Webex for Government Calling

Webex for Government Calling adds these capabilities to your organization:

  • Calling subscriptions for telephony users and common areas
  • Secure and reliable cloud services delivered by trusted regional service providers
  • Webex App access for every user, adding rich unified communications and team collaboration services
  • Public Switch Telephony Network (PSTN) access to let your users dial numbers outside the organization. You can get this service through an existing enterprise infrastructure (local gateway without on-premises IP PBX or with an existing Unified CM call environment).
  • Tier 1 support provided by your partner, next level support provided by Cisco

Manage these calling features through Control Hub with your Webex for Government environment. Your administrators can configure these features:

Auto Attendant Add greetings, set up menus, and route calls to an answering service, a hunt group, a voicemail box, or a real person. Create a 24-hour schedule or provide different options when your business is open or closed. You can even route calls based on caller ID attributes to create VIP lists or handle calls from certain area codes differently.
Call Queue Set up a call queue so that unanswered incoming calls get an automated answer, comfort messages, and music on hold until someone answers the call.
Call Pickup When you add users to a call pickup group and a group member is away or busy, another member can answer their calls.
Call Park Turn on call park to let users put a call on hold and pick it up from another phone.
Hunt Group You may want to set up hunt groups for scenarios like these:
  • A sales team that wants sequential routing. An incoming call rings one phone, but if there's no answer, the call goes to the next agent in the list.
  • A support team that wants phones to ring all at once so that the first available agent takes the call.
Paging Group Create a paging group to let users send an audio message to a person, a department, or a team. When someone sends a message to a paging group, the message plays on all devices in the group.
Receptionist Client Help support the needs of your front-office personnel with a full set of call control options. The client offers large-scale line monitoring, call queuing, multiple directory options and views, Outlook integration, and more.

Users can configure the following features in User Hub.

Anonymous call rejection Reject incoming calls with blocked caller IDs.
Business continuity If a power outage, network issues, or other issues disconnect your phones, forward incoming calls to a specific phone number.
Call forwarding Forward incoming calls to another phone.
Call forwarding selective Forward calls at specific times from specific callers. This setting takes precedence over call forwarding.
Call notify Sends the user an email when they receive a call that meets predefined criteria such as phone number or date and time.
Call waiting Answer other incoming calls.
Do not disturb Temporarily send all calls directly to voicemail.
Office anywhere Use selected phones ("Locations") as an extension of their business phone number and dial plan.
Priority alert Ring your phone with a distinctive ring when a call meets a predefined criteria, such as phone number or date and time.
Remote office Make calls from a remote phone and have it appear from your business line. In addition, any incoming calls to their business line ring on this remote phone.
Selective call acceptance Accept calls at specific times from specific callers.
Selective call rejection Reject calls at specific times from specific callers.
Sequential ring Ring up to 5 devices one after another for incoming calls.
Simultaneous ring Ring users' and others ("call recipients") numbers at the same time for incoming calls.

Webex for Government Calling doesn't support these features:

  • Registration-based Local Gateway
  • Site survivability
  • Webex Go
  • Cisco Calling Plans (this includes plans with business texting (SMS)
  • Cloud Connected PSTN (CCP)
  • Third-party call recording
  • WebRTC
  • Calling integration with Microsoft Teams
  • Third-party SIP devices
  • STUN/ICE-Lite for media path optimization.
  • Fax (T.38)

Webex for Government Calling can't support Webex Dedicated Instance (Webex DI).