Error: 'Your Webex authorization has expired. Please reauthorize webex' While using Webex Education Connectors.

Error: 'Your Webex authorization has expired. Please reauthorize webex' while using Webex Education Connectors.

Error: Your Webex authorization has expired, while using Cisco Webex features in Webex Education Connectors (WEC).

To resolve the issue:

  1. Click the Virtual Meetings tab in any of your LMS courses:
  1. Click the Log Out button in the top-right:
User-added image
  1. Click Sign in with Webex Meetings.
  2. Enter your email address, if prompted.
  3. Enter your Password, then authenticate with your IDP, if configured for SSO. 
  4. Accept the permissions request, if prompted:
User-added image
  1. You have now reauthorized your Cisco Webex account in LMS and should be able to create meetings again.

If the above steps don't resolve the issue, try the following steps:​​​​​​
  1. Log out of LMS.
  2. Clear the cache and cookies in your browser, for help see:
  1. Close your browser.
  2. Open the browser and log in to LMS.
  3. Repeat the steps in the first section again.

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