Unable to add users for the Online Webex account in Control Hub

Unable to add users for the Online Webex account in Control Hub

Unable to assign the license to the users for the Online Webex account

Error: "Account Error! We were unable to load information for your account. Please try refreshing."

Limitations for Online Webex account


Known Issues and limitations for Online Webex account: 

Scenario 1:

Issue: Administrators cannot add users in the Control Hub for the Online Webex account.
Symptom: User gets an error: "Account Error! We were unable to load information for your account. Please try refreshing." after selecting Manage users in Control Hub.

User-added image
Workaround: Only a billing contact administrator can add/manage users.

Note: Email contact which was used while purchasing the Webex online subscription will be the Billing contact administrator for that particular Webex Site.

Scenario 2:

Issue: Administrators will not be able to add users if they do not have additional licenses.

Symptom: The administrator is redirected to the Webex site to purchase a supplemental license while adding users.

Workaround: The administrator has to buy an additional user license.


Note: You cannot add a user unless you have an available license.

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