Answer a call for your hunt group

Hunt groups allow organizations that receive many incoming calls to share the call load. Your administrator sets up a hunt group with a series of directory numbers. Phones ring based on the hunt sequence that your administrator specifies for a hunt group. If you are a member of a hunt group, you can sign in to a hunt group when you want to receive calls. Sign out of the group when you aren't available to answer hunt group calls on your phone.

Depending on how hunt groups are configured, you may see the following information displayed on your phone screen:

  • Caller ID (If configured)
  • The line that receives the hunt group call
  • The directory number of the hunt group
  • The hunt group pilot number

Before you begin

You must sign in to the hunt group to receive hunt group calls.

When a hunt group call rings on your phone, select Answer.

You can't decline the hunt group call. If you want to silence the ringer, select Ignore.

Sign in and out of a hunt group

Sign into your hunt group to receive calls to the hunt group.

When you are not available to take calls, sign out of your hunt group to stop receiving calls from it. You can still receive calls placed directly to you.

The hunt group setting applies to all lines.

Before you begin

Your administrator has configured your hunt group.

Do one of the following actions that is applicable to your phone settings:

  • Tap Hunt group in hunt group icon to sign into the hunt group.

    Tap Hunt group out hunt group icon to sign out of the hunt group.

  • Tap the Hunt group toggle to sign in or out of the hunt group.

    After you sign in the hunt group, the toggle shows as privacy toggle on icon together with All lines status information.

    After you sign out of the hunt group, the toggle shows as toggle off.

View the call queue in a hunt group

You can use the queue statistics to check the status of the hunt group queue. The queue status display provides the following information:

  • The phone number used by the hunt group
  • Number of queued callers on each hunt group queue
  • Longest waiting time

Tap Queue status queue status icon.


Tap Update to refresh the statistics.


Tap back button to exit the screen.