
Currently, this feature is applicable to agents only.

Before you integrate Webex Contact Center with the Salesforce CRM console, ensure that your profile has the following access privileges:

Currently, the CRM connector app does not support opening multiple tabs. Opening a case in a new tab may result in Multi Sign-in alerts on the WxCC Agent Desktop or cause unpredictable behavior for agents.

To integrate Webex Contact Center with the Salesforce CRM console, complete the following tasks:

Before you begin

If you have an older version of Webex Contact Center for Salesforce, then uninstall the old version before you install the latest version. For more information, see Uninstall Webex Contact Center for Salesforce.


Go to the Salesforce AppExchange at


On the Salesforce AppExchange page, search for Webex Contact Center for Salesforce.


Click Get It Now.


Enter your username and password for the Salesforce organization in which you want to install the package, and click Log In.


Choose one of the following options:

  • Install in Production: Choose this option if you tested the application and ready to go public.

  • Install in Sandbox: Choose this option if you want to test the application against a copy of the production environment. The login URL is different for a sandbox environment. After you test the application in the sandbox, you must install the application on a production environment using the Install in Production option.


After the installation is complete, click Done.

Webex Contact Center for Salesforce is available in App Launcher.

Download the latest call center definition file:

Update the call center definition file

  1. Go to Setup > Call Center > Call Centers.

    Salesforce setup menu with 'Call Centers' highlighted.
  2. Click Import to import a file.

    Menu to import a call center in Salesforce configuration.
  3. Assign the file to the users who use Webex Contact Center. Do this using Manage Call Center Users.

    Menu to add Webex Contact Center users in Salesforce configuration.
  4. Once imported, the Call Center definition file displays as follows:

    Webex Contact Center definition file after importing in Salesforce configuration.

In Salesforce, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.


Enter Users in the Quick Find box and click Users.


Click the Edit link corresponding to the user to whom you want to provide access permission.


Search for the Call Center parameter, and in the search lookup, select Webex Contact Center.


Click Save.


In Salesforce, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.


Enter Softphone Layouts in the Quick Find box and click Softphone Layouts.


Click New.


In the Name field, enter the name for the layout and check the Is Default Layout check box.


From the Select Call Type drop-down list, select the call type to indicate when to start the softphone layout:

  • Internal: Do not use this option.

  • Inbound: Allows you to start the softphone layout for inbound calls.

  • Outbound: Allows you to start the softphone layout for outgoing calls.


Set up the Screen Pop Settings according to your requirement.


Click Save.


In Salesforce, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.


Enter Object Manager in the Quick Find box and select Task > Page Layouts.


Select Page Layout Assignment > Edit Assignment.


Select a profile from the list in the Profiles column.


From the Page Layout To Use drop-down list, select Webex Contact Center Task Layout.


Click Save.

You can download the Desktop Layout JSON file for Salesforce from

For more information about the Webex Contact Center Management Portal Desktop Layout, see the Provisioning chapter of the Cisco Webex Contact Center Setup and Administration Guide.


Go to the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Click New Layout and enter the details for the desktop layout.


Upload the Salesforce Desktop Layout JSON file.


Click Save to save the configuration.

You can now start the Webex Contact Center Desktop within the Salesforce CRM console.


In Salesforce, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.


Enter Object Manager in the Quick Find box and select Task > Page Layouts.


Select Page Layout Assignment > Edit Assignment.


Select the profiles that are associated with the Webex Contact Center Task Layout.


From the Page Layout To Use drop-down list, select any other page layout.

Ensure that no profiles are associated with the Webex Contact Center Task Layout.


Click Save.


Navigate to Setup.


Enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box and click Installed Packages. Or, select Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages from the Platform Tools section.


Click Uninstall for the Webex Contact Center for Salesforce package name.


On the Uninstalling a Package page, select "Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components."


Click Uninstall.

Set up the computer telephony integration (CTI) system to enable Webex Contact Center.


Log in to Salesforce.


Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.


Enter Call Center in the Quick Find box and click Call Centers.


Click the Edit link that corresponds to the Webex Contact Center.


In General Information area, update the following fields:

  • Softphone Height: 600

  • Softphone Width: 550


Click Save.

When you log into the desktop, it takes a few seconds for the CRM application to complete successful initialization. Typically, this process may take 5 to 15 seconds depending on the response received from the CRM application. Only after the initialization is complete, you become available to handle calls.

We support signing into Agent Desktop using WebRTC for Salesforce (SFDC) and Microsoft Dynamics (MS Dynamics) Connectors only.

When there is an incoming call, the application finds the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) number in the record to see if the customer record is available.
  • If the record is found and the screen pop is configured, a pop-up screen displays the customer details.

  • If the record is not found, then a New Contact profile screen pop appears where you can enter the details.

    To set up the screen pop, see Create a Default Softphone Layout in the Integrate section of this article.


In Salesforce, click the App Launcher menu and select Webex Contact Center.


Click the Phone button and sign in to the application.


Change the status to Available to receive calls.


After you disconnect a call, select a wrap-up reason from the drop-down list.

An activity is logged against the respective Salesforce contact.

To see the activity log, click any entry in the activity list. The following details appear:



Assigned To

Shows the name of the agent who answered the call.


Shows the type of call, date, and timestamp.

Contact Type

Shows the contact type.


Shows the caller's number.

Call Duration

Shows the call duration in seconds.

Queue Name

Shows the queue name.

Due Date

Shows the follow-up date.


Shows the priority, such as High, Normal, or Low.

Created By

Shows the name of the agent who created the record.


Shows the status of the call entry.

Call Object Identifier

Shows the object ID that is used to track the call.

Call Type

Shows the call type.


Shows the agent's phone number.

Call Result

Shows the wrap-up option, such as Follow-up, Default, or a custom-defined option.


Shows the customer name.

Related To

Shows the related case with this activity.

Last Modified By

Shows the name of the agent who modified the task.


Shows the agent's comments.


In Salesforce, click the App Launcher menu and select Webex Contact Center.


Enter the contact name in the Search Salesforce text box and click the contact name, and click the phone number to dial. Or, click Phone > Dialer and then enter the phone number and click the Phone icon to dial.


(Optional) From the Select Outdial ANI drop-down list, select an outdial ANI to use as your caller ID. The drop-down list appears in alphabetical order.

Your administrator adds the outdial ANI list to your profile.

To remove the selected outdial ANI, choose the label Select Outdial ANI from the drop-down list.

Salesforce Actions widget provides UI controls to directly communicate with Salesforce CRM from Webex Contact Center agent desktop application.

Use case

SFDC call center definition configuration

New Salesforce actions widget appears on-screen when an agent receives a call

No configuration is required on Salesforce Dot Com (SFDC).

  • The Salesforce Actions widget is embedded in the tab section of the custom desktop layout.

  • Disable this feature by setting the attribute isSFDCWidgetEnabled to false. By default, this attribute is set to true and is enabled from custom desktop layout.

Open activity record in edit mode

This feature is enabled by default. No specific configuration is required from the SFDC side.

Associate CRM object to phone call activity

This feature is enabled by default. No specific configuration is required from the SFDC side.

Create case object and open in edit mode

This feature is enabled by default. No specific configuration is required from the SFDC side.

Live Call Notes:

  • Capture the call notes during an active call with customer

  • Update the call notes to the phone call activity record.

There is a specific configuration in the call center definition file to enable or disable this feature.

The SFDC administrator must specify the SFDC field in the task object to update the captured call notes.

Edit the fields in the Call Activity Record Creation section of the call center definition file to enable and update activity record in the Salesforce application.

  • Set the parameter Record Call Live Notes as True to enable the Live Call Notes feature.

  • The parameter Live Call Notes Field Mapping has a default value of the SFDC task object field description. This field is updated with call notes.

    The SFDC administrator has the privilege to update the call notes with any other field.


In Salesforce, click the App Launcher menu and select Webex Contact Center.


From the Navigation Apps drop-down list, select Reports.

If Reports is not in the list, click Edit > Add More Items and add Reports.


To see the existing reports, click All Reports.

There is a default call activity report that installs with Webex Contact Center for Salesforce. You can modify the dates, and add or remove fields and filters.


To create a new report, click Reports > New Report.


In the Report Builder tab, select the required report type and click Save & Run.


Enter the Report Name and click Save.

Webex Contact Center for Salesforce generates this report using the data from Salesforce.

Webex Contact Center for Salesforce report using data from Salesforce.

The following section describes the customization of each section of the call center definition file and its possible values, description and comments.

This helps an administrator customize behavior based on the required use case.


Possible Values


Internal Name


No change in this value.

Display Name

Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop 2.0 (September 2022)

No change in this value.

CTI Adapter URL

Default value is US data center. You can change the value based on your data center location.

North America:






No change in this value.

Softphone Height


No change in this value.

Salesforce Compatibility Mode


No change in this value.


Possible Values


Advanced Screen Pop Enabled

true or false

The feature flag to enable screen pop search based on CAD variable.

CAD Variable Name

Name of the CAD variable

Name of the CAD variable that holds the screen pop search parameter.

Remove ANI Prefix Strings

Country codes

Specify the country codes in comma-separated and it will be removed from the incoming call ANI prefix.


Possible Values


Enable Screen Pop For No Matching Records

true or false

This is the feature flag to enable the no record match screen pop scenario. Ensure to disable record match scenario in softphone layout configuration.

Salesforce Object Name

Any standard or custom Salesforce object

Any standard or custom Salesforce object that is opened in edit mode.

Object Field Mappings

This is mapping between Salesforce object and WebexCC CAD variables

This setting maps the WebexCC CAD variables to the Salesforce field values that are prepopulated in the Salesforce form when opened in edit mode. For example, the mapping should be done in following JSON format and it is an array of JSON object.


The JSON object has following properties:

  • wxccFieldName - the name of the CAD variable that holds data or standard WebexCC field that holds the system values.

  • sfdcFieldName - the Salesforce mapping field.

  • isDefaultValueEnabled - the flag variable to identify whether to update the Salesforce field with any static value or CAD variable value. The possible value for this field is true or false. If you set the value as false, then it considers the wxccFieldName value as CAD variable and retrieves the value associated with that CAD variable.

    For Example:

    In this example wxccFieldName value is phone number and isDefaultValueEnabled is false that means phone number is the CAD variable and value needs to be retrieved.

    If isDefaultValueEnabled is true, then it considers wxccFieldName as static value and it binds with sfdcFieldName.

  • isConditionalEnabled - the flag variable to ascertain whether any condition is applied to the mapping. The possible value for this field is true or false. If the condition is enabled, then this field value is true otherwise it is false. If the condition is enabled, then the sfdc field mapping values are derived from the object conditional mappings.


If you want to overwrite the fields with constants, you can use the isDefaulValueEnabled set to true.

This sets the value of the variable on Salesforce.


wxccFieldName: 12343454567
Salesforce: Phone
IsDefaultValueEnabled: true



Object Conditional Mappings

This is conditional rule for the object mappings

The conditional mapping helps bind one-to-many field values between the WebexCC CAD Variables and SFDC Fields. The condition helps to bind the SFDC Field values based on different WebexCC CAD variable Values. For example: WebexCC CAD variable VIPCustomer, this has two possible values such as YES or NO based on this value you can update the SFDC Field Value.



The conditional mapping has mainly three properties - WxCCFieldName which is the CAD variable, wxccFieldValue, and sfdcFieldValue.


If you have a variable queueName on WebexCC and want to conditionally map those to Salesforce field called Customer Type.

You can set the queueNames to other values based on the Object Conditional Mappings as below.

QueueName: Gold_Q, CustomerType: Gold
QueueName: Platinum_Q, CustomerType: Platinum

Configuration for Object Field Mappings

wxccFieldName: queueName

Salesforce: CustomerType

isDefaultValueEnabled: false

isConditionalEnabled: true


Configuration for Object Coniditional Mappings



Possible Values


Salesforce Package Namespace


Default value. Don't change the value.

Auto Refresh Enabled

true or false

This is the feature flag variable. This feature enables the auto refresh of the Salesforce screen immediately after the activity record creation.

Create Activity Record at Connected State

true or false

By default, this value is false. Set the value to true if the activity ownership change feature is enabled. This ensures that the activity record gets created at the beginning of a call and ownership of the activity record can be changed when the agent transfers a call to another agent.

Open Activity Record On Connected State

true or false

By default, this feature is disabled. Enable the Create Activity Record at Connected State feature flag to use this feature. This feature allows to open the activity record in edit mode automatically when an agent's status moves to Connected state.

Open Activity Record On Wrap-Up State

true or false

By default, this feature is disabled. Enable this feature to open the activity record in edit mode when an agent's status moves to Wrap-Up state.

Activity record ownership to be changed for transferred calls

true or false

By default, this value is false. This is the feature flag variable that needs to be enabled. This feature enables the change in the ownership of the activity record when an agent transfers a call to another agent. This ensures to create only one activity record for an interaction.

Name of the cad variable that holds activity id

Name of the CAD variable

Name of the CAD variable that holds the activity ID and is used to change the ownership of the activity record for transferred calls.

Record Call Live Notes

true or false

This field is a feature flag to enable the call notes feature from Actions widget. By default, this feature is disabled.

Live Call Notes Field Mapping

SFDC filed used for call notes mapping.

SFDC field that is updated with call notes. By default it updates the Description field of the activity record at Salesforce.

Date Format In Subject

This is to set the date and time in activity subject

The default format is MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a.

Subject Template

Sets the subject field of the activity record which helps update the dynamically set subject of the activity record.

This field can be a combination of both variables and static strings.

For example: {direction} Call {activityDatetime}.

In the example, phrase Call is the static string. Both the {direction} and {activityDatetime} are variables. All the variables must be with in the {} brackets.

Custom Field Update Enabled

true or false

By default, this feature is disabled. If you want to update the call activity record with more data that is captured in the IVR or Flow, then enable this feature.

Object Field Mapping

An array of JSON properties. By default it's []

This field maps the WebexCC CAD variables and SFDC fields. Enable custom field update feature to use this mapping. The JSON has mainly four properties:

CadFieldName: WebexCC CAD variable name

SalesforceFieldName: SFDC field name

isDefaultValueEnabled: Flag to check whether to use the static value to bind with the SFDC field

defaultFieldValue: Default field value



In the first JSON code, the CAD variable name BusinessLine which holds the value that is captured in the IVR binds with the SFDCField BusinessType. The isDefaultValueEnabled value is false which implies it doesn’t use the default value to bind the SFDCField and the property defaultFieldValue is empty.

Whereas in the second JSON

CADFieldName is empty because the defaultFieldvalue to bind is the SFDC field. Here in this example the SalesforceField Status binds with the default value Completed.


Possible Values


Auto Case Creation For Inbound Calls

true or false

The feature flag to enable the auto case creation for all inbound calls. By default, this feature is disabled.

Auto Case Creation For Outbound calls

true or false

The feature flag to enable the auto case creation for all outbound calls. By default, this feature is disabled.

Open Case Object In Edit Mode

true or false

The feature flag to decide whether to open the case object in edit mode. By default, this feature is disabled.

Open Case Object Always View Mode

true or false

The feature flag to open the case object always in view mode, when:

  • it is created for both inbound and outbound calls
  • it is created from the actions widget
By default, this feature is disabled.

Object Field Mappings

An array of JSON properties

Maps the WebexCC CAD variables and SFDC case object fields. JSON has mainly four properties:

CadFieldName: WebexCC CAD Variable Name

SalesforceFieldName: SFDC case object Field Name

isDefaultValueEnabled: Flag to check whether to use the static value to bind the SFDC case object field.

defaultFieldValue: Default field value

Object Conditional Mappings

Conditional rule for the object mappings

The conditional mapping helps bind one-to-many field value mappings between the WebexCC CAD variables and SFDC fields. The conditional mapping helps to bind the SFDC Field values based on different WebexCC CAD variable values.


Possible Values


Omnichannel state sync enabled

true or false

The feature flag is enabled only on the Salesforce instance with omnichannel already enabled.

Default idle code when on voice call

Omnichannel not ready reason code

Name of the SFDC omnichannel not ready reason code to make agent not ready in SFDC omnichannel.

Default idle code when on CRM omnichannel

Webex Contact Center idle reason code

Name of the Webex Contact Center idle reason code to make agent not ready in Webex Contact Center.

Create the below apex class and give execution permission to all agent profiles in SFDC instance to use omnichannel state sync feature.

To create the Apex Class:

  • Go to Setup > Developer Console

  • Navigate to New > Apex Class

  • Paste the following content and save it as sfdcOmniChannel

public class sfdcOmniChannel {
    public static String fetchOmniPresenceStatusCodes(){
       ServicePresenceStatus[] omniStatus;
         omniStatus = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM ServicePresenceStatus] ; 
         String OmniPresenceStatusCodes = JSON.serialize(omniStatus);
      return OmniPresenceStatusCodes;


Requires a specific User Profile and License to access and play recordings.

  • User Profile — Custom Supervisor Profile

  • License — Premium License

To configure the playback recordings, you need access to Recording Management module in the User Profile level.

Salesforce Service Console showing a call recording from Webex Contact Center integration.

Mandatory settings in the user profile

User profile in Salesforce with Webex Contact Center integration, showing the 'Salesforce Recording Profile' for a user on the 'General Settings' tab.

The view access in the Recording Management module allows you to view the Call Recordings from Webex Contact Center. This is a default security setting for all administrator and supervisor profiles.

User profile in Salesforce with Webex Contact Center integration, showing the 'Module Settings' tab.

Salesforce Lightning setup

Layout selection
  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Task > Page Layouts.

  2. Click Page Layout Assignment on the top-right side corner of the page.

    Salesforce setup menu on the 'Object Manager' tab, showing 'Page Layouts.'
  3. Edit the Page Layout Assignment

    Salesforce setup menu showing 'Page Layout Assignments.'
  4. Choose Webex Contact Center Task Layout from the drop-down list.

    Salesforce setup menu showing 'Page Layout Assignments' with 'Webex Contact Center Task Layout' selected for profiles and available in a selection menu.

    Cisco Webex Contact Center Task Layout is an old layout.

Select a data center (Defaults to US1)

To select the required data center:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types.'
  2. Click Manage Records > Edit Data Center.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' with 'WebexCC MDT' selected.
  3. Change the Value from US1 to the required Webex Contact Center data center.

    Example: Change the value from US1 to EU1 to select EU1 data center.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' showing editing the value for a Webex Contact Center data center.
Select an API URL

To select the required API URL:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types.'
  2. Click Manage Records > Edit API URL.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' with 'WebexCC MDT' selected.
  3. Change the Value to the required Webex Contact Center API URL.

    Example: Change the value to to select the API URL.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' showing editing the value for a Webex Contact Center API URL.
Select a redirect uri
  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types.'
  2. Click Manage Records > Edit redirect uri.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' with 'WebexCC MDT' selected.
  3. Change the Value to the required Webex Contact Center redirect uri.

    Example: Change the value to to select the redirect uri.

    Salesforce setup menu for 'Custom Metadata Types' showing editing the value for a Webex Contact Center redirect uri.

Feature demo

The demo is hosted in the internal Salesforce application center.

Salesforce Service Console showing a call recording from Webex Contact Center integration.
  • Click Play Recording 2.0 to open the Call Recording in Salesforce application.

  • If you are not signed in to the Webex Contact Center desktop widget, the application prompts to enter credentials.

    Salesforce Service Console showing a prompt to sign in to Webex Contact Center before playing a call recording.
  • If you have permission and are signed in to the Webex Contact Center desktop widget for Salesforce, the sign-in pop-up disappears.

    Salesforce Service Console showing a call recording details page from Webex Contact Center integration.
  • If you are signed in as an agent or any other user profile that does not have access to the Call Recording Management module, then an unauthorized message displays. Administrator can modify the user profile settings to view recordings.