
This flow distributes incoming calls based on a percentage-based allocation. Specifically, 90% of contacts are routed to the main queue, 0% to overflow support (inactive), and 10% to an offsite queue. After allocation, callers are played a message indicating their queue assignment, followed by music on hold until an agent is available. You can modify the flow to suit your organization’s needs.

This flow uses Cisco Text-to-Speech (TTS) for any audio prompts. For music, it defaults to the built-in file (defaultmusic_on_hold.wav), for music on hold.


Ensure that the following requirements are met in the Webex Contact Center Management Portal before implementing this flow:

  • Create entry points, queues, teams, and entry point mappings.
  • Upload static audio files if custom audio prompts are used instead of Cisco Text-to-Speech (TTS).

For detailed steps, see Webex Contact Center setup and administration guide.

Flow breakdown

The following table describes the various flow elements involved in the call process, detailing the actions and responses that occur during each stage.

Flow element


Call receipt

The call enters the flow at the NewPhoneContact point.

Percentage allocation

90% of calls are routed to the Main Queue.

10% of calls are routed to the Offsite Queue.

Play queue message

After the percentage allocation, the caller hears a message indicating their allocation path.

Queue contact

The caller is placed in the assigned queue.

Hold music

While waiting in the queue, callers hear hold music.

Agent assignment

Calls are routed to the available agent in their assigned queue.

Flow activities

The following table describes the sequence of flow activities.

Flow activity



This is the starting point when a new phone contact is received.


Allocates the incoming contact based on the percentage distribution:

  • 90% directed to the Main Queue.
  • 10% directed to the Offsite Queue.


Captures the percentage allocated (90%, 10%) into a variable called PercentageAllocated.


Captures the exit path (Main Queue or Offsite) the call took into a variable called PercentageExitPath.


Plays a message using Cisco TTS informing the caller of their allocation, such as: You’ve reached 90% allocation! Branch 1 Main Queue.


Queues the contact based on the allocated path (Main Queue or Offsite).


Plays hold music (defaultmusic_on_hold.wav) while the caller waits in the queue.

Additional resources

For more information, see Webex Contact Center setup and administration guide.