Troubleshoot Audio Driver Failures for Cisco Webex Proximity in Windows

Troubleshoot audio driver failures for Cisco Webex proximity in Windows

Lenovo laptops are unable to pair with Cisco Webex Room Devices using proximity and wireless sharing.

Windows laptops are having problems with audio driver failures when pairing with Cisco Webex Room Devices.

Windows 10

Only 2 channel microphone arrays or single channel microphones are supported with Cisco Webex Room devices.

Switch the default format channel in Windows 10. In some cases, the driver and/or BIOS do not allow a change. For example, on the Dell Lattitude 5285 2-in-1 model the changes are not allowed.

Cisco Webex Room Devices proximity and wireless share troubleshooting for audio driver failure in Windows:

This problem is common with Lenovo laptops.

To troubleshoot this issue, first, gather logs.

  • Key log entry to search for is:
    • 'Unable to initialize Audio Queue' or 'Audio Client Not Running'
This indicates that we tried to start recording but failed.
If these log entries are found, update the audio drivers to the latest released firmware for that model and re-test after completion.

If the error persists, refer to the following article:

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