
Intent is a core component of the Webex AI Agent Studio platform that enables the AI agent to understand and respond to your input effectively. It represents a specific task or action that you want to accomplish during a conversation. You can define all intents that correspond to the tasks you want to perform. The accuracy of intent classification directly impacts the AI agent's ability to provide relevant and helpful responses. Intent classification is the process of identifying intent based on your input, allowing the AI agent to respond in a meaningful and contextually relevant manner. For details on how to create intents, see Create an intent.

System intents

  • Default Fallback Intent—An AI agent's capabilities are inherently limited by the intents that are designed to recognize and respond to. While an enterprise can't anticipate every possible question you might ask, the default fallback intent can help conversations to be on track.

    By implementing a default fallback intent, AI agent developers can ensure that the AI agent gracefully handles unexpected or out of scope queries, redirecting the conversation back to known intents.

    AI agent developers need not add specific utterances to the fallback intent. The agent can be trained to automatically trigger the fallback intent when it encounters known out of scope questions that might otherwise be incorrectly categorized into other intents.

    For example, in a banking AI agent, customers might attempt to inquire about loans. If the AI agent is not configured to handle loan-related inquiries, these queries can be incorporated as training phrases within the default fallback intent. When a customer queries about loans at any point in the conversation, the AI agent recognizes the query as falling outside of its defined intents and triggers the fallback response. This ensures a more appropriate response.

    The fallback intent:

    • shouldn’t have any slots associated with it.
    • must use the default fallback template key for its response.

  • Help—This intent is designed to address customer inquiries about the AI agent's capabilities. When customers are unsure of what they can accomplish or encounter difficulties during a conversation, they often seek assistance by asking for help.

    By default, the response for the help intent is mapped to the Help message template key. However, AI agent developers can customize the response or change the associated template key to provide more tailored and informative guidance.

    It’s recommended to convey the AI agent's capabilities at a high level, providing customers with a clear understanding of what they can do next.

  • Talk to an agent—This intent enables customers to request assistance from a human agent at any stage of their interaction with the AI agent. When this intent is invoked, the system automatically initiates a transfer to a human agent. The default response template for this intent is agent handover. While there are no UI restrictions on changing the response template key, altering it won’t affect the outcome of the human handover.

Small talk intents

All newly created AI agents include four predefined small talk intents to handle common customer greetings, expressions of gratitude, negative feedback, and farewells:

  • Greetings
  • Thank you
  • The AI agent wasn’t helpful
  • Goodbye
These intents and their corresponding responses are available by default in every AI agent. However, you can customize or delete them to align with your specific use case and the desired conversational flow.


Entities are the building blocks of conversations. They are essential elements that the AI agent extracts from user utterances. Entities represent specific pieces of information, such as product names, dates, quantities, or any other significant group of words. By effectively identifying and extracting entities, the AI agent can better understand user intent and provide more accurate and relevant responses. For details on how to create an entity, see Create an entity.

Entity types

Webex AI Agent Studio offers 11 prebuilt entity types to capture various types of user data. You can also create any of the following custom entities.

Custom Entities

These entities are configurable and allow developers to capture use-case specific information.

  • Custom list—Define lists of expected strings to capture specific data points not covered by prebuilt entities. You can add multiple synonyms against each string. For example, a custom pizza size entity.

  • Regex—Use regular expressions to identify specific patterns and extract corresponding data. For example, a phone number regex, as in 123-123-8789

  • Digits—Capture fixed-length numerical inputs with high accuracy, especially in voice interactions. We use this as an alternative to Custom and Regex entity types in nonvoice interactions. For example, define a length of five to detect a five-digit account number.

  • Alphanumeric—Capture combinations of letters and numbers, providing accurate recognition for both voice and nonvoice inputs.

  • Free form—Capture flexible data points that are difficult to define or validate.

  • Map location (WhatsApp)—Extract location data shared by you on the WhatsApp channel.

System Entities

Entity nameDescriptionExample inputExample output
DateParses dates in natural language to a standard date format“july next year”01/07/2020
TimeParses time in natural language to a standard time format5 in the evening17:00
EmailDetects email addresseswrite to me at
Phone numberDetects common phone numbercall me at 98765432109876543210
Monetary unitsParses currency and amountI want 20$20$
OrdinalDetects ordinal numberFourth of ten people4th
CardinalDetects cardinal numberFourth of ten people10
GeolocationDetects geographic locations (cities, countries etc.)I went swimming in the Thames in London UKLondon, UK
Person namesDetects common namesBill Gates of MicrosoftBill Gates
QuantityIdentifies measurements, as of weight or distanceWe’re 5km away from Paris5km
DurationIdentifies time periods1 week of vacation1 week

You can edit created entities from the entities tab. Linking entities to an intent annotates your utterances with detected entities as you add them.

Entity roles

Entity roles are crucial when you need to collect the same entity multiple times within a single intent. By assigning distinct roles to the same entity, you can help the AI agent understand and process user input more accurately.

For example, to book a flight with a layover, you can create an Airport entity with three roles: origin,destination, and layover. By annotating training utterances with these roles, the AI Agent can learn expected patterns and seamlessly handle complex booking requests.

Only Mindmeld (custom and system entities) and Rasa (custom entities only) support entity roles. Administrators must select the Entity roles check box under the advanced settings of the NLU engine selector dialog box to enable entity roles.

Administrators can’t switch from RASA or Mindmeld to Swiftmatch when entity roles are in use. Remove roles from intents to disable entity roles from advanced AI engine settings.


Responses are the messages that your AI Agent sends to customers in response to their queries or intents. You can create responses that include:

  • Text—Plain text messages for direct communication.
  • Code—Embedded code for dynamic content or actions.
  • Multimedia—Images, audio, or video elements to enhance the user experience.

For details on how to create responses, see Create a response.

System responses

The following pre-configured system responses are available for the scripted AI agent. You can customize the messages for the default system responses. However, you cannot delete these responses.

  • Welcome message

  • Response suggestion

  • Partial message

  • Fallback message

  • Entity suggestion

  • Agent handover

Small-talk responses

You can customize and delete the following small-talk responses:

  • Goodbye

  • Greetings

  • Help message

  • Not helpful

  • Thank you

The supported channels for which you can configure the responses are Web chat (default), Apple Messages for Business, Messenger, RCS, SMS, Voice, WhatsApp.

Supported response types for channels 

The following table outlines the supported response types for different channels and their configuration details: 

Response typeDescription

Supported channels

Text (Default)  Simple text replies allow multiple text boxes in one response. This setup breaks lengthy messages into manageable parts. You can add multiple response options to your responses, and the system will randomly choose one to display, ensuring dynamic interactions.  All 
Carousel  Rich responses consist of a single card, or multiple cards displayed in a carousel format.  Messenger 

Quick Reply 

A pre-defined response that the AI agents use to respond to customer queries swiftly.  SMS, Messenger, Apple Messages for Business, RCS 
Reply Button 

Offers quick responses from a limited set of options, such as choosing a product to return.

Each message is comprised of: 

  • Header – an optional field that can be 20 characters of text, image, video, or a document. 

  • Body – a mandatory text field that can contain up to 1024 characters. 

  • Footer – an optional text field allowing up to 60 characters. 

  • Buttons – maximum of 3 text buttons with a 20-character limit. 

List Message 

Presents multiple options for easy user selection, suitable for various uses like take-out menus or product catalogs. To set up a list message, fill in the 'configuration' and 'list sections' tabs. The 'configuration' screen shows the message content users will see on their devices. 

Each message is comprised of: 

  • Header – an optional text field with a maximum of 60 characters. 

  • Body – a mandatory text field that can contain up to 1024 characters. 

  • Footer – an optional text field allowing up to 60 characters. 

  • List title – a button field with maximum of 20 characters. 

List section consist of

  • Section titles – optional text field used for categorizing several rows. Max 24 characters. 

  • Row title – mandatory text field that is sent as a selection choice accompanied by a radio button. Max 24 characters.

  • Row description – optional text field that provides additional context for row items. Max 72 characters. 

Configuring a list message on the platform will require an additional field: 

Row ID – unique identifier for each row that will help you identify the users’ choice. 

Image  A multimedia response type where you can configure images by providing URLs.  Messenger, WhatsApp 
Audio  Renders audio file by providing the audio URL. It also shows the duration of the audio message in the output.  WhatsApp, Webchat. 
Video  Renders videos in the preview based on the configured video URL.  WhatsApp. 

Shows/plays the file type based on the configured File URL. 


Used to write Python code for calling APIs or executing other logic. 

Custom event   Provides a control over a conversation while interacting with the scripted AI agent. 


Numbered list 

Quick reply in WhatsApp is defined as Numbered list. When users pick a number from the list of items, the payload configured against the item is received. 


Time picker  The time picker response type lets you set up time slots for booking appointments or meetings. Each section needs a title, timezone, and multiple slots. Once set up for an intent, the AI agent sends these time slots to users for them to choose from.  Apple Messages for Business 
List picker 

With the list picker, the AI agent shares a list of items with a customer based on the query. This allows the customer to select the items from the given options and reply with the 

selection. If the customer query matches partially, the AI agent responds with the intents that are close to the customer query as options.  

The partial match responses are rendered only for the List Picker option in the Apple Messages for Business channel. 

Apple Messages for Business 


Business Forms Messages let you create complex, multi-page interactive experiences for iOS and iPadOS using a single JSON file. 

This feature helps businesses collect detailed customer data through an easy-to-use interface within Apple Messaging. It allows for various interactions without users having to leave the chat. 

Apple Messages for Business 
Rich Link  The Rich link URL is embedded in the image or a video that is in a chat bubble. When you click this bubble, the customer is redirected to the website specified in the image or video.  Apple Messages for Business 
Media  This template supports attachments that are in various formats such as jpeg, mp3, mp4, png, pdf and aac. 

Apple Messages for Business 

Response designer

The response designer offers a user-friendly interface for creating responses without requiring extensive coding knowledge. Two response types are available:

  • Conditional responses: For nondevelopers, this option allows for easy construction of responses that the AI agent delivers to customers.
  • Code interpreter: For developers using Python, this option provides flexibility for configuring responses using code. This approach enables you to create all types of responses, including quick replies, text, carousels, images, audio, video, and files.

    Code snippet validation—The platform only checks for syntax errors within the code snippet you're configuring. However, any errors in the response content itself can cause issues for users interacting with the AI agent on the configured channel.

The response designer is designed to ensure that the user experience caters to the specific channel the AI agent is interacting with.

Response types

  • Text—Simple text replies allow multiple text boxes in one response. This setup breaks lengthy messages into manageable parts. You can add multiple response options to your templates, and the system will randomly choose one to display, ensuring dynamic interactions.
  • Carousel—Rich responses consist of a single card or multiple cards displayed in a carousel format.
  • Quick Reply—A pre-defined response that the AI agents use to respond to customer queries swiftly.
  • Reply Button—Offers quick responses from a limited set of options, such as choosing a product to return. Each message is comprised of:
    • Header – an optional field that can be 20 characters of text, image, video, or a document.

    • Body – a mandatory text field that can contain up to 1024 characters.

    • Footer – an optional text field allowing up to 60 characters.

    • Buttons – maximum of 3 text buttons with a 20-character limit

  • List Message—Presents multiple options for easy user selection, suitable for various uses like take-out menus or product catalogs. To set up a list message, fill in the 'configuration' and 'list sections' tabs. The 'configuration' screen shows the message content users will see on their devices. Each message consists of:
    • Header – an optional text field with a maximum of 60 characters.

    • Body – a mandatory text field that can contain up to 1024 characters.

    • Footer – an optional text field allowing up to 60 characters.

    • Buttons –a button field with maximum of 20 characters.

    List section consist of

    • Section name – optional text field used for categorizing several rows. Max 24 characters.

    • Row title – mandatory text field that is sent as a selection choice accompanied by a radio button. Max 24 characters.

    • Row ID – unique identifier for each row that will help you identify the users’ choice.

    • Row description – optional text field that provides additional context for row items. Max 72 characters.

  • Image—A multimedia template where you can configure images by providing URLs.

  • Audio—Renders audio file by providing the audio URL. It also shows the duration of the audio message in the output.
  • Video—Renders videos in the preview based on the configured video URL.
  • File—Shows/plays the file type based on the configured File URL.
  • Code—Used to write Python code for calling APIs or executing other logic.