Gestionați parcarea apelurilor în Control Hub
Serviciul de parcare a apelurilor permite unui utilizator să parcheze un apel împotriva extensiei unui utilizator sau la o extensie de parcare a apelurilor. În timp ce apelul este parcat, utilizatorul poate efectua și primi alte apeluri în mod liber și poate invoca alte funcții fără limitare.
The call park service supports two types of call park.
Call Park Direct—Allows users to park a call against a specific user's extension or call park extension.
Call Park Group—Allows a defined group of users known as members to automatically park calls against available park destinations configured in a call park group. Park destinations can be either member's extensions or call park extensions.
Call Park Direct
To park a call to a user or call park extension, the parking user puts the active call on hold and initiates a new call to the feature access code (FAC) *68 + (destination user’s extension) or (destination call park extension). The call remains parked until retrieved or a call park recall occurs.
To park a call using a call park extension being monitored by a user’s Cisco phone, the user presses the line key associated with the free call park extension.
Grup parcare apeluri
To park a call to a group, the parking user puts an active call on hold and initiates a new call to the feature access code (FAC) #58. The call park group service automatically hunts for the first available call park destination of the call park group to park the call against. The call park group feature always starts at the first assigned call park destination. When a destination is available, and the call is parked against that destination, the caller parking the call receives an announcement with the extension the call is parked against. The parking user may then announce or page that a call has been parked against an extension for retrieval.
Call park retrieve and recall user settings
The following operations apply to both call park direct and call park group.
To retrieve the parked call, any user within the organization can dial *88 + (extension of parked call).
To retrieve a call from a monitored call park extension, the user presses the line key associated with the call park extension holding the parked call.
În cazul în care apelul parcat nu este preluat în timpul de rechemare furnizat, apelul parcat este preluat și prezentat utilizatorului care a parcat inițial apelul sau unui utilizator alternativ de rechemare.
Call Park Direct—These settings are at the Locations level and are under
Call Park Group—These settings are at the Call Park Group level and are under
If the parking user’s line appears on other phones as shared or monitored, these phones also will be notified of the reverted calls, as shown in the Receptionist Client.
The Ring Pattern, Recall Timer, and Alert Hunt Group Wait Time values apply to both Call Park Direct and Call Park Group. These settings are at the Locations level and are under
Puteți adăuga manual până la 100 de extensii de parc de apeluri pentru fiecare locație.
1 |
Din vizualizarea clientului în, accesați |
2 |
Go to the Call Park Extension card and click on Add New. |
3 |
Choose the location where you want to add a call park extension. |
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Introduceți un nume de extensie a parcului de apeluri și un număr de extensie. |
5 |
Selectați Salvare. |
1 |
Din vizualizarea clientului în, accesați |
2 |
Go to the Call Park Extension card and click on Manage and select Bulk manage. |
3 |
Descărcați șablonul CSV și introduceți informațiile necesare. Puteți adăuga până la 1000 de extensii de parc de apeluri la un moment dat. Fiecare locație poate avea până la 100 de extensii de parc de apeluri. |
4 |
Click Import CSV File, select the CSV file and click Submit. Puteți vedea starea importului CSV pe pagina Activități. |
Înainte de a începe
Configurați sau modificați configurația parcului de apeluri în timpul orelor de vârf în afara orelor de vârf pentru a evita orice întrerupere a serviciului.
1 |
Din vizualizarea clientului în, accesați |
2 |
Go to the Call Park Group card and click on Add New. Select a location in the pop up window. |
3 |
On the Location and Name page, enter a name for the call park group. Faceți clic pe Următorul. |
4 |
On the Members page, search and add available members by name, phone number, or extension. Here, members define who can park the call. Faceți clic pe Înainte. Virtual line numbers can also be added as a member of call park group. You can make changes to the existing entries. Click the to remove members. |
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On the Park Destinations page, the Use members as park destinations is disabled by default. You can search for and add call park extensions where the group parks the calls. Faceți clic pe Înainte. Only call park extensions can be added to the destination list. You can make changes to the existing entries. Click the to remove park destinations. |
6 |
Pe pagina Setări rechemare, selectați opțiunea preferată Rechemare la din meniul vertical. Destinația de rechemare este utilizatorul sau grupul la care va fi direcționat apelul dacă apelul nu este preluat. Acestea sunt următoarele opțiuni:
Dacă selectați un grup de vânătoare pe care să-l rechemați, definiți grupul de vânătoare. |
7 |
Revizuiți setările, apoi faceți clic pe Creare. |
Ce este de făcut în continuare
You can also view the newly created call park group.
Click the Call Park Name from the list to display a side panel. You can edit any specific entry.
From the Park Destinations, you can select the Use members as park destinations check box. This removes all the call park extensions from the destination list.
Click Yes, continue to proceed. The destination list with the call park extension(s) is removed.
Click No, Cancel to cancel and exit from the window.
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From the customer view in, go to , and then select the location you want to update. |
2 |
Go to the Call Park Extension card and click on Manage and select Bulk manage. |
3 |
Select the Calling tab, and then click Call Park Settings in the Calling Features Settings section. |
4 |
Modificați următoarele setări:
5 |
Faceți clic pe Salvați. |
You can add and manage call park groups in bulk using a call park CSV. For more information, see Webex Calling call park CSV file format reference.