Hung at 'Starting Webex' when Starting or Joining a Webex Meeting

Hung at 'Starting Webex' when Starting or Joining a Webex Meeting

When starting or joining a Webex meeting, your web browser may get hung at the following screen:

User-added image

The join process can get hung for several reasons, including:

  • TLS 1.2 is not enabled
  • pop-up blockers
  • You are already joined into the meeting in another browser tab

To resolve the issue and join your meeting:
Note: Try this step first as it will most likely resolve the issue, then try joining your meeting again.
  • Try closing completely out of all browser windows, then try joining the meeting again. If this step does not work try the solution below.
Run the temporary application installer:
  1. Click the link to Run a temporary application.
  2. Click the download arrow in the upper-right corner of the browser window:
User-added image
  1. Click on the .exe file that appears:
User-added image
  1. Click Save File on the message that appears:
User-added image
The installer will run and you will be joined into the meeting.

To resolve this issue permanently, ensure TLS 1.2 is enabled, uninstall any existing Webex installation, then restart your computer and try joining again.

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