Unified Call History

When Unified Call History is enabled, BroadWorks call events get synced to the Webex cloud and become part of the Webex Unified Call and Meetings History that displays on the Webex App. Users can view their own detailed Call history and Meeting history from the Webex App.

Unified Call History can be enabled by partner-level administrators in Partner Hub on a cluster-by-cluster basis. When this feature is turned on, the BroadWorks deployment syncs the following call events to the Webex cloud:

  • Call History events—these events get used to build a detailed Unified Call History

  • Hook Status events—Unified Call History includes hook status optimizations that decrease the amount of network bandwidth for Telephony Presence updates

Unified Call History Requirements

Before you can configure Unified Call History, make sure that you have patched your system. This feature is dependent on the following BroadWorks patches being installed:

For R22:

For R23:

For R24:

For the full list of BroadWorks patches that you must install as a prerequisite to running Webex for Cisco BroadWorks, See BroadWorks Software Requirements in the Reference section.

In addition to patching your system, the client config file (config-wxt.xml) must have the following tag set: <call-history enable-unified-history=”%ENABLE_UNIFIED_CALL_HISTORY_WXT%”/>

To have Hunt Group, Call Center and other redirection info in Unified Call History, the following Broadworks patches must be installed and active:

For R23:

  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap383346

  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap383994

For R24:

  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap383346

  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap383994

To have Executive-Assistant info in Unified Call History, the following Broadworks patches must be installed and active:

For R24:

  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap380052

  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap384239

  • ADP running Xsi-Events-24_2022.06 or later

In addition to the Broadworks patches, Directory Sync must also be enabled for the Executive-Assistant Unified Call History.

When you enable Call History or DND Sync, Webex will send CTI subscription refresh requests for all users under the cluster. Depending on the number of users, this may last up to a few hours. It is recommended to not perform any Broadworks maintenance activity during the same maintenance window.

Enable Call History (New Cluster)

To enable Call History on a new cluster, see the steps for adding a cluster in Configure Your Partner Organization in Partner Hub.

Enable Call History (Existing Cluster)

To enable Call History on an existing cluster, follow the below steps:

  1. Sign in to Partner Hub at admin.webex.com.

  2. Go to Settings and select an existing cluster.

  3. Verify the cluster connection is good. The right panel should display a green check mark with Connection established.

    If this doesn't appear, under Check Connnections (Optional), enter BroadWorks User Id and BroadWorks Password and click Check to verify the connection is good.

  4. Check the Enable call history check box.

  5. Click Save.

Feature Interactions

The following feature interactions exist for Unified Call History:

  • Unified Call History is not supported for users who are configured in BroadWorks with Route Lists or Direct Routes. When this situation exists, Call History and Hook Status events do not get sent to the Webex App.

  • Unified Call History is not supported with extension dialing. Calls that are placed using extension dialing may not be reflected correctly in the Call History.

View Call History on Webex App

End users can access and view their Unified Call History from the Webex App. For details, see: Webex | View Call and Meeting History.

Disable Unified Call History

Once you enable Unified Call History on a cluster, you cannot disable the feature on your own. If you need to disable the feature, contact Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Visual Spam Indication

The Webex App supports a visual indication of spam calls in the call toast when the call is presented to the callee and in the Unified Call History records when BroadWorks is updated to perform Caller ID validation via the STIR/SHAKEN framework. To have this feature:

  1. Enable Unified Call History as described in the previous section.
  2. The following patches must be installed and active:
    • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap384591 / AP.as.24.0.944.ap384591
    • or AS-25_Rel_2022.12 at a minimum
  3. The feature must be activated via the AS CLI:
    • AS_CLI/System/ActivatableFeature> activate 104112
    • AS_CLI/System/StirShaken> set enableVerification true
  4. Broadworks must be configured to perform STIR-SHAKEN signing, tagging, and verification as described in Cisco BroadWorks STIR-SHAKEN Signing Tagging and Verification

When BroadWorks is properly configured, a new header X-Cisco-CallerId-Disposition will be added in INVITE requests sent to Cisco clients and a new field callerIdDisposition will be added to the existing Call History Events that are sent to Webex Cloud via the CTI interface. Webex devices will use this information to provide a visual spam indication in the call presentation and the Unified Call History of the callee.