Sign in to Webex App


Open Webex, or download the app.


Click Sign in, enter your email address, and then click Next.

Follow the steps for your organizations sign in.

View all queues

You can view the information available for all the queues that you're a member of. Queue information includes queue name, calls in queue, longest wait time, agents total, agents idle, agents available, and agents unavailable.

Click Customer Experience .

Live queue stats table in Customer Experience analytics
  • Queue name—Name assigned to the call queue.
  • Contacts currently in queue—Number of callers that are waiting for an agent to be available.
  • Total agents—Number of agents assigned to the call queue.
  • Agents staffed—Number of agents that are currently working in the call queue.
  • Agents idle—Number of agents that aren't on a call.
  • Agents unavailable—Number of agents that are on a call.

Choose how you want to view the queues:

  • Click a column to order the list.

  • To search the list for a queue, click Search and enter the queue name.

Sign in to a queue

When you're added to a queue by your administrator, you can join that queue and start to receive calls for the call queue.


In the calling dock on Windows or the app footer on Mac, click Queues.


Under Join queues, toggle on the queues you want to join.

To receive calls on these queues, ensure your Agent status is set to Available.

Answer calls

As a member of a queue, you receive notifications for incoming calls on those queues. On Windows, you'll receive a notification on the calling dock, or if you're using Mac you'll receive an incoming call alert window.

Click Accept.

If your administrator sets up screen pop, a screen opens automatically with additional information for the customer you are talking to.

Your supervisor can monitor your call, you hear a notification tone when they join your call.

When your status is set to Wrapping Up, you will not receive calls from the call queue, the text under the status will change in a coming release.

Sign out of a queue

When you're added to a queue by your administrator, you can sign out of that queue.


In the calling dock on Windows or the app footer on Mac, click Queues .


Under Join queues, toggle off the queues you want to sign out of.