Webex DLL(s) Get Blocked on Cylance Antivirus

Webex DLL(s) get blocked on Cylance antivirus.

How to allow Webex on Cylance antivirus?

Webex DLLs blocked after WBS 40.2 upgrade.

As the Webex Meetings version 40.2 update continues to roll out, we have been notified that users using Cylance Antivirus for their desktop protection have experienced crashes or issues while joining or starting Webex Meetings.

We have quickly worked with BlackBerry Cylance and the issue has been identified as the Cylance Antivirus product incorrectly blocking a Webex Meetings binary.

As of March 2, 2020, 1:00pm PST, Cylance has reported to Cisco that this issue has been fixed by adding Webex Meetings software in Cylance product’s allowed list. Cylance has also pushed the new allowed list to their cloud, which should update the Cylance antivirus software on users’ desktops and resolve this issue.

Option for administrators calling on behalf of their users:

If multiple users continue to experience issues, Cisco and Cylance recommend that you contact Cylance customer support.

Workaround for individual users

To urgently join a meeting, a user facing an issue may follow steps given below to manually add Webex Meetings software to the safelist:

Follow the steps below to allow Webex:

  1. Visit https://mydashboard.cylance.com/Device, and log in to My Dashboard.
  2. Select the device name with a quarantined threat:
  1. Select the quarantined threat:
  1. Review the threat details, and add it to the safe list:
  1. Input the reason and select Confirm:

You will then see it in Settings > Global Lists > Safe List:


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