Questo elenco può includere funzioni non rilasciate da organizzazioni governative. This isn’t a comprehensive list of feature gaps between Webex for Government and commercial Webex.

In particular, if your site uses Site Administration instead of Control Hub, your users don't have access to many newer features.

Per informazioni sulle ultime funzionalità di analisi, vedere Analisi per il portfolio Webex per governo.

Per considerazioni e assistenza con le ultime funzionalità di diagnostica e risoluzione dei problemi, vedere Diagnostica avanzata e risoluzione dei problemi per Webex per riunioni governative in Control Hub.

Joining meetings between commercial and government Webex meetings sites

Users from Webex for Government sites can join meetings hosted on other (commercial) Webex sites. Users from those commercial Webex sites can join meetings hosted on Webex for Government sites.

There are different in-meeting experiences, depending on how the users join and how the meetings site is configured:

Government user joins commercial meeting with Webex App

Government Webex App users join commercial meetings as guests.

When they click Join, Webex App launches the meeting in a browser (web join as guest) or connects using SIP - depending on whether the meeting details include a web address or SIP address.

Guest join requires that you allow traffic from * and * on your network. If there are network restrictions, users could see errors like:

  • "Webex Guest Join is currently unavailable"
  • "Webex was unable to connect to the following address:"
Commercial Webex App user joins Webex for Government meeting

Commercial users joining government meetings from Webex App join as guests.

If the invite includes a web address, the Webex App user can join with their browser (web join as guest). If the invite contains a SIP address, the Webex App user can join through SIP.

A Webex for Government device user joins a commercial Webex meeting

A device registered in Webex for Government can join a meeting hosted in the commercial Webex environment.

If the meeting supports guest join, then the device can join as a guest. Without guest join, the device can still join but with a limited in-meeting experience.

Commercial device user joins a Webex for Government meeting
A device user from the commercial Webex environment can join a Webex for Government meeting. This user has a limited in-meeting experience.
Webex for Government user with Webex App paired to a government device
This user can join a meeting hosted in the commercial Webex environment, with a limited in-meeting experience.
Commercial user with Webex App paired to a commercial device
This user can join a meeting hosted in the Webex for Government environment, with a limited in-meeting experience.

Limitazioni note

Features not supported in Webex for Government

  • Webex for Government doesn't yet support the Linux version of Webex App.
  • People Insights profiles aren’t available in Webex for Government.

    Gli utenti governativi non visualizzano l'Dettagli persone di testo () nei profili utente.

  • Webex Assistant and AI Assistant for Meetings is not currently available in Webex for Government.

  • Slido integration isn’t available with Webex for Government.

  • Gli utenti pubblici non possono condividere GIF animate nell'app Webex. The GIPHY library isn't available in Webex for Government.

  • Webex for Government doesn't support the process that populates meeting content to a space yet. So, meeting recordings don't appear in the space.
  • Your Webex for Government account can't sign in to Create a Cisco account and sign in with that account instead.
  • Webex for Government doesn't support self-registration or allowing nonadministrators to invite new users. Use one of the other methods to add users outlined in Ways to add users to your Control Hub organization.
  • Webex for Government doesn't currently support the enhanced whiteboard experience, including the "selection" and "shape" tools.
  • Webex for Government doesn't currently support (web-based whiteboard service).
  • Webex for Government doesn't currently support (web-based guest sharing service).
  • Webex for Government doesn't support WebACD.
  • Webex for Government doesn't support Remote Access.
  • Webex For Government doesn't currently support face recognition.
  • Webex Suite Meeting Platform is not yet supported in Webex For Government (any features requiring Webex Suite are also not yet supported (for example, Move Participant to Screen and Move Participant to Lobby).

Integrazione Azure AD

Se la propria organizzazione applica che tutti gli utenti dispongono di un dominio verificato, la sincronizzazione Azure AD non consente la creazione di utenti per domini non verificati in sincronizzazioni future. La maggior parte di Webex per organizzazioni governative richiedono domini verificati.

Known issues with devices

  • isn’t currently available to government users. Questa opzione fornisce un'alternativa all'uso dell'app Webex per la condivisione wireless. Webex per dispositivi registrati su cloud governativi attualmente visualizzano un'opzione di menu "Per condividere in modalità wireless, passare". Webex for Government doesn't currently support this option.

  • For the Join Webex button to work on government devices that link with Edge for Devices, you must enable the Webex Optimized Experience. The button lets you enter the meeting number to join a government meeting. Il pulsante non funziona per i dispositivi governativi che si uniscono a riunioni commerciali.

Known limitations of devices

  • Webex for Government doesn’t support Webex Room Series models that have reached End of Life, including CTS-series systems.

  • Government users can only use proximity pairing with devices registered to the government cloud. Likewise, commercial users can only use proximity pairing with devices registered to the commercial cloud.

    Government users that pair with devices registered to the government cloud can't click Join Using Device on paired soft clients to join commercial cloud meetings. Likewise, commercial users that pair with devices registered to the commercial cloud can't use that button to join a government cloud meeting. In questi casi, gli utenti possono:

    • Utilizzare il dispositivo commerciale per partecipare alla riunione (ad esempio, chiamare l'URI SIP della riunione dal dispositivo stesso senza utilizzare il soft client).
    • Use Webex App or Webex Meetings soft client to join the meeting. They use the meeting's join button on the soft client, without using a paired device.
  • Devices with the H.263 video codec display shared meeting content embedded inside the main video feed, together with other participants’ video.

  • When users join meetings across the boundary (commercial users join Webex for Government meetings, or conversely), the joining and in-meeting experience is different than joining meetings within the boundary. La tabella seguente fornisce una panoramica dei diversi scenari:

    Tabella 1. Esperienza di accesso e in riunione

    Tipo di dispositivo

    Riunione commerciale

    Webex per riunione governo

    Commercial cloud registered (both personal mode and shared mode devices)

    • Join button (One Button to Push, or OBTP)

    • Esperienza completa in riunione (disattivazione audio avanzata, blocco, opzioni di layout, elenco completo dei partecipanti e altro)

    • Join button (OBTP)

    • Use the full video address (<meeting_number>@<site> to join. You can't use a short video address (<meeting_number> to join.

    • Esperienza in riunione limitata (vedere Confronto delle funzionalità dei dispositivi Webex durante le riunioni)

    Webex for Government cloud registered (both personal mode and shared mode devices)

    • Join button (OBTP)

    • Esperienza in riunione limitata (vedere Confronto delle funzionalità dei dispositivi Webex durante le riunioni)

    • Use the full video address (<meeting_number>@<site> to join. You can't use a short video address (<meeting_number> to join.

    • The device notifies the user when it joins a meeting outside of Webex for Government.

    • Join button (OBTP)

    • Use the full video address (<meeting_number>@<site> to join. You can't use a short video address (<meeting_number> to join.

    • Esperienza completa in riunione (disattivazione audio avanzata, blocco, opzioni di layout, elenco completo dei partecipanti e altro)

  • Webex for Government cloud registered devices can't join Microsoft Teams meetings using Webex video integration with Microsoft Teams. La soluzione consiste nell'utilizzare WebRTC.

    La chiamata WebRTC a Microsoft Teams non è abilitata per impostazione predefinita. Per informazioni, vedere Abilitazione di WebRTC per l'accesso a una riunione Microsoft teams da Webex Boards, dispositivi di sala e servizi della scrivania. Utilizzare sempre per accedere a Control Hub per la propria organizzazione governativa.

  • Webex for Government support for third-party integrations depends on the third party's FedRAMP compliance. For example, currently, Webex for Government doesn't support integrations with Appspace, Cisco Spaces, and UMA.
  • Appspace integration for digital signage isn't available in Webex for Government, however Webex for Government does support URL-based digital signage.
  • Webex for Government doesn't support PIN Lock for Desk Series devices.
  • Webex Assistant and AI Assistant for Devices isn't available on Webex for Government cloud registered devices.

  • You can't currently use Google Meet Kits in a Webex for Government environment.
  • You can't currently use Airplay on RoomOS devices in a Webex for Government environment.

Esperienza del dispositivo Webex durante le riunioni

Quando si partecipa a una riunione commerciale da un dispositivo governativo o a una riunione Webex for Government da un dispositivo commerciale, l'esperienza è diversa rispetto all'esperienza di accesso completa ottimizzata da Webex. La tabella seguente descrive le principali differenze:

Tabella 2. Esperienza in riunione completa e limitata


Esperienza in riunione completa

Guest in-meeting experience

Limited in-meeting experience (joining using SIP)

Autenticazione dall'area di ingresso della riunione

Inserire la password direttamente sul dispositivo per eseguire l'autenticazione.

Inserire la password direttamente sul dispositivo per eseguire l'autenticazione.

Utilizzare i comandi DTMF per inserire la password.

Layout video

Multiple video streams show, with video layout controls available on the device.

Multiple video streams show, with video layout controls available on the device.

Viene visualizzata una singola immagine video transcodificata, con i comandi DTMF disponibili per modificare il layout video.

Condivisione contenuto

Condividere la visualizzazione nel proprio fotogramma.

Condividere la visualizzazione nel proprio fotogramma.

La condivisione mostra entrambi come parte di un singolo fotogramma composto con tutti i flussi video e in formato più grande in un singolo fotogramma seguente.

Elenco dei partecipanti e controlli singoli

Visualizza l'elenco dei partecipanti sul dispositivo, con i controlli avanzati per i singoli partecipanti (disattivazione dell'audio, rimozione, promozione e così via).

Visualizza l'elenco dei partecipanti sul dispositivo, con i controlli avanzati per i singoli partecipanti (disattivazione dell'audio, rimozione, promozione e così via).

Nessun elenco di partecipanti, nessun controllo avanzato.

Controlli della riunione (registrazione, disattivazione dell'audio di tutti, blocco e così via)

Controlla la riunione direttamente dal dispositivo.

Controlla la riunione direttamente dal dispositivo.

Utilizzare i comandi DTMF per controllare la riunione.

Sessioni interattive

Partecipa alle sessioni remote dal dispositivo.

Partecipa alle sessioni remote dal dispositivo.

Attualmente, questi dispositivi non possono partecipare. (L'utente rimane nella riunione principale).

Intelligence features (facial recognition, closed captioning, Webex Assistant, AI Assistant)


Intelligence features like Meetings assistant may be enabled in a commercial meeting. Webex notifies the government device user, as they join, that those features are enabled in the meeting.

The government device itself does not have intelligence features enabled.

Non disponibile.


All participants can view and edit a whiteboard.

The government device user can share a whiteboard, and other participants can see it, but they can't edit it.

The government device user can't see whiteboards shared by the commercial devices or users.

Only the whiteboard host can edit. Other participants can only view the whiteboard.

App incorporate


Non disponibile

Non disponibile

Paired join


Available, but the government device user has a limited in-meeting experience.
