Partner administrators can use Advanced Branding Customizations to customize how Webex App looks for the customer organizations that they manage. Partner administrators can customize the following settings to ensure that Webex App reflects their company brand and identity:

  • Company logos

  • Unique Color Schemes for Light mode or Dark mode

  • Customized Support URLs

By default, partner-level branding gets applied to all customer organizations that the partner manages. Partners can also specify whether customer administrators can override their settings for their own organization.

Partner Hub currently displays two branding tabs: Basic customization and Advanced customization. By default, the Basic customization tab is selected. You can configure one of the options only—not both. We recommend Advanced customization to configure a wider range of options.

Advanced Branding Configuration Overview

Advanced Branding settings can be applied in the following contexts, with each context setting branding for different groups of users:

  • Partner Organization only—Applies only to users in partner organization (the organization titled "My Organization" in Partner Hub).

  • Partner-level Branding (all customers)—Sets default branding for all customers that inherit the partner's branding.

  • Partner-defined Branding (for single customer)—If needed, sets branding for a single customer. Overrides partner-level defaults.

  • Customer Branding—Customer administrators can override Partner Branding only if the partner administrator enables this option.

Recommended configuration order

Following is the recommended order for applying branding to customer organizations:

  1. Partner-defined Branding (for single customer)—If you want to define unique settings for a single customer organization, configure branding for that customer before you set partner-level defaults.

  2. Partner-level Branding (all customers)—Configure partner-level branding that applies as default branding for all customer organizations.

  3. Customer Branding—If partner administrator enables the override option, customer administrators can apply branding to their own organization, overriding partner settings.

Branding for the partner’s own organization is applied separately from settings for customer organizations and does not need to follow this order.

Configure Advanced Branding

Partner administrators can use this procedure to configure Advanced Branding settings that apply either to customer organizations that the partner manages or to the partner organization itself.

Note that Branding for the partner's own organization (the organization titled "My Organization" in Partner Hub) must be configured separately from Branding that gets applied to customer organizations that the partner manages.

Before you begin

If you have some customer organizations where you want to apply unique Branding settings and others that will use Partner Level branding, configure Branding for the individual customer organizations before you configure Partner-level Branding (for all customer organizations).

Sign in to Partner Hub and then complete one of the following steps, depending on the group to which you want to apply settings:

  • For Partner-level Branding (for all customers)—Click Settings.
  • For Partner-defined Branding (for a single customer)—Launch the Customer view for that organization and click Organization Settings.
  • For Partner organization only—Launch view for “My Organization” and click Organization Settings.

Under Branding, select the Advanced customization tab and click Customize Branding to configure the settings.

By default, the Basic customization tab is selected.

On the General tab, edit the following settings:

  • Branding—Enter a brand name. The name that you enter becomes part of the offering name on the About page (for example, "Acme on Cisco Webex").
  • Dark mode visibility—Enable this toggle if you want users to be able to use Dark mode. Otherwise, only Light mode is available to users.

On the Logos tab, add the logos that you want to use for Light mode and Dark mode.


On the Colors tab, input the hexadecimal color schemes that you want to apply for Light mode and Dark mode. You can input a separate color scheme for each mode.

The image maps how each color setting gets applied to the Webex App. You can use the toggle and the tabs to switch the image between Light mode and Dark mode on various platforms (for example, Windows, iOS, Android). For a detailed summary of the settings, see Branding Outcomes for Users.


On the Support Links tab, enter the customized URLs that you want to use for various legal disclaimers and forgotten passwords.


On the Emergency Call Disclaimer tab, configure settings for the disclaimer. For details on how to configure the disclaimer, see Emergency Call Disclaimer.


Click Publish Changes.

The new branding is not immediately visible to users whose organizations are in different datacenters to your partner organization. There is a daily refresh across the datacenters, so the branding can take up to 24 hours to propagate to all users.

Optional. Check the Enable all customers (this customer) to use their own logo and color check box if you want to allow customer administrators to override your settings (the default is unchecked).


Repeat the procedure if you want to configure Advanced Branding for one of the other options outlined in Step 1.

  • Your logo gets added to both the Navigation bar and to the About window in Webex on Desktop. Logos do not display for either Mobile or Tablet applications.

  • Click Reset to default branding to return to the default branding settings. For partner administrators configuring partner-level branding for customer organizations, this button resets branding to Cisco default settings. For customer administrators, the button returns branding to partner-level brading settings.

  • The Reset to default branding button is not available to partner administrators when configuring branding that applies to the partner organization.

  • Partner-level branding gets applied only to customer organizations that the partner manages. Partner branding does not get applied to the partner organization itself, titled “My Organization” in Partner Hub.

  • If you disable customer branding altogether, customer administrators do not see the Branding section in their organization settings.

  • Webex for Cisco BroadWorks only. The Colors tab contains additional buttons: Sign-in (for the User Activation Portal) and Email (for Email login). However, this option must be turned on by Cisco TAC or these settings do not appear.

Rules for Customer Inheritance of Partner Branding

As partner administrator, you must decide whether you want customer administrators to be able to override your Branding settings and add their own logos and colors. The following conditions apply:

  • By default, customer organizations inherit partner-level Branding as the default branding settings.

  • Once unique Branding settings are applied to a specific customer organization (whether by a customer administrator or by a partner administrator), the relationship is broken. Any further edits to partner-level branding have no effect on branding settings for the customer organization.

  • To reset a customer organization’s branding to partner-level branding defaults, a partner administrator or customer administrator must open the Advanced Branding settings for that customer organization and click Reset to default branding.

Branding Settings Access for Admins

The following table outlines the level of access partner administrators and customer organization administrators have to edit or view Branding settings. There are three levels of access: Editable, Read Only, and Not visible (cannot read or edit settings).

For customer organization administrators, edit access depends on whether the partner administrator gives that customer organization the ability to override Partner Branding. The following settings determine whether the override is enabled:

  • Enable all customers to use their own logo and color—Configured by partner administrator in partner-level Branding settings. When enabled, customer administrators at all customer organizations that inherit the partner-level Branding defaults can override the partner settings. By default, this setting applies to all customer organizations the partner manages unless a unique Branding configuration is applied to that specific organization).

    This setting exists separately for Basic and Advanced Customization. The Basic setting applies only to customer organizations that are assigned Basic Branding while the Advanced setting applies only to customer organizations that are assigned Advanced Customization.
  • Enable this customer to use their own logo and color—Configured by partner administrator in Branding settings for a specific customer organization. When this option is checked, customer administrators for this customer organization can override the partner-defined setting.

Table 1. Administrator Acess to Edit Settings


Basic Customization (Logo + Primary Color)

Advanced Customization

General Tab

Logo Tab

Colors Tab

Support Links

Emergency Call Disclaimer

Partner admin (viewing own organization)







Partner admin (viewing customer organization from partner portal)







Customer admin (viewing own organization when Branding override is On for that org).





Read only

Read only

Customer admin (viewing own organization when Branding override is disabled for that org).

Read only

Read only

Read only

Read only

Read only

Read only

Customer admin (when organization is not assigned to a partner)

Not visible

Not visible

Not visible

Not visible

Not visible

Not visible

Webex for Cisco BroadWorks only. The Advanced Customization Sign-in and Email window color customizations are available only if they are turned on by Cisco TAC. After they are turned on, administrator access is the same as in the Colors tab in the above table.

Branding Outcomes for Users

List of Partner Brandable Controls

Table 2. Partner Brandable Controls that Users See in Webex

Image reference number

Setting name

Path to the setting in Partner Hub

Logo choice

This setting applies only to Webex on desktops. It affects the About page and the menu bar:

  • Use default Cisco logos

  • Use your own logo

Settings > Branding > Basic customization

Custom color in Webex app

Settings > Branding > Basic customization


The name you enter becomes part of the offering name on the About page, e.g. "Acme on Cisco Webex"

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > General

Dark mode visibility

This toggle gives users the ability to deploy the Webex App in Dark mode or Light mode (the default is Light mode).

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > General

Light mode logo

Dark mode logo

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Logos


Primary color

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors



This control applies only to primary buttons such as Add and Save.

Meet, Call and Chat buttons are not included in Advanced customization.

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors


Navigation icons (active)

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors


Navigation badges

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors


Connect to a device (connected)

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors


Hyperlinks / New Banner

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors



Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Colors

Sample Desktop Color Palette
Sample Tablet and Mobile Palette
Table 3. Partner Brandable Links that Users See in Webex

Image reference number

Setting name

Path to the setting in Partner Hub


Terms of service

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Support Links


Privacy statement

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Support Links


Notices and disclaimers

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Support Links


Third-party licences and notices

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Support Links

Reset Password

  • When BroadWorks authentication is used, the Reset Password link appears on the User Activation Portal and on the Webex App login screen.

  • If you do not configure a Reset Password link in your Branding settings, the reset link will not appear on the Webex App.

  • Partners must configure their own mechanism for resetting passwords at the URL that they specify.

Settings > Branding > Advanced customization > View Branding > Support Links


Send Feedback (from About window)

This setting also appears by selecting Help > Webex Help from the toolbar.

Organization Settings > Help and support information


(?) icon

This setting also appears by selecting Help > Send Feedback from the toolbar.

Organization Settings > Help and support information

The About page on Webex Teams
The Customizable "Fineprint" Links, and the custom problem report link, on the About page
The Customizable Help Link at Bottom of Side Menu

Branding Conflicts

If a branding conflict exists, we display only the Cisco branding in the Webex App. Branding conflicts occur when two partners, both of whom have branding set up, deliver non-conflicting services to the same customer organization. For example, one partner assigns Webex Calling to a customer organization while a different partner assigns Webex for BroadWorks services to the same customer organization. Either partner can open a TAC case in order to determine which partner branding applies. Also note that if only one of the two partners has configured branding, then no branding conflict exists.

Add Help and support information

Partner administrators can use this procedure to assign support information for their customers that will be displayed on their Webex site, Webex App, and TAC case open tools.


Sign in to Partner Hub and then complete one of the following options, depending on which set of users will use these settings:

  • Partner organization only—Launch view for My organization and click Organization Settings.
  • Partner level (default settings for all customers that the partner manages— Click Settings.
  • Specific customer (overrides partner-level defaults)—Launch the Customer view for that customer and click Organization Settings.

In the Help and support information section, you can:

  • Redirect users to your support team for Webex support—If this is enabled, your customer's users won't be able to open support cases with the Cisco TAC team through Support Case Manager, Webex Chat Assistant, or by making a phone call. This setting doesn't apply to your customer's Webex organization administrators as defined here.
    The redirect user support setting isn't available at the Partner level within Partner Hub at this time.

Enter the following support details for your customer:

  • Contact support URL—The URL where your customer's users open support cases.
  • Support description—Specify details that will be presented to a user about your customer's support (such as hours of operation, phone number for urgent support, etc.).
  • Help site—The URL for your customer's knowledge base, where users can access self-help resources.
You may use internal-only URLs for the Contact Support URL and Help Site URL. To access them the user must be connected to the Enterprise network or connected through a VPN.

Click Save.

How the Help and support information options are used

Webex App

The Webex App makes use of the Contact support and Help Site URL natively within the Help menu of the Webex App. Once a user clicks the Contact Support URL, the logs from their Webex App are automatically uploaded to Control Hub. The logs can be retrieved by an administrator in Control Hub by navigating to Monitoring > Troubleshooting > Logs.

If the Contact support URL isn't configured, users will see Report an issue under the Help menu instead of Send Feedback. Report an Issue will ask them to select a Product area and description before clicking send.
  • Contact Support URL—Launches when a user clicks Send Feedback from the About window or when a user selects Menu > Send Feedback from the toolbar.
  • Help Site URL—Launches when a user clicks the (?) icon and chooses Help Center or when the user selects Menu > Send Feedback from the toolbar.

Webex site

The Webex Site makes use of the Contact support URL, Support description, and Help Site URL under the Support Option on your Webex site. These settings apply to every site associated with your Webex organization. For more details, review Specify contact information for Webex site administrator.

TAC case open tools

If your customer has the Redirect user support option enabled, the Contact support URL, Contact description, and Help Site URL are displayed when a user of the Webex organization attempts to open a case in Support Case Manager or Webex Chat Assistant. The information is presented to them after taking the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Support Case Manager.
  2. Click the Webex option.
Help and support information example in Webex App for end users

The information presented in this window corresponds in Control Hub as follows:

  • Support information details—Fills in the details from the description configured in Help and support information.
  • Open Case—Opens the Contact support URL configured in Help and support information.
  • Knowledge Base—Opens the Help Site URL configured in Help and support information.

Related Branding Articles

The following articles are related to the Branding configuration in this article:

  • Emergency Call Disclaimer—Partner administrators can use this article to configure the Emergency Call Disclaimer.

  • Add Your Company Branding to Webex—Customer administrators can use this article to configure Branding for their own customer organizations. The partner administrator must have enabled this option for the customer administrator. Otherwise, the customer administrator cannot override partner branding defaults.