Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome Crashes Unexpectedly Without Error While Attempting to Join a Cisco Webex Meetings

Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome crashes unexpectedly without error while attempting to join a Cisco Webex Meetings.

Firefox crashes when I try to join a meeting.

Chrome crashes when I try to join a meeting.

I'm having problems joining or starting a meeting using Firefox.

I'm having problems joining or starting a meeting using Google Chrome.


One of the reasons for this issue to occur is due to a corrupted Java installation.

To try to resolve the issue, verify you are running the latest version of Java, and update your system as necessary.

If you need help with installing Java, please follow the instructions on

Also note that the process to start or join meetings has changed in previous versions of Firefox and Chrome. For more information, see:

If the issue is still not resolved, contact Cisco Webex Technical Support. For help, see: WBX162 - How Do I Contact Webex Customer Services or Technical Support?

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