
You can migrate from the legacy Cisco Customer Journey Platform (R10) and Cisco CC-One (R9) releases to Webex Contact Center (new platform). This migration enables access to new features and bug fixes.

You enroll in the migration program and Cisco provides you with a Migation Workspace with these capabilities:

  • Migrate tenant configuration

    You export the platform configuration data from your legacy tenant into a set of comma-separated value (CSV) files. You update entries in the CSV files that match your requirements for your new Webex Contact Center tenant. After the CSV files are ready, you upload them to Control Hub using the Bulk Operations feature. For more information about Bulk Operations, see Bulk Operations in Webex Contact Center.

  • Historical data

    You can access Analyzer-based data from the legacy platform. This provides compliance and historical reporting information. The following data sources are available:

    • Customer Session Record

    • Customer Activity Record

    • Agent Session Record

    • Agent Activity Record

  • Call recordings

    You can access call recordings from the legacy platform. You access call recordings for compliance or to review past customer interactions.

A workspace account is created for all migrating customer tenants. The workspace provides access to all migration features that are enabled for your account. You can access a workspace from the URL

Cisco Engineers, Customer Success, and Partners can access your workspace account to assist you through the migration lifecycle.

To migrate tenant configurations from the legacy tenant to the new platform:

  1. Extract the legacy platform configurations as CSV files and IVR prompt audio files in zip format.

  2. Update the CSV files to be compatible with the new platform.

  3. Upload the CSV files to the new platform using the Bulk Operations feature.

After you migrate the agents to the new platform, you can request access to Analyzer-based data and call recordings from the legacy platform. You can access this data from the Call Recordings and Historical Data tabs of the migration workspace.

Workspace Management

Before you create a workspace, onboard the customer organization in Control Hub with Contact Center entitlements.

The legacy platform remains in use until you disable all agents on the legacy platform and enable them on the new platform. After you enable all the agents on the new platform, decommission the customer tenant on the legacy platform.

Cisco Engineering and Solution Assurance teams use root administrator privileges to manage a workspace.

Before you begin

  • Create a customer organization in Control Hub with Contact Center entitlements enabled.


Note down the email address of the administrator, company name, and organization ID for the customer organization in Control Hub.


Perform one of these actions:

  • R9 platform migration:
    1. Find the Data Center that hosts the Tenant and note down the Tenant ID.

    2. Note down the Tenant Name and Tenant Description for validation.

  • R10 platform migration:
    1. Select an administrator user and note down the API key for this user.

    2. Note down the Tenant ID, Tenant Name, and the Tenant Description.


Sign in to the Migration Workspace application as the root administrator.


Click New Workspace.


Enter the administrator email address that you noted from the Control Hub and click Confirm.

If the user validates successfully, the system displays the Company Name, Organization ID, and Administrator email address.


Verify the organization details to ensure that you have mapped the correct organization on Control Hub.


Perform one of the following actions to identify the source Tenant:

  • R9 platform migration:
    1. Select R9 under Source Tenant Platform.

    2. Enter the Tenant ID.

    3. Select the Data Center.

  • R10 platform migration:
    1. Select R10 under Source Tenant Platform.

    2. Enter the API Key.

    3. Enter the Tenant ID.

    4. Enter the administrator username associated with the API key.


Click Validate.


Check that the Tenant Name and Description match the information noted in step 2.


Enable one or more of the following Migration features:

  • Tenant Configurations

  • Historical Data

  • Call Recordings


Sign in to the Migration Workspace application using root administrator credentials.


Use the Search option on the landing page to find the Workspace that you need to access.


Click the Workspace entry to access a Workspace.


In the left navigation pane, click Workspace Setting or Users to access the required feature.


In the Workspace Setting, you can do the following:

  • Change the API key for the R10 platform source tenant, if the API key has expired.

  • Add or remove migration features that are enabled for the Workspace.


In the Users tab, you can add or remove administrators from the Workspace.

The following sections describe the types of Workspace users. During the migration, you may need assistance from partners or Cisco Customer Success. You can configure them as external administrators. You can also add members of the organization as administrators or report users.

Root Administrators

Root administrators can create and modify customer accounts. They are Cisco Operations and Engineering organization members who manage the Migration Workspace.

Customer Administrators

After you set up the Workspace, customer administrators can sign in and start the migration process. Customer administrators have all the privileges for the customer Workspace account.

Report Users

Report Users can view historical data and access call recordings. The access that you grant to the Report Users controls the data that they can access.

External Administrators

When external administrators sign in to the Workspace application, they see all the migration Workspaces to which they have access. The following details are displayed for each Workspace.




The customer’s name

Organization ID

The organization ID

Source Tenant Name

The name of the Tenant in the legacy platform

Source Tenant Platform

  • R9–The release level of the source tenant

  • R10–The release level of the source tenant

Double-click a Workspace row to access that customer account.


Sign in to the Migration Workspace application using the customer administrator credentials.


On the Users page, access one of the following tabs:

  • Customer Administrators

  • Report Users

  • External Administrators


Do one of the following:

  1. To add a user, click New Users.

    1. Enter the user's email address.

    2. For Report Users and External Administrators, select the required features.

    3. Click Create.

  2. To modify user details, click the Edit option that appears when you mouse over the target user.

  3. To delete a user, click the Delete icon.

You can’t delete yourself as a customer administrator.

Export Job Management

You export the following configuration objects from the legacy platform:

  • Entry point

  • Queue

  • Outdial entry point

  • Outdial queue

  • Site

  • Team

  • Users

  • User profiles

  • Work types

  • Auxiliary code

  • Agent profiles

  • Address book

  • Outdial ANI

  • Skill definition

  • Skill profile

  • Entry point mappings

  • Audio files (supported only for R10 release)

Audio File export isn't supported for the Cisco CC-One (R9) release. Contact the Cisco support team to obtain the Zip file.

You use jobs to export objects. You can submit only one job at a time. You can't start a new request until the previous request is complete.


Navigate to the Export Admin Configurations page.

The following table describes the information on this page.



Job ID

A unique identifier for each job.


The file name that the user provided when submitting the job.


The configuration object name.


The Status of the job. One of the following values is displayed:

  • New: A job has been submitted.

  • In-progress: The job is executing.

  • Completed: The job finished successfully.

  • Error: The job failed with an error.

Submitted By

The email address of the user that submitted the job.

Start Date

The date when the job started.

Start Time

The time at which the job started.

End Date

The date when the job finished.

End Time

The time at which the job finished.


To request a new job, perform these steps:

  1. Click New Export Job.

  2. Select the configuration object name.

  3. Enter a file name that helps provide context when you access the file later.

  4. Click Next.


To refresh the status of an In-Progress job, click the Refresh icon on the dashboard next to the job details.


To download the exported file, click the Download icon associated with the completed job.


Search the job attributes using the Search field.

After you export the data from the legacy platform, you must manually review and update the CSV files to make them compatible with the new platform. Not all CSV files require changes.

The CSV files for the following objects do not require changes when you import:

  1. Sites

  2. Skill Definitions

  3. Skill Profiles

  4. Teams

  5. Address Books

  6. Worktypes

  7. Auxiliary Codes

  8. Outdial ANI

  9. Entry Point Mappings

For information about the fields in the CSV files, see CSV Definition for Bulk Operations in Webex Contact Center.

Before you begin

All the objects that you exported from the legacy platform must be in CSV format.

Before you import the User CSV file, you must configure and activate all the users in Control Hub.


(Optional) Copy the exported CSV file.


Open an exported CSV file in Microsoft Excel.


Identify all content that contains the text ATTR_NOT_FOUND and change the text to the valid values.


Save the file in CSV format.

You may save the file with a new filename.


Use the Bulk Operations tool in Control Hub to upload the CSV file. For more information, see Bulk Operations in Webex Contact Center.

When you export Entry Points and Outdial Entry Points, the Time Zone column sometimes may not have any value in the CSV file. If the Time Zone column doesn't have a value, you need to manually add this value in the CSV file as shown in the table.



Time Zone

For more information about supported Time Zone values, see List of Time Zones for Cisco Webex Contact Center.

For each queue definition, the following attributes are extracted from the legacy platforms.

  • Name

  • Description

  • Channel Type

  • Max Time In Queue

  • Service Level Threshold

  • Timezone

  • Permit Monitoring

  • Permit Recording

  • Record All Calls

  • Pause or Resume Enabled

  • Default Music in Queue

  • Routing Type

  • Skill Based Agent Selection

  • Recording Pause Duration

Manually enter the values in the columns of the exported CSV file as shown in the following table.



Time Zone

Provide the correct time zone. For more information, see List of Time Zones for Cisco Webex Contact Center.

Default Music In Queue

Provide the name of the audio (.wav) file to play when calls arrive or are waiting in the queue. This file is the default type of audio file.

Routing Type

Provide one of these values:



Skill Based Agent Selection

If you provide SKILL_BASED in the Routing type column, specify one of these values:



In addition, you must also add call distribution groups manually, as this configuration isn't available in legacy platforms. Rows that define a Queue and rows that define Call Distribution for the Queue have a parent-child relationship. In the CSV file, the queue is the parent row and the Call Distribution entries are the subsequent child rows. The child rows require the following columns:

  • Name

  • Distribution Group Seq

  • Group Fallback Time

  • Group Teams

The following table provides a schematic definition of the CSV file with a Call Distribution Group. For brevity, the table does not display the queue definition columns. The first row displays the queue details, while the second and third rows display content for Call Distribution Groups that you add manually.



Distribution Group

Distribution Group Seq

Group Fallback Time

Group Teams


Queue Definition Column values extracted from legacy platforms


Queue Definition Columns

Keep null for Call Distribution Groups.






Queue Definition Columns

Keep null for Call Distribution Groups.





The attributes of the outdial queue are the same as that of queue. The modifications listed for the queue are also valid for the outdial queue. For information about the attributes extracted, see Queue. You need to manually enter the values in the column of the exported CSV file as shown in the following table.



Outbound Campaign Enabled


You need to add the child row entry for every outdial queue. The child row contains values for the columns mentioned above. For information about the schematic definition of the CSV file, see Queue.

Update the Idle Codes and Wrap Up Codes columns with the default Idle Code and Wrap Up Code respectively. You need to manually add these values in the CSV file as shown below.



Idle Codes

Enter the default Idle Code in the list of selected codes, if the value of the Idle Options column is Specific.

Wrap Up Codes

Enter the default Wrap Up Code in the list of selected codes, if the value of the Wrap Up Options column is Specific.

You need to manually enter the values in the columns of the exported CSV file as shown in the following table.



Applicable Release

Profile Type





R9 and R10

Module Option

  • ALL


If you set the value All, the values of other modules are ignored.



  • None

  • View

  • Edit


Agent Desktop

  • None

  • View

  • Edit


Logout Agents

  • NONE

  • VIEW

  • EDIT


Reporting and Analytics

  • NONE

  • VIEW

  • EDIT


Campaign Mgr

  • NONE

  • VIEW

  • EDIT


Workforce Optimization

  • NONE

  • VIEW

  • EDIT


Manage Tenants

  • ON

  • OFF


Manage Dial Plans

  • ON

  • OFF


Manage Users

  • ON

  • OFF


Revoke API Key

  • ON

  • OFF



  • ON

  • OFF


Business Rules

  • ON

  • OFF

Access Entry Points
  • ALL

  • Specific entity names separated with "|"

Access Queues
  • ALL

  • Specific entity names separated with "|"

Access Sites
  • ALL

  • Specific entity names separated with "|"


Access Teams

  • ALL

  • Specific entity names separated with "|"


When you export users on the R10 release, there are no updates required for the CSV file.

When you export users on the R9 release, the user email ID may not be present in the CSV file. You need to manually add the email address of the user in the CSV file as shown in the table.




Provide the email address of the user.

Before you begin

Create configurations that apply to users such as User Profiles, Agent Profiles, Teams, and so on.


Add users on Control Hub.

  1. Download the exported_users.csv file.

    For more information, see the article Add Multiple Users in Cisco Webex Control Hub.

  2. Extract email address of all users from the user export file on the legacy platform and copy them to the exported_users.csv file.

  3. Add license-related attributes and upload the CSV file on Control Hub.

    For more information, see the article Add Multiple Users in Cisco Webex Control Hub.


Update users on the Mangement Portal.

  1. Use the Bulk Operations export option to download a CSV file that contains all users added to Webex Contact Center.

    For more information, see the section Export a Configuration File in Bulk Operations for Webex Contact Center.

  2. Update the attributes such as User Profile, Site, Teams, and so on in the configuration file using the data extracted from the legacy platform user export.

Historical Data and Call Recordings

Use the View Historical Data option in the Workspace to access Analyzer data. The Analyzer data is available according to your data retention requirements. Data isn’t purged from the system.

Cisco executes some back-end scripts to enable access to the historical data from the Workspace. After you’ve moved all the agents to the new platform and no new data is generated on the legacy tenant, ask your Solution Assurance contact to enable data access for your Workspace.

Authorized users can access the View Historical Data option.

The View Historical Data option can display a maximum of 5000 records. If a search returns more than 5000 records, a message indicates that not all the records can be displayed. If this happens, modify the search criteria to return fewer than 5000 records.


In the Migration Workspace, click View Historical Data.


In the View Historical Data page, click Search Records.


Select a data source from the following options and click Next:

  • Customer Session Record

  • Customer Activity Record

  • Agent Activity Record

  • Agent Session Record


Add Fields and Measures that you want to access from the data source and click Next.


Select a time series.

  • Start Date and Start Time

  • End Date and End Time


(Optional) Add more filters for Queues, Sites, Teams, and Agents.


Click Apply.

The system displays the historical data.


Click Export to download a copy of the data in CSV format.


If the data set needs modification, click Modify Search to modify the search criteria.

You may need access to call recordings for internal review, training, and compliance. After you migrate all agents to the new platform, the Call Recording application on the legacy platform is decommissioned. After the platform is decommissioned, you use the Workspace application to access call recordings generated on the legacy platform. The recordings are available in the Workspace as per your data retention requirements. Data isn’t purged from the legacy platform.

The View Call Recordings option can display a maximum of 5000 records at a time. If a search returns more than 5000 records, a message displays to indicate that not all the records can be displayed. If this happens, modify the search criteria to return less than 5000 records.

After the migration from the legacy platform, Cisco executes some back-end scripts to enable access to call recordings from the Workspace. After all agents are on the new platform and no new call recordings are generated on the legacy tenant, ask your Solution Assurance contact to enable data access for your Workspace.

For the R9 platform, Cisco can migrate call recordings if you are using the R9 cloud-hosted recording application. If you are using the on-premises Jukebox on the R9 platform, you can continue to retain the call recordings in your premises. Cisco can’t make these recordings available on the Workspace because on-premises customer repositories are inaccessible for migration.


In the migration Workspace, click View Call Recordings.


In the View Call Recordings page, click Modify Filters.


You can filter data to suit your requirements. Set one or more filters from this list:

  • Queues

  • Sites

  • Teams

  • Agents

  • Wrap Up Codes

  • Tags


(Optional) You can match call recordings with specific Call Associated Data (CAD) variables and Custom Attributes.

  1. Click the Edit icon.

  2. Type in or pick a variable name from the drop-down list.

  3. Enter the case-sensitive value for the variable that you want to match.

  4. You can add up to 10 filters for CAD variables and custom attributes respectively.

  5. Click Apply to return to the Filters pane.


(Optional) Enter the Session ID, DNIS, or ANI of the call recordings that you want to match.


Provide the required Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time.


Click Apply.


To access a specific call recording, click More and download the WAV file.


If the data set needs modification, click Modify Search to modify the search criteria.