
You can assign multimedia profiles to sites, teams, or individual agents. By default, the system assigns the Default_Telephony_Profile to every site. You can't edit or delete this profile, but can reassign a different multimedia profile to the site.

For the Default_Telephony_Profile, the Voice channel is assigned a default value of 1, while Chat, Email, and Social Channel are assigned a value of 0. This means that, by default, only voice calls can be handled. However, you can select a value for the other channels as per your choice, which will then become a multimedia profile.

For the Default_Multimedia_Profile, the Voice channel is assigned a default value of 1, while Chat, Email, and Social Channel are assigned a value of 5. However, you can select a different value for the channels as per your choice.

The teams within a site share the site's default multimedia profile unless you assign a different profile to the teams. Similarly, agents within these teams inherit their team's multimedia profile unless you change the profile for them.

Administrators can configure following types of multimedia profiles:

  • Blended

  • Blended Real-time

  • Exclusive

When handling a non-voice contact, agents can make a manual outdial call from Agent Desktop, as long as they have a voice channel available. This is applicable to all multimedia profile types.

This results in the following scenarios:

  • When an agent is handling a non-voice contact, the agent can make a manual outdial voice call.

  • When an agent is handling an outdial voice call, the agent can handle a non-voice contact.

  • However, when an agent is handling a voice call, the agent cannot make a manual outdial voice call, and vice versa.

Blended multimedia profile

Blended multimedia profiles allow organizations to provide dedicated attention to customers, promoting better quality of service, improved customer experience, and better conversion rates. Organizations can also balance uneven load across media channels utilizing agents more efficiently.

Associating a multimedia profile

After you configure the multimedia profile, associate the profile to a site and team. For more information, see Sites, Teams, and Users.

A multimedia profile associated with an individual agent has the highest precedence. It overrides the multimedia profile of the agent's team, which in turn takes precedence over the multimedia profile associated with the site.

Create a multimedia profile


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop experience > Multimedia profiles.


Click Create Multimedia profiles.


Enter the following details in the General section:




Enter a name for the Multimedia profile.


(Optional) Enter a description for the multimedia profile.

The Name and Description fields allow alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ).


Go to More details section to provide the details for new multipmedia profile.


Select one of the followings from the options:




Allows agents to handle multiple contacts simultaneously for different channel types. Set the number for each channel type.

Number of contacts that you can set:

  • Voice: 0–1

  • Chat, Email, and Social Channel: 0–5

Blended Real-time

Allows agents to handle one mandatory real-time channel, either Voice or Chat, and in addition you can set the limit for Email.

Number of contacts that you can set:

  • Voice: 1 (mandatory)

  • Chat: 1–5

  • Email: 0–5


Allows agents to focus on one customer contact at a time. Check the channel types for which the agents receive contacts.

Exclusive multimedia profiles with chat, voice, email, and social channels prioritize voice contacts over chat contacts. If a chat contact is queued before a voice contact, the system routes the voice contact to an available agent first, indicating that voice takes precedence over chat.


Click Create to add a multimedia profile.

You can view the ceated profiles in the Multimedia profiles section.

Edit a multimedia profile


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop experience > Multimedia Profiles to view the list of multimedia profiles..


Click the multimedia profile that you want to edit.

Multimedia profile details open in editable mode.

Edit the details of multimedia profile.


Click Save to save the edits else click Cancel to discard the changes.

Activate or deactivate a multimedia profile


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop Experience > Multimedia Profiles to view the list of multimedia profiles


Click the multimedia profile that you want to activate or deactivate.


Toggle Active/Inactive to perform the desired action.


Click Save to save the modified state else click Cancel to discard the changes.

Delete a multimedia profile

Before you begin

Ensure that the multimedia profile that you want to delete is in an inactive state.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop experience > Multimedia Profiles to view the list of multimedia profiles.


Click the multimedia profile that you want to delete.


Click the delete icon on top right of the page.


Click Delete in the confirmation pop-up message to delete the multimedia profile.