plugin notification for users. (Default)
  • 0—Disables the VDI plugin notification for users.

Disable VDI version compatibility check

By default, Webex App on the HVD checks for version compatibility with the Webex VDI plugin on the thin client. The plugin version should not be more than 4 bi-monthly releases behind the Webex App. For example, if Webex App on the HVD is version 43.8 (August 2023), then the following plugin versions are compatible:

  • 43.8 (N) August 2023

  • 43.6 (N-1) June 2023

  • 43.4 (N-2) April 2023

  • 43.2 (N-3) February 2023

  • 42.12 (N-4) December 2022

This compatibility gives you up to 6 months to upgrade your thin client plugins, after you upgrade your hosted virtual desktops.

If the Webex VDI plugin is not compatible with Webex App on the HVD, then the Webex App goes into fall-back mode. Users see a popup notification to upgrade the plugin. The reminder appears weekly until users take action.

You can use the registry on the HVD to control the version compatibility check:

We recommend that you back up your registry before using these steps.

  1. In the Windows Run window, type regedit and then press Enter.

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cisco Spark Native\.

  3. Create a DWORD (32-bit) registry key named VDIDisableCompatibilityVersionCheck and give it one of these values:

    0—Enables the version compatibility check (default).

    1—Disables the version compatibility check.

Ringers and alerts setting not working for all devices

On Linux VDI clients, the ringtone for an incoming call does not ring all devices (including speakers on the thin client) even if that option is selected in Webex App on the HVD host. Only the audio device selected on the HVD plays the ringtone.

This issue may arise because of the audio device mapping on Citrix or VMware.

Check the registry key VDIDisablePlaytoneOnLinuxTCEnabled on your HVD environment. If a Linux thin client user is observing this ringback tone issue, set the value of this key to 1.

Diagnostics in the Webex App

The diagnostics available in the Webex App (desktop and VDI) help you and your users resolve connection issues, check media quality, and collect important troubleshooting information.

Diagnostics in the Webex App
Diagnostics in the Webex App

When you set up Calling in Webex App (Unified CM), you may encounter issues related to the connection or required settings (such as voice domain and UC services). Using this tool, you can diagnose what services are configured correctly and what is missing. This feature is useful for troubleshooting scenarios and reducing support cases, whether you're migrating to Calling in Webex App (Unified CM) or setting up new users.

When user experience issues, they can access the diagnostics view and export the data to share with you or support.

  • Unified CM Settings—Critical settings (for Jabber migration as well as new user setup) for phone services to work correctly, such as:

    • Unified CM version

    • UC service domain

    • SSO

    • UC services such as voicemail

    • Expressway for MRA

  • Media quality—Quality for video, audio, and sharing in both directions

  • Devices—Device information, when users are connected to devices

For shortcut keys to show the diagnostics window, see Keyboard and navigation shortcuts.

Browser content redirection

Browser content redirection (BCR) is an optimization of the VDI environment that reduces the load on the virtual desktop machine.

When BCR is enabled on the virtual desktop, the Webex App cannot share the browser content by remote screen share, application share, or screen portion share.

Webex users can use local screen sharing to share their browser.

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