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Error: 'Auto account creation failed 31'

For site admins to troubleshoot Auto account creation failed errors.

Users may encounter an error message stating Auto account creation failed 31 when creating a new Single Sign-On (SSO) account on a Webex site. The error message may appear as Error: 'Auto account creation failed 31.'


To resolve the "Auto Account Creation Failed 31" error:

  1. If your SAML assertion includes the 'Member Status' attribute, remove it from your assertion.
Account has never worked:
  1. Log in to your Control Hub.
  2. Navigate to the Users section to make sure host accounts are available.
  3. Check for the pending account approvals.
  4. Confirm all required fields are included when using APIs to create user accounts:
    1. Log in to your Control Hub.
    2. Navigate to Users > Manage Users > Add User.
    3. Ensure all fields marked with asterisks (*) are provided during account creation.
Account has previously worked:
  1. Log in to your Control Hub.
  2. Navigate to Users > Manage Users > Add User.
  3. Uncheck the Show active accounts only box.
  4. Search for the host using the User name or Email field.
  5. If the account is inactive, you can activate it by checking the box in the Active column and clicking Submit.
If the problem continues after these steps, contact Technical Support for further assistance.

Note: Attributes such as 'uid' and 'updatetimestamp' are not required for auto account creation.


The error can occur due to several reasons:
  • The site lacks a partner ID.
  • An existing account for the host is either deactivated or pending approval.
  • Mandatory fields are missing in the SAML response during the account creation process. The required fields include:
    • User Name
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
  • There are no available host licenses on the Webex site.
  • The Member Status attribute is included in the SAML response, which is not necessary. 

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