Agent availability states

The agent states displayed on Desktop for all phone conversations and digital channels are as follows:


This state indicates that you're prepared and can accept contact requests as they come in. After you log in, select this state from the drop-down menu. A represents the available state.

Only when your state is set to available will any communication such as voice call, chat, email, social messaging conversation, or campaign be routed to you.

When you reload Desktop while in the available state, the idle state is displayed briefly before the available state is restored and the timer is reset to 00:00. The delay is subject to network connectivity.


This state indicates that you've logged in but are not ready to accept any routed requests. Your state is idle when you log in. A represents the idle state.

Your administrator can configure additional idle state reasons, if applicable. For example, if you need to go offline for a meeting, training, or lunch break, you can change your state to reflect this by selecting that idle reason option from the drop-down list.

While interacting with a customer, you can select an idle state reason. For example, you can select this option during a chat session with the customer or when responding to an email message. To learn more about which idle state reason to use, contact your supervisor.

If you're in the available or idle state without any active conversations, your supervisor can sign you out.

Redirection on No Answer (RONA)

This state indicates that you didn't accept a voice call, chat, email, or social messaging conversation request within the time frame specified by your administrator. The call request is returned to the queue, and your agent status changes from available to RONA. A represents the RONA state.

The maximum time to accept a voice call request is 18 seconds, and 30 seconds for a digital channel request (chat, email, or social messaging conversation). These are configurable by your administrator. For more information, see Manage RONA timeouts.

Your administrator configures the maximum time available to accept an incoming request from any channel. If the configured maximum time is more than eight seconds, the action button in the popover flashes five seconds before your state changes to RONA, and the request is returned to the queue if you don't accept it within the specified time.

Under the following conditions, the system is unable to deliver new contact requests to you:

  • The request isn't answered during the Available state.

  • The Dial Number or Extension provided is incorrect.

When your state changes to RONA, a popover appears with the following options:

  • Go To Idle —When you click Go To Idle, your state changes from RONA to the default idle reason configured by your administrator.

  • Go To Available —When you click Go To Available, your state changes from RONA. The available state indicates that you are ready to accept and respond to contact requests routed to you.

If an incoming call request fails to reach you due to network, phone, or device issues, your state is set to RONA. To address this, you can click Go To Idle on the popover and contact your administrator for further investigation.

  • You can't change your state to RONA manually.

  • To accept a voice call, chat, email, or social messaging conversation request, you must change your state from RONA to Available manually.

  • If Desktop isn't the active browser window or tab, you're alerted with a toaster notification when your state changes to RONA. For more information, see System requirements for Webex Contact Center.


The Engaged label indicates that you are busy and connected with a customer. When you have accepted the contact request, the Available state () changes to the Engaged label ().

During your interaction with the customer, if you choose to change to any idle state, the icon of the Engaged label changes from (Engaged in the Available state) to Engaged in the Idle state (Engaged in the Idle state).

The connected timer that is linked to the interaction is shown in the interaction control pane rather than the Availability State field. Once the interaction concludes, both the state and the timer become visible.

When you are engaged in the Available state (), you can continue to receive active requests on other channels, depending on the channel capacity.

  • Synchronized agent state is displayed if the administrator had configured Microsoft Teams connector for your organization and enabled presence sync. The status of Microsoft Teams connector and presence sync is displayed under your user profile. For more information, see Understand your user profile.

  • When an agent signs in for the first time, there could be a delay up to 40 minutes for the presence to stars synchronizing. This delay doesn’t affect agent’s operations.

  • There could be a delay up to 12 seconds for the presence to synchronize across Microsoft Teams and Webex Contact Center.

  • The Agent Desktop retains the availability state even if you close the browser or clear the browser cache.

Voice call states

These are the states that the system assigns to you based on the channel through which you communicate, such as voice (call control), email, or chat states. These show in the interaction control pane. For example, when you place a customer call on hold, the interaction control pane displays the state call on hold when you put a customer call on hold.

Based on your interactions with the caller (customer) or another agent, the system assigns the following voice call states:

  • Ringing—Indicates that the incoming call popover is visible.

  • Call on Hold—Indicates that you've placed the customer on hold.

  • Consult Requested—Indicates that you've initiated a consult call.

  • Consulting—Indicates that you're consulting with another agent.

  • Consult on Hold—Indicates that you've placed the agent you're consulting on hold.

  • Conference—Indicates a three-way communication between you, the customer, and another agent.

  • Wrap-Up—Indicates that you've ended your voice call with the customer.

Email and chat states

The system initiates chat and email request states, which change as you communicate.

Email state

  • Wrap-up—Indicates that you've ended your email communication with the customer.

Chat and social channel states

The following are the chat and social channel request states:

  • Conference Requested—Indicates that you started a conference chat.

  • Conference—Indicates a three-way communication between you, the customer and another agent.

  • Wrap-up—Indicates that you've ended your chat, or social messaging conversation with the customer.

State and connected timers

For all Desktop channels, the timers that are displayed are divided into the following categories: state, idle, and connected timers.

State timers

The state timer is displayed in the availability state field, and it tells how long you've been in the current state. These timers are set to run for these instances: available, RONA, and any idle states configured by your administrator.

The timer resets to 00:00 when you change states (for example, from available to any idle state in the state drop-down list).

Idle states

If you're in the idle state and switch to another idle state, the timer displays the time you're in the current idle state and the overall time you were in the idle states. For example, if you're in the idle state for 10 minutes and then take a Lunch Break (configured idle state) for 20 minutes, the timer then displays as 20:00/30:00.

Connected timers

When you accept a request for a phone, chat, email, or social messaging interaction, a timer appears in the task list window next to the request.

Along with the connected timer, the interaction control pane displays another timer dependent on the system's state and how you proceed with your discussion. For example, when you place a call on hold, the timer displays the hold time next to the Consult on Hold condition.

The agent interaction history pane shows the total duration of your connection with the customer, encompassing the time from the start of the contact until the communication concludes. For example, if you engage in a conversation with a customer and consult with another agent before ending the interaction, the connected time accounts for both the duration of your connection with the customer and the time spent consulting with the other agent.

Use case

Availability state in view



Idle—Default state when you sign in.




Idle to Idle—When you manually change to any other idle states. For example, from Idle to Lunch Break.

New idle state (Lunch Break)


Consider that you're in the idle state for 10 minutes, and then you take a Lunch Break (configured idle state) of 20 minutes. Then, the timer displays as 20:00/30:00.

Idle to Available—Manually switch to receive contact requests depending on your channel capacity.



To accept any call, chat, email, or social messaging conversation requests, you must set your state to available.

Available to Engaged—Switches automatically when you accept a contact request.


No timer

When you've accepted the contact request, the available state chages to the engaged label.

Engaged to Idle—Manually switch to any idle state to not accept any contact requests during your interaction with the customer.


No timer

You can set your state to Idle, if you don't want any incoming call, chat, email, or social messaging conversation requests during your interaction with the customer.

During your interaction with the customer, if you choose to change to any idle state, the icon of the engaged label changes from Engaged in the Available state to Engaged in the Idle state.

Engaged to Available—Switches automatically when the your interaction ends.



Displays the total time which includes, the available state time when you accepted the content request, the time that has elapsed since you accepted the request until the end of the interaction (connected timer), and wrap-up time.

Idle to Available—Engaged


No timer

If your administrator has defined the Agent Available After Outdial as Yes, after an outdial call ends, your status is set as available even if you had made the outdial call in the idle state.

Idle to Idle—Engaged


No timer

If your administrator has defined the Agent Available After Outdial as No, after an outdial call ends, your status is set as idle.

Engaged to RONA—Switches automatically when you have not accepted a contact request within the specified time.

Engaged to RONA

Engaged—No timer


You must take action on the Redirection on No Answer (RONA) pop over and the state timer starts from 00:00. For example, consider that you're in the available state for 2 minutes and accepted a voice call request. During your interaction with the customer around 5 minutes, you receive an email contact request. If you don't accept the email request within the specified time, the RONA pop over displays. You can choose either Go To Idle or Go To Available. If you choose either of the options, the state timer starts from 00:00.

Your system time must be synchronized with the network time for the agent state timer and the contact request connected timer to be displayed correctly.

Mid-call monitoring states

Mid-call monitoring allows you to monitor agents who are on the phone with customers while signed in as a supervisor. The mid-call monitoring state changes depending on your actions on the call.

Mid-call monitoring isn't supported within Desktop.

The system sets the following mid-call monitoring states:

  • Monitoring—This indicates that you've either started or resumed mid-call monitoring and displays only if mid-call monitoring is successful.

  • Monitoring Paused—This indicates that you've paused mid-call monitoring and displays only if mid-call monitoring is paused and not successful.

For more information, visit Monitor agents on a call.