Using reports, you can see details for each meeting, how often users are messaging each other, details for Webex Calling calls and call queues, how often Cisco devices are used, onboarding information, and more.

Reports is a part of the Monitoring section available in Control Hub that you can use to help track usage or solve issues with Webex services in your organization.

Report templates in Control Hub

You can generate a CSV-formatted report immediately or schedule reports to run automatically in a daily, weekly, or monthly format. When you download a report, the report uses the following naming format for the file:

  • Default report template—Default Template Name_alphanumeric characters_Download Date
  • Custom report template—Custom Template Name_alphanumeric characters_Download Date

To generate these reports with an API, see the Reports API or Report Templates API developer page. You must have Pro Pack in order to generate reports with an API.

UI tooltips are shown for features that are only available with Pro Pack.

The following table shows types of reports available for Control Hub, the earliest date range that you can view the data for each report, and the maximum date range that you can select for each report that you run.


Standard License

Pro Pack License

Latest Data Available to Generate on Current Date

Available Data Date Range

Standard—Date Range Limit Per Download

Pro Pack—Date Range Limit Per Download

Onboarding User Activation and License Details Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings Embedded Apps Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings In-Meeting Feature Usage Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Meetings Usage Summary Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings High CPU Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings Active Hosts Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings Inactive Users Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings Active User Rolling Average Report**


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Enterprise Agreement Report**


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Meetings Details Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Meetings Attendees Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Meetings Audio Usage Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Meetings Telephony Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Meetings License Consumption Report**




Webinar Report*


May 1, 2021

3 months

13 months

Messaging External Domain Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Messaging Bots Activity Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Messaging User Activity Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Messaging Bots Activity Summary Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Messaging User Activity Summary Report


13 months from current date

31 days

Messaging App Version Report


13 months from current date


Meetings Future Schedules Report

NA (future 90 days)


90 days

Calling Media Quality Report


13 months from current date

31 days

31 days

Calling Engagement Report


13 months from current date

31 days

31 days

Calling Quality Report


13 months from current date

31 days

31 days

Calling Detailed Call History


13 months from current date

Data available from April 12, 2022

31 days

31 days

Calling Detailed Call History Report


13 months from current date

31 days

31 days

Call Queue Stats Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Call Queue Agent Stats Report


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Auto Attendant Reports - Stats Summary, Business Hours Key Details, After-Hours Key Details


13 months from current date

Data available from July 29, 2022

3 months

13 months

Rooms and Desks Detail Report*


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

VIMT License Report*


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

VIMT Usage Report*


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

Devices Power Consumption Report*


13 months from current date

3 months

13 months

* These reports aren't available in Webex for Government organizations.

** These reports are only available for subscriptions that bill based on the number of license usage.

Report list

This tab shows a list of reports that are ready for you to download. You can subscribe to a report when scheduling one, you get an email notification when the report is ready to download.

Only the administrator or the user authorized to generate the reports in the Control Hub can view them in the Report List page.

When the report is generating, the status column changes to “In Progress”. When the report is ready to download, the status column changes to “Complete”. Your report may take up to 24 hours to generate, depending on the size of the report and how many reports are queued. Generated reports are available in the Report list tab.

You can only have a maximum of 50 reports in this list. Once you reach that limit, delete some reports to generate new reports again.

Reports list UI in Control Hub

Scheduled reports

This tab shows a list of reports that are set to run recurringly. You can view the details of each report, such as report name, organization name, frequency of generating the report, day on which the report generates, last generated time, status of schedule, and notification subscription.

Scheduled Reports UI in Control Hub

Upcoming change to the Calling Media Quality report

The data for the Video Duration field in the Calling Media Quality report has occasionally been reported as higher than expected. We're addressing this discrepancy to make sure that the data accurately reflects the actual video duration during calls. This change will be applied to historical data, affecting records up to 13 months prior from when the change goes live.

The Video Duration field also exists in the Calling Engagement report, but this change won't affect this report as it's being obsoleted.

This tab shows a list of fixed templates that you can use to schedule reports, along with a brief description for each report.

These reports are for your general use and shouldn't be used for billing purposes.

To view more information about these reports, you can expand the following sections:

Data availability

Data capture is based on the UTC time zone. It takes approximately eight hours for the last-day data to show up for the following day, which is around 8:00 UTC. Different time zones may affect the updates of certain reports with new data.

For example, if you generate a report for the same day, the report may only include partial data. If you include the previous day and the same day in the time range, the report may include partial data, depending on your time zone.

We recommend that you generate same-day reports in the afternoon of your time zone. You can include the previous day data along with the same day data in your reports.

Meetings Embedded Apps

This report provides detail about the different types of Webex embedded apps that a participant uses in a meeting.

Column Name



Unique ID of the meeting.


Subject of the meeting.


Type of meeting that took place. The possible values are:

  • MC—Webex Meetings
  • EC—Webex Events (classic)
  • TC—Webex Training
  • SC—Webex Support
  • Webinar—Webex Webinars
  • Webcast—Webex Webinars in webcast view


Email address of the participant who attended the meeting.


Name of the participant who attended the meeting.


Name of the embedded app used by the participant in the meeting.


A date on which the embedded app is used by a participant in the meeting.

Meetings In-Meeting Feature Usage

This report provides detail about which collaboration features are used by a user during meetings in your organization.

We recommend that you use latest Webex Meetings client (WBS 42.7 or above), or at least the latest lockdown version (WBS 42.6), to accurately capture data for this report. If you're using an older client version, some data may not get captured in the report.

Known limitations

Data isn't captured for a user if:

  • The user joined with a device that doesn't support in-meeting features.
  • The user didn't leave the meeting normally, such as dropping out of the meeting due to a lost network connection or their app crashed.

Column Name



The 9-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


The subject of the meeting.


The unique ID of the meeting.


The name of the user who attended the meeting.


The email address of the user who attended the meeting.


The date of the meeting (GMT).


When the meeting started (GMT).


When the meeting ended (GMT).


The user recorded the meeting in the cloud.


The user shared an application while sharing their screen.


The user shared a document while sharing their screen.


The user opened the chat panel and sent a message.


The user accessed or utilized a question and answer session.


The user turned on automated closed captions.


The user shared a whiteboard.


The user shared their desktop.


The user shared their screen when they joined the meeting through a browser.


The user turned on their video.


The user remotely controlled another participant's shared application during the meeting.


The user remotely controlled another participant's shared web browser during the meeting.


The user accessed annotation features during the meeting.


The user transferred a file during the meeting.


The user remotely controlled another participant's shared desktop during the meeting.


The user remotely controlled another participant's shared desktop during the meeting.


The user remotely controlled another participant's shared web browser during the meeting.


The user started or joined a breakout session.

This field only applies to users who join meetings on the Webex Suite meeting platform. The value for users who aren't on this platform show as N even if they joined a breakout session.


The user enabled the simultaneous translation feature.


The user selected a reaction during the meeting.


The user selected the raise hand feature during the meeting.


The user moved their meeting to a mobile device during the meeting.


The user enabled a virtual background during the meeting.


The user enabled the real time translation feature during the meeting.


The user enabled Webex Assistant during the meeting.

Meetings Details

This report provides detail about meetings that are started within the selected date range. You can see host of the meeting, start and end time of the meeting, number of attendees, if the meeting is recorded, and more.

Column Name



The 9-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


The subject of the meeting.


The unique ID of the meeting.


The type of meeting that took place. The possible values are:

  • MC—Webex Meetings
  • EC—Webex Events (classic)
  • TC—Webex Training
  • SC—Webex Support
  • Webinar—Webex Webinars
  • Webcast—Webex Webinars in webcast view


The name of the user who created or scheduled the meeting.


The unique ID of the host.


The email address of the host.


When the meeting started (GMT).


When the meeting ended (GMT).


The length of the meeting in minutes.


The number of participants in the meeting.


The total number in minutes that all participants have been in the meeting.

For example, if a meeting had 3 participants and they each joined for 10 minutes, then the total equals to 3 participants x 10 minutes each = 30 minutes.


At least one participant called into the meeting using audio connection through a computer.


At least one participant shared their screen in the meeting.


If the meeting is recorded or not.


The number of participants who joined with a Webex Meetings client and turned on their video during the meeting.


The total number in minutes that participants are sending video.


A meeting where all participants called in using PSTN.


The tracking code associated with a user.

The report only shows the default tracking code names.


This field shows if a meeting is scheduled through the Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, or Google Calendar integration with the Cisco Webex Meetings app.


This field shows if the Webex Assistant for Meetings is used in the meeting. The possible values are:

  • Y—Webex Assistant is used during the session.

  • N—Webex Assistant isn't used at all.


This field shows if a breakout session is started during the meeting. The possible values are:

  • Y—A breakout session is created.

  • N—No breakout sessions are used.


This field shows if the meeting is scheduled using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The possible values are:

  • Y—The meeting is end-to-end encrypted.

  • N—The meeting isn't end-to-end encrypted.


This field shows if a meeting had simultaneous interpretation enabled by the host. The possible values are:

  • Y—The host enabled simultaneous interpretation for the meeting.

  • N—The host didn't enable simultaneous interpretation for the meeting.

Meetings Attendees

This report provides detail about every participant who attended a meeting within the selected date range. You can find out about a participant’s media quality data during the meeting and information about how they joined the meeting.

Media quality data and hardware information of participants are only available if the meeting's duration is more than two minutes.

Column Name



The 9-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


The subject of the meeting.


The unique ID of the meeting.


The names of the participants who attended the meeting.


The email addresses of the participants who attended the meeting.


This field has been deprecated. For similar information, use the COUNTRY, STATE, and CITY fields.


The date of the meeting (GMT).


The times that the participants joined the meeting (GMT).


The times that the participants left the meeting (GMT).


The number of minutes the participants remained connected in a meeting.


The operating systems of the devices the participants used to join the meeting.


The web browsers that participants used for the Webex Meetings for Web to join the meeting.


The IP addresses of the clients used to join the meeting. These IP addresses may not be externally routable addresses if they're behind a firewall.


The IP addresses of the client that's externally routable. This can be the same as LOCAL_IP if the client is connected directly to the internet without using a VPN.


The average audio packet loss during the meeting from the Webex cloud to the client direction, in percentage.

The receiving packet loss is calculated after Webex's packet loss recovery.


The average audio latency during the meeting, in milliseconds.


JMT = (the time from clicking the meeting link to loading the preview window) + (the time from clicking the Join button in the preview window to connecting into the meeting).

JMT doesn’t count the time the user spends browsing menus, making selections in the preview window, or waiting in the lobby.


The percentage of the duration participants used TCP connection for a VoIP call.


The percentage of the duration participants used UDP connection for a VoIP call.


If the attendee joined the meeting using a Webex Room or Desk Device,


Whether or not the participant shared their screen during the meeting.


Whether or not the participant clicked the Record button.


The total number of minutes that video is enabled by the participant in the meeting.


The type of soft client used to join the meeting.


The version of the soft client used to join the meeting.


The data center or region of the media node that the client is connected to. For cloud-based media nodes, this field shows a general region name such as "San Jose, USA".

For video mesh-based media nodes, this field have more specific name that matches the video mesh cluster name that is provisioned by the customer.


The type of network connection that the client used to exchange media. Possible values could be "wifi", "ethernet", "cellular", or "unknown".

This isn't tracked per media type. It's possible (and relatively common) that this changes over the course of a meeting. Only the initial connection is recorded here.


The hardware make and model of the device used to join a meeting. For computers this might be "Lenovo Thinkpad p60". For phones this might be "Samsung Galaxy S7". For room devices this might be "Cisco Webex Room Kit".


The brand name and model information for the camera that is used during the meeting.

This can change over the course of a meeting, however, only the initial camera used is reported.


The brand name and model information for the microphone that is used during the meeting.

This can change over the course of a meeting, however, only the initial microphone used is reported.


The brand name and model information for the speaker that is used during the meeting.

This can change over the course of a meeting, however, only the initial speaker used is reported.


The average audio latency during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The highest value of audio latency during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average end-to-end audio packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest value of end-to-end audio packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The average audio packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest value of audio packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The average audio jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The highest value of audio jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average audio jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The highest value of audio jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average video latency during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The highest value of video latency during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average video packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest value of video packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The average video packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest value of video packet loss during the meeting, in percentage.


The average video jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The highest value of video jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average video jitter during the call, in milliseconds.


The highest value of video jitter during the meeting, in milliseconds.


The average CPU usage for the Webex app during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest CPU usage value for the Webex app during the meeting, in percentage.


The average system CPU usage during the meeting, in percentage.


The highest system CPU usage value during the meeting, in percentage.


This field shows if participants enabled a virtual background during the meeting. The possible values are:

  • Y—A virtual background is enabled once during the meeting.

  • N—A virtual background isn't used.


This field shows if the participant is a host or attendee. The possible values are:

  • TRUE—The participant is a host.

  • FALSE—The participant is an attendee.


This field shows if the participant is a cohost for the meeting. The possible values are:

  • Y—The participant is a cohost.

  • N—The participant is not a cohost.


Client that the participant used to join the meeting.


Method that the participant used to join the meeting.


App or browser that the participant used to join the meeting.


This field shows the video quality of the participant during the meeting. Video quality is calculated as the participant's average value of video packet loss and latency from their total video minutes per meeting.

Possible values are:

  • Good—If the average video packet loss is less than or equal to 5% and the average video latency is less than or equal to 400ms, then video quality is counted as good.
  • Bad—If the average video packet loss is more than 5% and the average video latency is more than 400ms, then video quality is counted as bad.
  • Unknown—If video or audio data isn't available for at least a minute, then video quality is counted as unknown.


This field shows the participant's VoIP quality during the meeting. VoIP quality is calculated as the participant's average value of audio packet loss and latency from their total audio minutes per meeting.

Possible values are:

  • Good—If the average audio packet loss is less than or equal to 5% and the average audio latency is less than or equal to 400ms, then VoIP quality is counted as good.
  • Bad—If the average audio packet loss is more than 5% and the average audio latency is more than 400ms, then VoIP quality is counted as bad.
  • Unknown—If video or audio data isn't available for at least a minute, then VoIP quality is counted as unknown.


The country of where the participants joined the meeting from.


The state of where the participants joined the meeting from.


The city of where the participants joined the meeting from.

Meetings Usage Summary

This report provides detail about the total number of meetings hosted within the selected date range.

Column Name


Number Of Meetings

The total number of meetings hosted over the selected time period.

Total Meeting Minutes

The total number of minutes for all meetings over the selected time period. For example, if three meetings lasted 30 minutes each, then the count is 90 meeting minutes.

Number Of Participants

The total number of participants or devices join from all Webex meetings over the selected time period.

For example, if a participant or device disconnected from a meeting and then rejoined, then the count is 2.

Total Participant Minutes

The total number of minutes that all participants are in a meeting. For example, if a meeting has three participants and lasts for 10 minutes, then the count is 30 participant minutes (3 x 10 minutes).

Participant Sending Video Minutes

The total number of minutes that participants enabled video for. For example, in a meeting that lasts 30 minutes with five participants, but only two participants enabled video for the entire meeting, the count is 60 video minutes.

Participant VOIP Minutes

Total number of minutes for participants who joined meetings using VoIP.

Participant Audio Minutes

Total number of minutes for participants who called in to meetings using PSTN.

Meetings Active Hosts

This report provides detail about how many meetings a host scheduled and started within the selected date range.

Column Name



The host's email address.

Count of meetings hosted

The number of meetings scheduled and hosted by this user within the reported time period.


The name of the user who hosted the meeting, or the name of the device if the meeting is hosted on a device.

Meetings Inactive Users

This report provides detail about users who haven’t hosted or attended meetings within the selected date range.

Column Name



The first name of the user.


The last name of the user.


The email address of the user.


The unique ID of the user.


The email address of the user.


Whether or not the user has a Webex Meetings host license.


Whether or not the user has an administrator role for the Webex site.


The number of days since the user last hosted or attended a meeting through the Webex App app or Webex Meetings.


The date of when the user last hosted or attended a meeting through the Webex App app or Webex Meetings. PSTN call-in users don’t count as active.

Meetings Audio Usage

This report provides detail about the different types of audio that participants used during a meeting.

Column Name



The unique ID of the meeting.


The 9-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


The audio type that participants used to join a meeting. The audio types are:

  • CCA In—Participants who dialed in to join a meeting through Cloud Connected Audio.

  • CCA Out—Participants who used callback to join a meeting through Cloud Connected Audio.

  • PSTN In—Participants who dialed in to join a meeting through PSTN.

  • PSTN Out—Participants who used callback to join a meeting through PSTN.

  • VoIP—Participants who joined a meeting using internet for audio.

  • Edge Audio—Participants who dialed in or used callback to join a meeting through Edge Audio.

  • Fallback—If a call fails when participants are trying to join a meeting through Edge Audio, then Webex retries the call through PSTN.


The names of the participants who attended the meeting.


The email addresses of the participants who attended the meeting.


The phone number for participants who joined a meeting through CCA, PSTN, VoIP, Edge Audio, or Fallback.

Phone numbers for participants who join a meeting through VoIP show up as NA.


The date of when the meeting ended.


When the meeting started (GMT).


When the meeting ended (GMT).


The total number of audio minutes used by each participant.


The subject of the meeting.

Meetings Telephony Report

This report provides detail about the different types of audio that participants used during a meeting. You can use this chart to get a sense of which calling services that participants prefer to connect to for meetings and calls.

Column Name



9- or 10-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


Unique ID of the meeting.


Audio type (in numerical value) that participants used to join a meeting. Possible audio types are:

  • PSTN (5-9999)—Participants who joined a meeting through PSTN.

  • CCA (10000 to 20000)—Participants who joined a meeting through Cloud Connected Audio.

  • Edge Audio (over 20000)—Participants who joined a meeting through Edge Audio.


Alphabetic or numeric geographical code that the participants used to dial in to the meeting.


Subject of the meeting.


Date and time (in GMT) of when the meeting started.


Date and time (in GMT) of when the meeting ended.


Duration (in GMT) of how long the meeting lasted.


Display names of the participants who attended the meeting.


Email addresses of the participants who attended the meeting.


Call service type that participants used to join a meeting. Possible call service types are:

  • Callback Domestic
  • Callback International
  • Call in Toll
  • Call in Toll-free
  • International Call in Toll
  • International Call in Toll-free
  • VoIP
  • Premium Toll


Phone number that participants used to dial in to the meeting.


Phone number that participants requested to join a meeting through callback.


Automatic number identification of the phone number that the participant used to call in to the meeting.


Date and time (in GMT) of when the participant connected their audio in the meeting.


Duration (in GMT) of how long the participant's audio is connected for in the meeting.


The tracking code associated with a user.

The report only shows the default tracking code names.

Meetings Future Schedules

This report doesn't have a date range selection. You can see the meetings that are coming up for a Webex site within the next 90 days from the date that you run the report. You can also see meetings that are scheduled within the previous 30 days.

This report shows you the upcoming meetings for the selected Webex site. Use this report to gain insights into how many users are scheduling meetings in a Webex site and understand the volume and timing of upcoming meetings. These details can help you manage the timing of a site migration or a site upgrade that might impact users. You can also identify critical meetings or events to help plan support accordingly.

Meetings scheduled from Webex are included in this report. If hosts are scheduling meetings with a Personal Room invitation URL, then those meetings won’t be included in the report.

Column Name



The 9-digit meeting access code used to join the meeting.


If the meeting is scheduled as a Webex Meeting, Webex Event, Webex Training session, or Webex Webinar (WB).


The name of the user who scheduled the meeting.


The email address of the user who scheduled the meeting.


The subject of the meeting.


The date and time of when the meeting will start (GMT).


The date and time of when the meeting will end (GMT).


The date and time of when the meeting is scheduled (GMT).


The number of users invited to the meeting.


If the meeting requires a password to join.


If the meeting is a one-time meeting or a recurring series.


The date and time of when the meeting series will end (GMT).


The date and time of when the meeting invitation is last updated (GMT).


If one of the meetings in a series is rescheduled for a different time.

Meetings High CPU

This report shows you which users had an average system CPU usage of 90% or higher for at least 25% of their video minutes during meetings. To optimize resources, Webex downgrades the bit rate and resolution of all videos when the user reaches an average system CPU usage of 95% for five consecutive seconds.

You can use this report to help users on how they can reduce their system CPU usage to have a better meeting experience.

Column Name


User Email

The email address of the user who had high system CPU usage.

Total Video Minutes

The number of recorded video minutes for each user’s email address during the selected date range.

Video Minutes with High CPU Utilization

The number of recorded video minutes where the average system CPU usage is at 90% or higher.

% Video Minutes with High CPU

The percentage of video minutes where the average system CPU usage is at 90% or higher.

Meetings Active User Rolling Average

This report provides detail about how many licenses are being used in a subscription, and how many users have hosted at least one Webex meeting within the reported date. This report is only available if your organization has an active true forward eligible subscription.

Column Name



The calendar date within the period.

A period is defined as a 30-day cycle that starts on the day your subscription is activated, and corresponds with your billing cycle. For example, if your subscription started on July 5, 2020, then the next period would start 30 days later, on August 4, 2020.

Subscription ID

The unique ID of the subscription.


The name of the product for the reported licenses.

Provisioned License Quantity

The total number of licenses provisioned for the subscription and product.

Allocated License Quantity

The number of licenses allocated to users at the reported date.

Unique Active Hosts Per Day

The count of unique active hosts on the calendar date.

Unique active hosts are hosts who started at least one Webex meeting on the reported date.

Unique Active Meeting Hosts for Past 30 days

The cumulative number of unique active hosts for the last 30 days, including the current day.

Unique active hosts are hosts who started at least one Webex meeting on the reported date.

90 Day Rolling Average Unique Active Meetings Hosts

The average number of unique active hosts for the preceding 90 days of the reported date, rounded to the nearest whole number.

If you have less than 90 days in your subscription, then the average is based on the number of days the subscription has been active for.

Consumption Quantity

This number reflects the aligned value used to identity a True Forward. IT admins can track this value throughout the contract term, well before the period in which the subscription is due for a potential change.

This number matches the same number as the 90 Day Rolling Average Unique Active Meetings Hosts.

Meetings License Consumption Report

This report provides detail about how many licenses are being used in a subscription. This report is only available if your organization has an active utility-based billing subscription.

This report isn't available in Webex for Government organizations.

Column Name



The period that the subscription is in. A period is defined as a 30-day cycle that starts on the day your subscription is activated, and corresponds with your billing cycle.

For example, if your subscription started on July 5, 2020, then the next period would start 30 days later, on August 4, 2020.

Subscription ID

The unique ID of the subscription.


The name of the product for the reported licenses.

Provisioned License Quantity

The total number of licenses provisioned for the subscription and product.

Allocated License Quantity

The number of licenses allocated to users at the reported date.

Webinar Report

This report provides information about Webex webinars that are hosted within the selected date range. You can use this report to view details such as who is the host of webinar, type of webinar, and number of attendees.

Column Name


Meeting ID

The unique ID of the webinar.

Host ID

The unique ID of the host.

Webinar Topic

The subject of the webinar.

Webinar Type

If it is scheduled as a Webinar or Webcast.

Host Email

The email address of the host.

Host First Name

The first name of the host.

Host Last Name

The last name of the host.

Event Date

The date of when the webinar started.

Start Time

The time of when the webinar started (GMT).

End Time

The time of when the webinar ended (GMT).


The number of minutes that the webinar lasted for.

Total Registrants

The total number of users that registered for the webinar before it started.

Total Attendees

The total number of users that joined the webinar.

Webex App version

This report shows data on all platforms and versions that a user signed in to the Webex App on over the last 90 days. For example, if a user signs in to Webex App on both the Windows and Mac client, the report will display two separate entries for that user.

For tips on how to best use this report, you can take a look at the best practices for using the Webex App report article.

Column Name



Email address of the user that signed in to the Webex App client.

App Type

Type of Webex App client installed on the user's operating system.


Details about the machine and its operating system.

Apple machines may show as a different model because those machines are reported using Apple's own internal device code convention.


Latest detected version of the Webex App client.

Last Known Date

Date on which the app version was last validated. Events such as a user signing in to Webex App and version upgrade are captured.


Unique identifier for the Webex App client installation event.

Messaging External Domain

This report provides information about external domains and external users collaborating in your organization. You can also see how users from your organization are collaborating with external domains in external spaces.

Column Name


External Domain

Name of the external domain.

Number of External Users

Number of users from the external domain in your organization spaces.

Numbers of Spaces with External Users

Number of spaces in your organization that has at least one user from the external domain. For example, if is in three different spaces in your organization, then this column shows 3 as the value.

Most Recent Read Message Date

Last known date of when a user from the external domain read a message in a space in your organization.

Most Recent Sent Message Date

Last known date of when a user from the external domain sent a message in a space in your organization.

Most Recent Shared File Date

Last known date of when a user from the external domain shared a file in a space in your organization.

Most Recent Joined Space Date

Last known date of when a user from the external domain joined a space in your organization.

Number of Users from Your Organization in External Spaces

Total number of users from your organization that are part of external spaces.

Number of External Spaces with Users from Your Organization

Total number of external spaces that includes users from your organization. For example, if is in three different external spaces of the external domain, then this column shows 3 as the value.

Messaging Bots Activity

This report shows data for every activity of each bot per day during the date range that you select. Each date that you select has their own set of data. For example, you have run messaging bots activity report for June 1, 2020 to June 5, 2020. The report displays every activity of the bot within the selected date range.

If a bot hasn't had any activity during a certain date, then those dates don't show up in the report.

Data for this report is only for bots from your organization. If your organization uses external bots, then data doesn't show for those bots.

Column Name


Bot Name

The name of the bot.

Bot ID

The unique ID of the bot.


The date for the activity of the bot.

Active Spaces Count

The number of spaces that the bot has sent a message or shared a file in.

Messages Count

The number of messages sent by the bot.

Files Shared

The number of files shared by the bot.

New Spaces Joined

The number of spaces the bot joined.

Spaces Exited

The number of spaces the bot left.

Bot User Count

The number of unique users that mentioned the bot.

Bot Mentions Count

The number of times a user mentions about the bot.

Messaging User Activity

This report shows data for every activity of each user per day during the date range that you select. Each date that you select has their own set of data. For example, you have run messaging user activity report for June 1, 2020 to June 5, 2020. The report shows you every activity of the user within selected date range.

If a user hasn't had any activity during a certain date, then those dates don't show up in the report.

Column Name


User ID

The unique ID of the user.


The first and last name of the user.


The email address of the user.


The date for the activity of the user.

Messages Sent

The number of messages sent by the user.


The number of calls made and meetings joined from the Webex App client by a user.

Files Shared

The number of files shared in all spaces by the user.

Spaces Count

The number of spaces that the user has sent a message, called, or shared a file in.

New Spaces Created

The number of spaces the user created.

New Spaces Joined

The number of spaces the user joined.

Space Exited

The number of spaces the user left.

Messaging Bots Activity Summary

This report shows aggregated data for each activity of each bot during the date range that you select.

Data for this report is only for bots from your organization. If your organization uses bots that aren't part of your organization, then data isn’t shown for those bots.

Column Name


Bot Name

The name of the bot.

Bot ID

The unique ID of the bot.

Bot Owner

The name of the user who created the bot.

Bot Owner Email

The email address of the user who created the bot.

Start Date

The first date selected for the report date range.

End Date

The last date selected for the report date range.

Average Active Spaces Count

The average number of spaces that the bot has sent a message or shared a file in.

Messages Count

The number of messages sent by the bot.

Files Shared

The number of files shared by the bot.

Spaces Joined

The number of spaces the bot joined.

Spaces Exited

The number of spaces the bot left.

Average Bot User Count

The average number of unique users that mentioned the bot.

Bot Mentions Count

The number of times a user mentions about the bot.

Messaging User Activity Summary

This report shows aggregated data for each activity of each user during the date range that you select.

Column Name


User ID

The unique ID of the user.


The first and last name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Start Date

The first date selected for the report date range.

End Date

The last date selected for the report date range.

Messages Sent

The number of messages sent by the user.


The number of calls made and meetings joined from the Webex App client by a user.

Files Shared

The number of files shared in all spaces by the user.

New Spaces Created

The number of spaces the user created.

Spaces Joined

The number of spaces the user joined.

Space Exited

The number of spaces the user left.

Messaging App Version

This report only captures the latest Webex App client version when users send a message. If users only sign in to the Webex App, but they don't send any messages, then the latest client version isn't captured.

This report doesn't have a date range or Webex site selection, it shows data from all Webex sites in your organization and the last known date when a user sent a message. For example, if a user sent a message on March 1, 2020 and hasn't sent any other messages since then, the report shows the Webex App client version used on March 1, 2020.

The report shows data on all platforms that a user signed in to the Webex App on. For example, if a user signs in to Webex App on the Windows and Mac client, there are two separate entries in the report for this user.

Column Name



The latest version of the Webex App client.


The operating system for the Webex App client.


The unique ID of the user.


The email address of the user that signed in to the Webex App client.


The first and last name of the user.

Last Known Date

The date of when the Webex App platform and version number are last detected for a user during the last message sent.

For example, if a user isn’t sending a message after a Webex App version update, then the report shows the Webex App client version used on the update date.

Calling Media Quality Report

This report shows details about each call leg that had an established media session using Call on Webex or Webex Calling.


Media quality metrics aren’t available for the following devices:

  • Analog phones

  • Third-party devices

  • IPv6 endpoints

Column Name


User Name

First and last name of the user.


Email address of the user.

Start Time

Call start time (GMT).


Application used for making or receiving calls.

Device Used

Physical device used for making or receiving calls. For example, a Cisco IP Phone 8865.

Call Quality

Media quality of the call. Call legs are categorized as good if both video and audio stream had jitter below 150ms, latency below 400ms, and packet loss below 5%.

Duration (s)

Duration of call lasted, in seconds.

Max Audio Jitter (ms)

The maximum value of audio jitter during the call, in milliseconds.

Average Audio Jitter (ms)

The average value of audio jitter during the call, in milliseconds.

Audio Packet Loss (%)

The maximum value of audio packet loss during the call, in percentage.

Audio Latency (ms)

The maximum value of audio latency during the call, in milliseconds.

Audio Only

This field shows if the call leg only used audio.

Max Video Jitter

The maximum value of video jitter during the call, in milliseconds.

Average Video Jitter

The average value of the video jitter during the call, in milliseconds.

Video Packet Loss (%)

The maximum value of video packet loss during the call, in percentage.

Video Latency (ms)

The maximum value of video latency during the call, in milliseconds.

Call ID

Unique ID of the call.

Local Session ID

Unique local ID of the call.

Remote Session ID

Unique remote ID of the call.


Location of the user defined in the Control Hub.


Country of the user defined in the Control Hub.

Connection Used

Type of connection used to connect to the call.

Local IP Address

Local IP address of the user.

Audio Codec

Audio media encoding and decoding format used during the call.

Video Codec

Video media encoding and decoding format used during the call.

Path Optimization

Path optimization is used during the call. The available path optimization types are:

  • Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE)—Used to enable devices to send media directly to one another, which reduces latency and bandwidth usage.
  • Private Network Connect (PNC)—Used to enable Webex Calling customers to extend their private network to the cloud over a dedicated VPN.
  • No Optimization—When none of the ICE or PNC path optimization is used.

Call Type

The type of call that the user called with. Possible values are Webex Calling or Call on Webex.

Video Duration

The amount of time in seconds that the user turned on their video.


This field shows if the user is the one who initiated the call. The possible values are:

  • Y—The user initiated the call.

  • N—The user didn't initiate the call.

  • NA—Data isn't available. You can get NA value for calls made from and to Cisco devices.

UA Version

The Webex Calling or Webex App desktop version of the user.

Calling Engagement Report

This report shows data for the call legs that users made or received with the Webex app using Call on Webex and the Webex Calling app.

Column Name



The first and last name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Start Time

The time (GMT) of when the call is made.


The amount of time in seconds that the call lasted.

Video Duration

The amount of time in seconds that the user turned on their video.


The device or app that the user made or received the call with.

Call ID

The unique ID of the call.


This field shows if the user is the one who initiated the call. The possible values are:

  • Y—The user initiated the call.

  • N—The user didn't initiate the call.

  • NA—Data isn't available. You can get NA value for calls made from and to Webex devices.

Calling Quality Report

This report shows data for the quality of calls made or received by users with the Webex Calling and Webex desktop apps.

The quality of calls made or received from the Webex app and cloud-registered devices aren't captured in this report.

Column Name



The first and last name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Start Time

The time (GMT) of when the call is made.


The amount of time in minutes that the call lasted.


The device or app that the user made or received the call with.

Audio Packet Loss

The average receiving audio packet loss in percentage.

Audio Latency

The average audio round-trip delay in milliseconds.

Audio Jitter

The average jitter in milliseconds.

Video Packet Loss

The average receiving video packet loss in percentage.

Video Latency

The average video round-trip delay in milliseconds.

UA Version

The Webex Calling or Webex desktop app version of the user.

Call ID

The unique ID of the call.

Call Queue Stats Report

This report shows details of call queues that have been set up in your organization. You can use this report to see the number of incoming calls to call queues and the status of those calls.

Column NameDescription
Call QueueName of the call queue.
LocationLocation assigned to the call queue.
Phone No.A phone number assigned to the call queue.
ExtensionExtension number assigned to the call queue.
Total Hold TimeTotal time that calls are place on hold by agents.
Avg Hold TimeAverage time that calls were placed on hold by agents.
Total Talk TimeTotal time that agents were actively talking on calls.
Avg Talk TimeAverage time that agents were actively talking on calls.
Total Handle TimeTotal time an agent spends on a call from a queue, including ring time. This is recorded when the agent ends or transfers the call.
Avg Handle TimeAverage time that agents spent handling calls.
Total Wait TimeTotal time that callers spent waiting for the next available agent to answer the call.
Avg Wait TimeAverage time that callers spent waiting for the next available agent to answer the call.
Calls AnsweredNumber of calls answered by agents.
% Answered CallsPercentage of calls answered by agents.
Calls AbandonedNumber of calls where the caller hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
% Abandoned CallsPercentage of calls where the caller hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Avg Abandoned TimeAverage time where callers hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Abandoned TimeAmount of time where callers hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Total CallsTotal number of incoming calls.
Calls OverflowedNumber of calls that overflowed because the queue limit is met. This is the same data as Overflow - Busy.
Calls Timed OutNumber of calls that overflowed because the wait time exceeded the maximum limit. This is the same data as Overflow - Timed out.
Calls TransferredNumber of calls that were transferred out of the queue.
Avg No. of Agents AssignedAverage number of agents assigned to call queues.
Avg No. of Agents Handling CallsAverage number of agents that actively handled calls.

Call Queue agent stats report

This report shows details of all the agents who are assigned to call queues in your organization. You can use this report to see which agent gets the most calls and information about their calling stats.

Column NameDescription
Agent/Workspace Name/Virtual LineName of the agent, workspace, or virtual line.
Call QueueName of the call queue.
LocationLocation assigned to the call queue.
Total Answered CallsNumber of calls that were presented to the agent and answered by them.
Bounced CallsNumber of calls that were presented to the agent but went unanswered.
Total Presented CallsNumber of inbound calls to the agent that were distributed by the call queue.
Total Talk TimeTotal time that the agent spent actively talking on calls.
Avg Talk TimeAverage time that the agent spent actively talking on calls.
Total Hold TimeTotal time that the agent put calls on hold.
Avg Hold TimeAverage time that the agent put calls on hold.
Total Handle TimeTotal time an agent spends on a call from a queue, including ring time. This is recorded when the agent ends or transfers the call.
Avg Handle TimeAverage time that agents spent handling calls.

Auto-attendant stats summary

Provides details about calls routed to auto-attendants in your organization.

Column NameDescription
Auto-attendantName of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Ph. No. / Extn.Extension assigned to the auto-attendant.
LocationLocation of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Total callsTotal number of incoming calls routed to the auto-attendant.
AnsweredNumber of calls answered by agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails.
UnansweredNumber of calls that were routed to agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails but weren’t answered.
BusyNumber of calls where callers reached a busy tone.
OthersNumber of calls that had a status other than answered, unanswered, or busy. For example, instances where the caller didn't make a key selection.
% answeredPercentage of calls answered by agents.
Total durationTotal time that callers were on the line with the auto-attendant.

Auto-attendant business hours key details

Provides details about calls routed to auto-attendants during your business regular hours.

Column NameDescription
Auto-attendantName of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Key pressedThe key option pressed by callers on the keypad
Ph. No. / Extn.Extension assigned to the auto-attendant.
LocationLocation of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Total callsTotal number of incoming calls routed to the auto-attendant.
AnsweredNumber of calls answered by agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails.
UnansweredNumber of calls that were routed to agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails but weren’t answered.
BusyNumber of calls where callers reached a busy tone.
OthersNumber of calls that had a status other than answered, unanswered, or busy. For example, instances where the caller didn't make a key selection.
% answeredPercentage of calls answered by agents.
DurationLength of time that callers were on the line with the auto-attendant.
DestinationThe extension that the auto-attendant routed the call to.
Key menuThe key menu option assigned to the key pressed on the keypad.
Key descriptionThe description for the key option pressed by callers on the keypad.

Auto-attendant after hours key details

Provides details about calls routed to auto-attendants after your business regular hours.

Column NameDescription
Auto-attendantName of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Key pressedThe key option pressed by callers on the keypad
Ph. No. / Extn.Extension assigned to the auto-attendant.
LocationLocation of the auto-attendant, as provisioned.
Total callsTotal number of incoming calls routed to the auto-attendant.
AnsweredNumber of calls answered by agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails.
UnansweredNumber of calls that were routed to agents, users through call forwarding, or voicemails but weren’t answered.
BusyNumber of calls where callers reached a busy tone.
OthersNumber of calls that had a status other than answered, unanswered, or busy. For example, instances where the caller didn't make a key selection.
% answeredPercentage of calls answered by agents.
DurationLength of time that callers were on the line with the auto-attendant.
DestinationThe extension that the auto-attendant routed the call to.
Key menuThe key menu option is assigned to the key pressed on the keypad.
Key descriptionThe description for the key option pressed by callers on the keypad.

This report shows detailed call history data. Use this information to view trends at a high level or drill down to specific call types, for understanding the calling behavior.

Column Name


Start time

This is the start time of the call, in UTC. The answer time may be slightly after this value.

Answer time

The time at which the call is answered in UTC.


The length of the call, in seconds.

Calling number

For incoming calls, it's the telephone number of the calling party. For outgoing calls, it's the telephone number of the user.

Called number

For incoming calls, it's the telephone number of the user. For outgoing calls, it's the telephone number of the called party.


Represents the display name for the type of user who made or received the call.

Example: Display name for real or virtual user types like (User, Workspace, Virtual line, Auto attendant, Call queue, and so on).

Calling line ID

For incoming calls, it's the calling line ID of the calling party. For outgoing calls, it's the calling line ID of the user.

Called line ID

For incoming calls, it's the calling line ID of the user. For outgoing calls, it's the calling line ID of the called party.

Correlation ID

Correlation ID to tie together multiple call legs of the same call session.


The Webex Calling location of the user for this record.

Inbound trunk

Inbound trunk may be present in the Originating and Terminating records.

  • Originating—Identifies the trunk for inbound calls from an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling (dial plan, unknown extension, or unknown number when org has “Call Routing between Webex Calling and premises” set to “Legacy behavior”).

  • Terminating—Identifies the trunk for inbound calls from premises-based PSTN or an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling (dial plan, unknown extension, or unknown number when org has “Call Routing between Webex Calling and premises” set to “Legacy behavior”).

Outbound trunk

Outbound trunk may be presented in Originating and Terminating records.

  • Originating—Identifies the trunk for outbound calls routed through a trunk (not a route group) to premises-based PSTN or an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling (dial plan or unknown extension).

  • Terminating—Identifies the outbound trunk for calls to premises-based PSTN or an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling (dial plan or unknown extension).

Route group

If present, this field's only reported in Originating records. Route group identifies the route group used for outbound calls routed through a route group to premises-based PSTN or an on-prem deployment integrated with Webex Calling (dial plan or unknown extension).


Whether the call is inbound or outbound. The possible values are:


  • ORIGINATING—Outbound

Call type

Type of call.


  • SIP_MEETING—Integrated Audio for Webex Calling. A call in or callback to a Webex Meeting using a Webex Calling app or device.

  • SIP_NATIONAL—An outgoing domestic call within the user's region.

  • SIP_INTERNATIONAL—An outgoing call made to another region from the user's home region.

  • SIP_SHORTCODE—Shortcode feature/service call. Short numbers are premium or free, depending on region and service.

  • SIP_INBOUND—Inbound or Incoming call This type covers all inbound calls from PSTN or another external trunk.

  • SIP_EMERGENCY—Emergency calls. For example, dialing 911 in the U.S..

  • SIP_PREMIUM—Calls that use enhanced or extended Toll Premium Services, premium rate, or special rate number. Sometimes barred.
  • SIP_ENTERPRISE—Inter or intra-location dialing within the same organization.

  • SIP_TOLLFREE—Toll-free based arriving (incoming) calls. Freephone numbers.

  • SIP_MOBILE—A mobile/cell call is when the user originated the call with their mobile number, or received the call when called on their mobile number.

  • SIP_URI—Generic URI dialing Example:

  • SIP_OPERATOR—Network operator services. Example: To start any call that requires an operator's assistance.

  • UNKNOWN—Unable to determine the call type.

  • ZTN—Zero touch meeting

Whenever the PSTN calls are routed using a dial plan pattern, this causes a miscategorization of the call type. In such cases, it’s not considered as a PSTN call.

Example: Using TEHO to route the call to the right country and then using the PSTN connection for the local cluster in that country.

Client type

The type of client that the user (creating this record) is using to make or receive the call.


  • SIP—Calls that are made to or from a mobile phone using Webex Go or Calls from a non-Cisco client endpoint that joins through SIP.

  • WXC_CLIENT—Webex Calling app

  • WXC_THIRD_PARTY—Third-party device


  • WXC_DEVICE—MPP desk phone devices

  • WXC_SIP_GW—Local Gateway

Client Version

The version of the client that the user (of this CDR) is using to make or receive the call.

Sub client type

If the call is TO or FROM a mobile phone using Webex Go, the Client type display as SIP, and the Sub client type display as MOBILE_NETWORK.

OS type

The operating system that the app is running on, if available.

Device Mac

The MAC address of the device, if known.


The device model type the user is using to make or receive the call.


  • 8865-3PCC—Cisco IP Phone 8865

  • IOS—Cisco's SIP Gateway

  • Cisco-Board 70—Cisco Webex Board series 70

  • ATA192-XX—Cisco ATA 192 Analog Telephone Adapter

  • DBS-210-3PC—Cisco IP DECT Base Station 210 Series, and so on.


Indicates whether the particular call leg is answered or not.


  • In a hunt group case, the agent who didn’t pick the call has Answered = FALSE. And the agent who picked the call has Answered = TRUE, UserType=HuntGroup.

  • Calls answered by voicemail hasAnswered = TRUE, but User Type = VoicemailRetrieval

International country

The country of the dialed number. This field is only displayed for international calls.

Original reason

Call redirection reason for the original called number.


  • Unconditional—Call Forward Always (CFA) service, Group night forwarding

  • NoAnswer—The party wasn’t available to take the call. CF/busy or Voicemail/busy

  • Deflection—Indication that a call is redirected. Possible causes are Blind transfer, Auto attendant transfer, Transfer out of a call center and so on.

  • TimeOfDay—Automated redirection based on the time of the call. Call Forwarding Selective, Call Forwarding mode-based, or Group Night.

  • UserBusy—DND enabled or the user willingly declined the call. CF/busy or Voicemail/busy.

  • FollowMe—Automated redirection to a personal redirecting service which could be Simultaneous Ringing, Sequential Ringing, Office Anywhere, or Remote Office.

  • CallQueue—A call center call to an agent or a user (a member of the call queue).

  • HuntGroup—A hunt-group-based call to an agent or a user (denotes a member of the hunt group).

  • ExplicitIdxxx—Enterprise voice portal redirection to the user’s home voice portal. The “xxx” part is the digits collected from the caller, identifying the target mailbox (Extension or DN).

  • ImplicitId—Indicates an enterprise voice portal redirection to the user’s home voice portal.

  • Unavailable—To a Voicemail (VM), when the user has no App or device.

  • Unrecognized—Unable to determine the reason.

  • Unknown—Call Forward by phone with no reason.

Related reason

Indicates a trigger that led to a change in the call presence. The trigger could be for this particular call or redirected through a different call.


  • Deflection—Indication that a call is redirected. Possible causes could be Blind transfer, Auto-attendant transfer, Transfer out of a call center, and so on.

  • ConsultativeTransfer—While on a call, the call is transferred to another user by announcing it first. This means that the person is asked if they're interested in taking the call and then transferred.

  • CallForwardSelective—Call Forward as per the defined schedule. It’s based on factors like a specific time, specific callers or to a VM. It always takes precedence over Call Forwarding.

  • CallForwardAlways—Calls are unconditionally forwarded to a defined phone number or to a VM.

  • CallForwardNoAnswer—The party wasn’t available to take the call.

  • CallForwardBusy—The user willingly declined the call, or the user's DND is active which redirected the call to a defined phone number or voice mail.

  • CallForwardNotReachable—Hunt group redirection for an agent who is Not Reachable

  • CallForwardModeBased—Calls are forwarded using the mode-based management feature option.

  • CallRetrieve—The user triggered the call retrieve option to pick up a call that is parked.

  • CallRecording—The User initiated the call recording service that triggered Start, Pause, Resume, or Stop recording options.

  • DirectedCallPickup—Indicates that this user belonged to a call pickup group who answered the call or answered when another member of the call pickup group in a location is busy.

  • Executive—The user is configured using the Executive/Executive assistant service who is allowed to handle calls on someone else's behalf. Also known as Boss-admin

  • ExecutiveAssistantInitiateCall—The user configured as an Executive assistant who placed or initiated the call on someone else’s (Boss admin's) behalf.

  • ExecutiveAssistantDivert—The user is configured as an Executive assistant who had call forwarding enabled to a defined phone number

  • ExecutiveForward—The Executive (Boss-admin) had a call forward setting enabled to a defined number. This call is triggered when an ExecutiveAssistant didn’t pick a call.

  • ExecutiveAssistantCallPush—The user configured as an Executive assistant who received a call and pushed that call out (using #63) to the Executive’s (Boss-admin's) number

  • Remote Office—Indicates the call made to reach the remote location of the user.

  • RoutePoint—Indicates an incoming and queued call to an agent. (For the incoming calls to the route point)

  • SequentialRing—Indicates that this user is in the list of phone numbers, which are alerted sequentially upon receiving an incoming call that matches a set of criteria.

  • SimultaneousRingPersonal—Indicates that this user is in the list of multiple destinations that are to ring simultaneously when any calls are received on their phone number. (The first destination to be answered is connected).

  • CCMonitoringBI—The indication that a Call Queue supervisor invoked silent monitoring.

  • CallQueue—A call center call to an agent or a user (denotes a member of the call queue)

  • HuntGroup—A hunt group-based call to an agent or a user (denotes a member of the hunt group).

  • CallPickup—The user is part of a pickup group or pickup attempted by this user against a ringing call for a different user or extension

  • CallPark—An ongoing call is parked, assigned with a parked number (It's not the user’s phone number).

  • CallParkRetrieve—Callpark retrieval attempt by the user, either for a different extension or against the user’s own extension

  • Deflection—Indication that a call is redirected. Possible causes could be Auto attendant transfer, Transfer out of a call-center, user’s app/device redirection and so on.

  • FaxDeposit—Indicates that a Fax is deposited to the Fax service.

  • PushNotificationRetrieval—Push notification feature usage indication. Means that a push notification is sent to wake up the client and get ready to receive a call.

  • BargeIn—Indicates the user barged-in to someone else’s call.

  • VoiceXMLScriptTermination—Route Point feature usage indication

  • AnywhereLocation—Indicates call origination towards the single number reach (Office Anywhere) location.

  • AnywherePortal—Indicates call origination towards the “user” identified by the single number reach (Office Anywhere) portal.

  • Unrecognized—Unable to determine the reason

Redirect reason

Call Redirection Reason for the redirecting number.


  • Unconditional—Call Forward Always (CFA) service

  • NoAnswer—The party isn’t available to take the call. CF/busy or Voicemail/busy

  • Deflection—Indication that a call is redirected. Possible causes could be Blind transfer, Auto attendant transfer, Transfer out of a Call center and so on.

  • TimeOfDay—Automated redirection based on the time of the call. Call Forwarding Selective, Call Forwarding mode-based, or Group Night

  • UserBusy—DND enabled or a user willingly declined the call. CF/busy or Voicemail/busy

  • FollowMe—Automated redirection to a personal redirecting service which could be Simultaneous Ringing, Sequential Ringing, Office Anywhere, or Remote Office

  • CallQueue—A Call center call to an agent or a user (a member of the call queue)

  • HuntGroup—A hunt-group-based call to an agent or a user (denotes a member of the hunt group).

  • ExplicitIdxxx—Enterprise voice portal redirection to the user’s home voice portal. The “xxx” parts are the digits collected from the caller, identifying the target mailbox (Extension or DN).

  • ImplicitId—Indicates an enterprise voice portal redirection to the user’s home voice portal

  • Unavailable—To a Voicemail, when the user has no App or device.

  • Unrecognized—Unable to determine the reason

  • Unknown—Call Forward by phone with no reason

Site main number

The main number for the user's site where the call is made or received.

Site timezone

Default setting—Displays the Site/Location's time zone offset value between a particular time zone and UTC in minutes.

If the calling timezone is modified from Control Hub, then it displays the particular User/Service calling timezone offset value.

User type

The type of user (user or workspace) that made or received the call.


  • AutomatedAttendantVideo—Automated Attendant Video IVR group service

  • BroadworksAnywhere – Single number reach (Office anywhere) service.

  • VoiceMailRetrieval—Voice Mail group service

  • HuntGroup—A hunt group-based service

  • GroupPaging—one-way call or group page made for target users

  • User—The direct user who made or received the call.

  • LocalGateway—A local gateway-based user who made or received the call.

  • VoiceMailGroup—shared voicemail or inbound fax box for users

  • CallCenterStandard—A call queue-based service

  • VoiceXML—Call added back to the Route Point queue after script termination

  • RoutePoint—Route Point call to an agent (for incoming call to the route point)

  • Place—A workspace-based user who made or received the call.

  • Anchor—Webex Calling user number made or received is integrated with Webex Contact Center. An "anchor" is created to facilitate the call routing flow for WxC <->WxCC.

  • VirtuaLline—Call made or received by a virtual line user using the Multi-line option in Webex Calling

Call ID

SIP Call ID used to identify the call. You can share the Call ID with Cisco TAC to help them pinpoint a call if necessary.

Local SessionID

  • The Session ID comprises a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for each user-agent participating in a call.

  • It can be used for end-to-end tracking of a SIP session in IP-based multimedia communication systems in compliance with RFC 7206 and draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-15.

Each call consists of four UUIDs known as Local Session ID, Remote Session ID, Final Local Session ID, and Final Remote Session ID.

The Remote SessionID is generated from the Terminating user agent.

The existing Local and Remote Session ID fields provide the initial session ID values of the call.

These session IDs act as a global call identifier and helps with tracking even when midcall transfer or other feature interaction occurs that involves Webex Calling and Remote call control, such as Unified CM using a Local Gateway.

Remote SessionID


A unique identifier for the user associated with the call. This is a unique identifier across Cisco products.


A unique identifier for the organization that called. This is a unique identifier across Cisco.

Report ID

A unique ID for this particular record. This can be used when processing records to aid in deduplication.

Department ID

A unique identifier for the user's department name.


A unique identifier for the site associated with the call. It's unique across Cisco products.

Releasing party

Indicates which party released the call first. The possible values are:

  • Local—Used when the local user has released the call first.

  • Remote—Used when the far-end party releases the call first.

  • Unknown—Used when the call has partial information or is unable to gather enough information about the party who released the call. It could be because of situations like force lock or because of a session audit failure.

Redirecting number

When the call is redirected one or more times, this field reports the last redirecting number. It helps to identify who last redirected the call. It only applies to call scenarios such as transfer, call forwarded calls, simultaneous rings and so on.

Transfer related call ID

Transfer-related call ID is used as a call identifier of the other call leg that's involved in the transfer. You can share this ID with Cisco TAC to help them pinpoint parties who are involved during a call transfer.

Dialed digits

The keypad digits as dialed by the user, before pre-translations. As a result, this field reports multiple call dial possibilities, such as:

  • Feature access codes (FACs) are used for invoking features, such as Last Number Redial or a Call Return.

  • An extension that got dialed and a misdialed keypad digit from a device or app.

  • When a user must dial an outside access code (for example, 9+) before dialing a number, this access code is also reported, and the digits dialed thereafter.

When pre-translations have no effect, the dialed digits field contains the same data as the called number field.

This field is only used for originating (outgoing) Calls and isn’t available for terminating (incoming) Calls.

Authorization code

The administrator creates the authorization code for a location or site for users to use. It's collected by the Account/Authorization Codes or Enhanced Outgoing Calling Plan services.

Call transfer time

Indicates the time at which the call transfer service is invoked during the call. The invocation time is shown using the UTC/GMT time zone.

User number

Represents the E.164 number of the user generating a CDR. If there is no number assigned to the user, their extension number displays.

Local call ID

A unique identifier that’s used to correlate CDRs and call legs with each other. This ID is used with:

  • Remote call ID—To identify the remote CDR of a call leg.

  • Transfer related call ID—To identify the call transferred leg.

Remote call ID

A unique identifier that’s used to correlate CDRs and call legs with each other. This ID is used with Local call ID to identity the local CDR of a call leg.

Network call ID

A unique identifier that shows if other CDRs are in the same call leg. Two CDRs belong in the same call leg if they have the same Network call ID.

Related call ID

Call identifier of a different call that is created by this call because of a service activation. The value is the same as the Local call ID field of the related call. You can use this field to correlate multiple call legs connected through other services.

Call outcome

Identifies whether the call is set up or disconnected normally. Possible values are:

  • Success—Call is routed and disconnected successfully. Includes Normal, UserBusy, and NoAnswer scenarios.

  • Failure—Call failed with an internal or external error.

  • Refusal—Call is rejected because of call block or timeout.

You can find more information in the Call outcome reason field.

Call outcome reason

Additional information about the Call outcome is returned. Possible reasons are:

  • Success
    • Normal—Call is completed successfully.

    • UserBusy—Call is a success, but the user is busy.

    • NoAnswer—Call is a success, but the user didn't answer.

  • Refusal
    • CallRejected—The call recipient didn’t want to receive the call and rejected the call.

    • UnassignedNumber—The dialed number isn't assigned to any user or service.

    • SIP408—Request timed out because couldn’t find the user in time.

    • InternalRequestTimeout—Request timed out as the service couldn’t fulfill the request due to an unexpected condition.

    • Q850102ServerTimeout—Recovery on timer expiry/server timed out

    • NoUserResponse—No response from any end-user device/client

    • NoAnswerFromUser—No answer from the user.

    • SIP480—Callee or called party is currently unavailable.

    • SIP487—Request is terminated by bye or cancel.

    • TemporarilyUnavailable—User is temporarily unavailable.

    • AdminCallBlock—Call attempt is rejected by an upstream intermediary machine, process or human.

    • UserCallBlock—Call attempt from a client is rejected or blocked by the user.

    • Unreachable—Unable to route the call to the desired destination.

  • Failure
    • DestinationOutOfOrder—Service request failed as the destination can’t be reached or the interface to the destination isn’t functioning correctly.

    • SIP501—Invalid method and can’t identify the request method.

    • SIP503—Service is temporarily unavailable so can’t process the request.

    • ProtocolError—Unknown or unimplemented release code.

    • SIP606—Some aspect of the session description wasn't acceptable.

    • NoRouteToDestination—No route available to the destination

    • Internal—Failed because of internal Webex Calling reasons.

Final Local Session ID

Each call consists of four UUIDs known as Local Session ID, Remote Session ID, Final Local Session ID, and Final Remote Session ID.

  • The Local SessionID is generated from the Originating user agent.

  • The Remote SessionID is generated from the Terminating user agent.

  • The Final Local Session ID is the value of the Local SessionID at the end of the call.

  • The Final Remote Session ID is the Remote Session ID at the end of the call.

The existing Local and Remote Session ID fields provide the initial session ID values, whereas the Final Local and Remote Session IDs bring a more complete picture of the call.

These session IDs act as a global call identifier and helps with tracking even when midcall transfer or other feature interaction occurs that involves Webex Calling and Remote call control, such as Unified CM using a Local Gateway.

Final Remote Session ID

Answer indicator

When a call is answered, this indicator identifies if the call is answered at a post-redirected location (such as voicemail or a call forward destination) rather than at the called service or user's phone number.

Possible values are:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Yes-PostRedirection

Ring duration

The length of ringing before the call is answered or timed out, in seconds.

Release time

Indicates the time when the call is released by the system in UTC time. This time does not always mean the call is released as sometimes refers to time when either one caller hangs up (for example, Emergency/911 calls)

Omit this field for long duration calls and use the Report time.

Report time

It is same as the Release time in most cases and is generated only when the call ends.

In error conditions, you observe the following changes:

  • If the release time is not present, the report time can be answer time.

  • If the release time and answer time are not present, the report time can be start time.

PSTN Legal Entity

Displays the regulated business entity registered for providing PSTN service in that particular country. The field is exclusively for Cisco Calling Plans.

The regulated entity name in region and across regions can be different.

PSTN Vendor Org ID

Displays the Cisco Calling plan's org UUID. It’s unique across different regions

PSTN vendor name

Displays the vendor’s name from whom the PSTN service is purchased for the respective country.

PSTN Provider ID

Represents an immutable Cisco defined UUID attribute for a PSTN provider, which uniquely identifies the entity that has provided PSTN in that country.

Caller ID number

Displays the calling party’s presentation number based on the caller id setting from the control hub. It could be a direct line/extension, location number, custom option from organization.

  • Based on applicable E.164 normalization, the Caller ID number could be in E.164 or non-E.164 format (E.g. SIP URI instead of a phone number, extension or location code + extension for a group or enterprise call, non-E.164 phone number with E.164 normalization disabled or not applicable, and so on).

  • For redirected calls, this would represent only the redirecting party's caller ID number.

External caller ID number

It's only set when the control hub External caller ID phone number setting is either location number or other number from organization and it is not set when "Direct line/Ext" options has been selected.

  • Only included in originating CDRs (not present in terminating CDRs).

  • Not set for calls that are redirected

Device owner UUID

When calls are made using multi-line or shared line options, it represents the unique identifier of the device owner (that is, accountable for). This field holds the value of the UUID contained in the Cisco Common Identity associated with a user.

Example: If Alice has a device assigned, where multiline is configured or Bob and makes/receives a call from Bob's line, then Bob's CDR for the call will have Alice UUID as the device owner.

Only set when the device owner is different than the owner of the device who made/received the call.

Call Recording Platform Name

Call recording platform name and the recording platform can be "DubberRecorder", "Webex" or "Unknown" if the call recording Platform Name could not be fetched. Other supported vendors include Eleveo, ASCTech, MiaRec, and Imagicle.

Call Recording Result

The status of the recorded media can be

  • successful

  • failed

  • successful but not kept

Call Recording Trigger

This field indicates the user's recording mode for this call. The values for this field are:

  • always

  • always-pause-resume

  • on-demand

  • on-demand-user-start

Redirecting party UUID

Whenever call is redirected one or more times, this field indicates the unique identifier of the last redirecting party user or service (that is, accountable for) this CDR. This field holds the value of the UUID contained in the Cisco Common Identity associated with a user or service.

Public Calling IP Address

Indicates the public IP address of the device or application making a call in India locations.

This field values are captured for all number types for India locations.

Public Called IP Address

Indicates the public IP address of the terminating device or application in India locations.

This field values are captured for all number types for India locations.

Final local and remote session ID example:

Call transfer with consultation:

  • Alice calls Bob.
  • Bob answers the call.
  • Bob then does a consult transfer to Carol.
  • Alice and Carol talk.

The following table shows how the local and final session IDs for Alice, Bob, and Carol differ (in bold) when a call transfer happens.

Detailed call history record (CDR)Local SessionIDRemote SessionIDFinal localsessionIDFinal remote sessionID
Alice OriginatingXYXW
Bob TerminatingYXWX
Bob OriginatingZWXW
Carol TerminatingWZWX

Answer indicator with multiple redirections example:

  • Alice calls Bob.
  • Bob enabled a Call Forward Always option to Carol’s number.
  • Carol enabled a Call Forward Busy option to Dave’s number.
  • Dave finally attends the call.
  • Alice and Dave talk.

The following table shows what the record looks like for the given example:

Detailed call records example for Yes-Postredirection field.

The original called party here is Bob. But, as the call is answered elsewhere as both Bob and Carol had redirections, their Terminating detailed call history records have Answer Indicator = Yes-Postredirection.

Point-to-Point call:

  • Alice calls Bob.

  • Bob answers the call.

  • Either party ends the call.

Webex Calling generates two CDR data. The following table explains the CDR field names and data representations (CDR1, CDR2)

CDR field namesAlice ↔ Bob call leg
Calling number+12814659802+442030577002
Called number+12814659802+442030577002
Dialed digits77002NA
Calling line IDNAAlice
Called line IDBobNA
Called IDSSE064225663310323-826219063@
User typeUserUser
Correlation ID9d52512d-0e59-4cb6-9de6-bda7d5b1185e9d52512d-0e59-4cb6-9de6-bda7d5b1185e
Local SessionIDb6230eee00105000a000e069ba481bcdd0bcbad800105000a000e069ba481ba6
Remote SessionIDd0bcbad800105000a000e069ba481ba6b6230eee00105000a000e069ba481bcd
  • Alice’s Originating record (CDR1) would be User = Alice, Called line ID = Bob.

  • Bob’s Terminating record (CDR2) would be User = Bob, Calling line ID = Alice.

  • Correlation ID remains the same for both Alice and Bob.

  • Alice’s Local Session ID = Bob’s Remote Session ID AND

  • Bob’s Local Session ID = Alice’s Remote Session ID.

Webex Calling generates Originating CDR with Alice's UUID in the Local Session ID field and Bob's UUID in the Remote Session ID field. Webex Calling generates Terminating CDR with Bob's UUID in the Local Session ID field and Alice's UUID in the Remote Session ID field.

PSTN call to a Webex Calling user:

  • Alice calls Bob. (Alice is the PSTN caller and Bob is a Webex Calling user).

  • Bob answers the call.

  • Either party ends the call.

Webex Calling generates only one CDR record for Bob (CDR1=Terminating).

Alice = PSTN Caller (Originating) don’t have any CDR entries.

CDR field namesNo CDRs created for Alice PSTN caller CDR 1 for Bob Webex Calling registered user
Calling number-+91638076xxxx
Called number-+1346298xxxx
Dialed digits-NA
Calling line ID-NA
Called line ID-NA
Called ID-BW101135692160523343591672@
User type-User
Related reason-NA
Redirect reason-NA
Redirecting number-NA
Correlation ID-e156cd56-f3c9-4455-bea6-174ac975cfec
Local SessionID-0816529e00105000a0000242be17dcaa
Remote SessionID-NA

Blind Transfer Call:

Blind or unattended transfer allows you to transfer calls to an alternate extension or phone number without waiting for an answer or confirming the availability of the receiving party.

  • Alice calls Bob.

  • Bob blind transfers the call to Carol. Alice goes on hold.

  • Carol answers the call.

  • Bob clears down.

  • Alice and Carol talk and either party ends the call.

Webex Calling generates four CDR records. The table below explains the CDR field names and data representations (CDR1 to CDR4)

CDR field namesAlice ↔ Bob call legAlice ↔ Carol call leg (post blind transfer)
Calling number+12814659802+12814659802+12814659802+12814659802
Called number+442030577002+442030577002+35391111632+35391111632
Dialed digits77002NA11632NA
Calling line IDNAAliceNAAlice
Called line IDBobNACarolNA
Call IDSSE06265895710052371








User typeUserUserUserUser
Related reasonNADeflectionDeflectionNA
Redirect reasonNANADeflectionDeflection
Redirecting numberNANA+442030577002+442030577002
Transfer related call IDNA417887153:0A417887153:0NA
Correlation ID3631b2a8-a7ba-








Local SessionIDfb8ed91e00105000a








Remote SessionID2247175900105000a0








  • Redirecting number = Bob’s number who did the blind transfer (CDR3, CDR4).
  • Related reason = Deflection on CDR2. CDR3 indicates that it’s a blind transfer.
  • The transfer related Call ID provides the call identifier of the other call involved in the transfer, populated only on CDR2 and CDR3.
  • Correlation ID remains the same for all four CDR call legs (CDR1 through CDR4).
  • Call ID for CDR2 and CDR3 is unique.
  • For Alice ↔ Bob call leg, Alice’s Local Session ID = Bob’s Remote Session ID. Bob’s Local Session ID = Alice’s Remote Session ID.
  • Post blind transfer, Alice’s Local Session ID is retained and propagates to Alice ↔ Carol’s call leg. Alice’s Local Session ID = Carol’s Remote Session ID.

Call Park and Retrieval:

  • Alice called Bob and talked.

  • Bob parks the call to Carol’s extension and hangs up.

  • Carol Unparks the call using the Unpark option or by dialing the FAC *88 <extension where the call got parked> and retrieves the call.

  • Alice and Carol talk and either party ends the call.

Webex Calling generates four CDR records. The table below explains the CDR field names and data representations (CDR1 to CDR4)

CDR field namesAlice ↔ Bob call legBob parking the callCarol unpark / retrieving parked call
Calling number+12814659802+12814659802+442030577002+35391111632
Called number+442030577002+442030577002*6811632*8811632
Dialed number7702NA*6811632*8811632
Calling line IDNAAliceNANA
Called line IDBobNANANA
Call IDSSE114440280110523-750048880@
User typeUserUserUserUser
Related reasonNANACallParkCallParkRetrieve
Redirect reasonNANANANA
Redirecting numberNANANANA
Transfer related call IDNANANANA
Correlation ID6a7156c8-fe9a-41bf-








Local Seccion ID6313d03900105000a








Remote Session IDb7f18c4a00105000a






  • Related reason = CallPark on CDR3 indicates that Bob did a CallPark.
  • Related reason = CallParkRetrieve on CDR4 indicates that Carol did the Unpark or CallParkretrieval.
  • Answered indicator = FALSE for CDR3 parked leg. Answered indicator = TRUE for rest of the call legs.
  • The correlation ID remains the same for Alice ↔ Bob. Bob parking the call and Carol unparking would have a different correlation ID.
  • For Alice ↔ Bob. Alice’s Local Session ID = Bob’s Remote Session ID. Bob’s Local Session ID = Alice’s Remote Session ID.
  • When Bob parks the call to Carol’s extension, only an ORIGINATING CDR3 is created that retains Bob’s Local Session ID, Remote Session ID = NA.
  • By the time Carol Unparks the call, Alice’s Local Session ID is retained and propagates to Alice ↔ Carol's call leg. Alice’s Local Session ID = Carol’s Remote Session ID.

Call with multiple redirection flows:

  • Alice calls Bob. Bob has Call forward Busy enabled to Carol.

  • Carol has Call forward always enabled to Dave.

  • Dave picked up the call, Alice and Dave talked and either party ends the call.

Webex Calling generates six CDR records. The following table explains the CDR field names and data representations (CDR1 to CDR6).

Call with multiple redirection flows table in Calling Detailed Call History report.
  • The calling number always conveys the actual calling party, and it’s not modified by any redirections.
  • CDR3, CDR4 (CallForwardBusy), Redirecting number = Bob’s number. Related reason=CallForwardBusy and Redirect reason=UserBusy.
  • CDR5, CDR6 (CallForwardAlways), Redirecting number = Carol’s number. Related reason=CallForwardAlways and Redirect reason=Unconditional.
  • For Alice ↔ Bob call leg, Alice’s Local Session ID = Bob’s Remote Session ID. Bob’s Local Session ID = Alice’s Remote Session ID.
  • For Bob ↔ Carol’s (CallForwardBusy) and Carol ↔ Dave’s (CallForwardAlways), Local Session ID and Remote Session ID from Alice’s call leg are retained and propagated.
  • For the final call leg from Alice ↔ Dave, Alice’s Local Session ID = Daves’s Remote Session ID. Dave’s Local Session ID = Alice’s Remote Session ID.

Call Timeline

  • Alice takes about 20 seconds to call Bob.
  • Bob places Alice on Hold and blind transfers the call to Charlie which takes about three seconds before Charlie answers the transferred call.
  • Bob clears down and Alice ends the call with Charlie which takes about 23 seconds.

Based on the preceding case, the overall call length is about 46 seconds.

For reference, the spreadsheet captures the Blind Transfer Call Details:

Blind transfer call details spreadsheet example

Some records report special functionality. For example, records tagged with relatedReason=PushNotificationRetrieval indicates that a push notification is sent to wake up the client and get ready to receive a call.

Queue stats

This report provides details of call queues that are set up in your organization. You can use this report to see the number of incoming calls that are in call queues and the status of these calls.

Column nameDescription
Call QueueName of the call queue.
LocationLocation assigned to the call queue.
Phone NO.A phone number assigned to the call queue.
ExtensionExtension number assigned to the call queue.
Total Hold TimeTotal time that calls are placed on hold by agents.
Avg Hold TimeAverage time that calls are placed on hold by agents.
Total Talk TimeTotal time that agents are actively talking on calls.
Avg Talk TimeAverage time that agents are actively talking on calls.
Total Handle TimeTotal time an agent spends on a call from a queue, including ring time. This is recorded when the agent ends or transfers the call.
Avg Handle TimeAverage time that agents spent handling calls.
Total Wait TimeTotal time that callers spent waiting for the next available agent to answer the call.
Avg Wait TimeAverage time that callers spent waiting for the next available agent to answer the call.
Answered CallsNumber of calls answered by agents.
% Answered CallsPercentage of calls answered by agents.
Abandoned CallsNumber of calls where the caller hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
% Abandoned CallsPercentage of calls where the caller hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Avg Abandoned TimeAverage time where callers hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Total Abandoned TimeTime where callers hung up or left a message before an agent became available.
Total CallsTotal number of incoming calls.
Calls OverflowedNumber of calls that overflowed because the queue limit is met.
Calls Timed OutNumber of calls that timed out because the wait time exceeded the maximum limit.
Calls TransferredNumber of calls that are transferred out of the queue.
Avg No. of Agents AssignedAverage number of agents assigned to call queues.
Avg No. of Agents Handling CallsAverage number of agents that actively handled calls.

Queue agent stats

This report provides details of all agents who are assigned to call queues in your organization. You can use this report to see which agent gets the most calls and information about their calling stats.

Column nameDescription
Agent Name/Workspace NameName of the agent or workspace.
Call QueueName of the call queue.
LocationLocation assigned to the call queue.
Total Answered CallsNumber of calls that are presented to the agent and answered by them.
Bounced CallsNumber of calls that are presented to the agent but went unanswered.
Total Presented CallsNumber of inbound calls to the agent that are distributed by the call queue.
Total Talk TimeTotal time that an agent spent actively talking on calls.
Avg Talk TimeAverage time that an agent spent actively talking on calls.
Total Hold TimeTotal time that an agent put calls on hold.
Avg Hold TimeAverage time that an agent put calls on hold.
Total Handle TimeTotal time an agent spends on a call from a queue, including ring time. This is recorded when the agent ends or transfers the call.
Avg Handle TimeAverage time that an agent spent handling calls.

Wrap-up Reason

This report provides details on how agents are wrapping up calls in your organization. You can use this report to take any actions based on those details, such as refining wrap-up reasons or assessing whether agents deliver quality customer experience.

Column nameDescription
DateDate of the call.
Agent NameName of the agent.
LocationPhysical location assigned to the agent.
Contact Start TimestampTimestamp of when the agent started talking to the customer on the call.
Contact End TimestampTimestamp of when the agent ended talking to the customer on the call.
Contact DurationNumber of inbound calls to the agent that are distributed by the call queue.
Wrap-Up ReasonName of the wrap-up reason that the agent selects for the wrap-up state.
Wrap-Up DurationAmount of time that the agent was engaged in the wrap-up activity state.
Wrap-Up Activity Start TimestampTimestamp of when the wrap-up activity started.
Wrap-Up Activity End TimestampTimestamp of when the wrap-up activity ended.

Rooms and Desks Detail

Use this report to see details of every device in your organization and its uses. The Total Hours Used column, shows the total usage of the device over the selected date range. Such information helps you to find under-utilized devices. You can also find out which devices have been offline by checking the Last Seen Date column.

The information in this report is the same as what you can find in the Analytics dashboard.

Column Name


Device ID

Unique identifier internal for administrators.

Device Type

Device model.

Assigned To

A name of the place or user this device is assigned to. If this field is blank, then the device is deleted from your organization.


Shows tags assigned to the device on the Control Hub Devices page.

IP Address

Last known IP address of when the device is online.

Mac Address

Media Access Control address of the device.

Latest Known Status

Device online status from the last 24 hours.

Total Hours Used

Total usage over the selected date range


The number of hours the device is used for a call over the selected date range.

Local Display Wired

The number of hours the device is used for a wired local display over the selected date range.

Local Display Wireless

The number of hours the device is used for a wireless local display over the selected date range.


The number of hours the device is used for whiteboarding over the selected date range.

Digital Signage

The number of hours the device is used for digital signage over the selected date range.

USB Passthrough

The number of hours the device is used for USB passthrough over the selected date range.

First Seen

Shows when the device is added to the Control Hub for the first time.

Last Seen

Shows when the device is last online.

Delete Date

Shows when the device is deleted from Webex.

VIMT License Report

This report shows you the license usage for unique active Cisco devices and third-party SIP devices that use the Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (VIMT) in your organization. Each date that you select has their own set of data. For example, if you run a report for June 1, 2020 to June 5, 2020, then the report shows you the data for each date of the report.

Column Name


Webex Org ID

The unique ID of the Control Hub organization that the report belongs to.


The calendar date for the recorded data. There’s one record per day.

Device 24 hours

The count of unique devices that used VIMT in the last 24 hours of the date.

Device last 30 days

The rolling count of unique devices that used VIMT in the last 30 days of the date.

Unique Devices Rolling 90 day average

The rolling average count of unique devices that used VIMT in the last 90 days of the date.

VIMT Usage Report

This report provides details about calls where Cisco devices and third-party SIP devices are used Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (VIMT) to join Microsoft Teams meetings.

Column Name


Teams Conference ID

The unique ID of the Microsoft Teams meeting.

Device Name

The name of the device used to join the Microsoft Teams meeting.

Device URL

The URL associated with the device.

Device Join Time

The time (in UTC+0) when the device joined the Microsoft Teams meeting using VIMT.

Device Disconnect Time

The time when the device disconnected from the Microsoft Teams meeting.

Device SIP URI

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) address associated with the device.

Teams Tenant ID

The unique ID of the user in the Microsoft Teams client.

Date device joined call

The date that the device is used to join the Microsoft Teams meeting using VIMT.

Device power consumption report

This report provides details of the energy consumption of Cisco devices and phones. You can use this report to see which devices are using up a lot of energy, and with that information, change modes accordingly to save on energy costs.

This report includes data for the following measurable devices and phones:

  • Desk Portfolio (excluding DX 70)
  • Board Portfolio (excluding Spark Board 55 and 70)
  • Room Kit and Room Kit Mini
  • Room Bar and Room Bar Pro
  • Quad Cam
  • Codec Plus, Codec Pro, Codec EQ
  • Room55S
  • Desk Phone 9800
Column nameDescription
Device nameName of the device.
Device typeDevice model.
LocationLocation assigned to the device.
Hours in Call modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the device spent in Call mode.
Power consumption in Call modeHow much energy the device consumed in watts while in Call mode.
Hours in Idle modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the device spent in Idle mode.
Power consumption in Idle modeHow much energy the device consumed in watts while in Idle mode.
Hours in Halfwake modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the device spent in Halfwake mode.

This data doesn't apply to Desk phones.

Power consumption in Halfwake modeHow much energy the device consumed in watts while in Halfwake mode

This data doesn't apply to Desk phones.

Hours in Display Off modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the device spent in Display Off mode.
Power consumption in Display Off modeHow much energy the device consumed in watts while in Display Off mode.
Hours in Networked Standby modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the device spent in Networked Standby mode.

This data doesn't apply to Desk phones.

Power consumption in Networked Standby modeHow much energy the device consumed in watts while in Networked Standby mode.

This data doesn't apply to Desk phones.

Total power consumptionHow much energy the device consumed in kilowatts while in all of the modes combined.
Hours in Deep Sleep modeNumber of hours (in two decimal points) the phone spent in Deep Sleep mode.

This data only applies to Desk phones.

Power consumption in Deep Sleep modeHow much energy the phone consumed in watts while in Deep Sleep mode.

This data only applies to Desk phones.

Desk phones detail

This report provides details of Cisco Phones used in your organization. You can use this report to view usage data and adoption rates of desk phones.

This report only provides details for the Cisco Desk Phone 8875 and 9800 series.

Column nameDescription
Device IDUnique identifier of the desk phone.
Device TypeDevice model.
Assigned ToName of the user or workspace that this desk phone is assigned to.
TagsShows tags assigned to the desk phone on the Control Hub Devices page.
IP AddressLast known IP address of the desk phone.
Mac AddressMedia Access Control address of the desk phone.
Serial NumberSerial number of the desk phone.
Software versionLast known software version of the desk phone.
Latest Known StatusLast known status of the desk phone.
First SeenShows when the desk phone was added to Control Hub for the first time.
Last SeenShows when the desk phone was last online.
Delete DateShows when the desk phone was deleted from Control Hub.
CallsNumber of calls made on the desk phone over the selected date range.
MeetingsNumber of meetings joined on the desk phone over the selected date range.
Calls minutesNumber of minutes that the desk phone was used for calls over the selected date range.
Meetings minutesNumber of minutes that the desk phone was used for meetings over the selected date range.
Action buttonNumber of times that the action button was used on the desk phone over the selected date range.

This data only applies to Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series.

Hot deskingNumber of times that the desk phone was used for hot desking over the selected date range.
Favorite buttonNumber of times that the favorite button was used on the desk phone over the selected date range.

This data only applies to Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series.

ContactsNumber of times that the user accessed contacts on the desk phone over the selected date range.
Call logsNumber of times that the user accessed call logs on the desk phone over the selected date range.

Workspace usage

This report provides details on how workspaces are used in your oganization. You can use this report to see which workspaces are popular with your users.

Column name


Workspace id

Unique identifier of the workspace.

Workspace name

Name of the workspace.


Location assigned to the workspace.


Type assigned to the workspace.


Maximum number of people the workspace is for.


Devices assigned to the workspace.

Scheduling service

Scheduling service assigned to the workspace. Possible values are:

  • None
  • Google
  • Microsoft

Email address

Email address assigned to the workspace.

Calling service

Calling service assigned to the workspace. Possible values are:

  • Free
  • Broadworks
  • Webex
  • Hybrid
  • None
  • Premises
  • thirdPartySip

Device hosted meetings

If the devices assigned to the workspace was used to host meetings within the selected date range.

Hot desk

If the workspace was used as a hot desk within the selected date range.

Occupancy hours

Number of hours the workspace was used by people.

Number of Ghosted meetings

Number of meetings where the workspace was scheduled for a meeting, but wasn't occupied.

Total booked meetings

Number of meetings that the workspace have been scheduled for use.

Onboarding User Activation and License Details Report

This report provides details about method of onboarding users in your organization and how licenses are assigned to them.

Column Name



The first and last name of the added user.


The email address of the user.

Administrator Name

The first and last name of the administrator who added the user, if applicable.

Administrator Email

The email address of the administrator who added the user, if applicable.

Invite Sent (GMT)

The date and time that an invitation is sent to the user, if applicable.

Onboard Method

The method used to add the user to the Control Hub. Possible values are:

  • API—User is added with an API.
  • Manual—User is manually added in the Control Hub.
  • CSV—User is added with a CSV file.
  • Dirsync—User is added with Cisco Directory Connector.
  • Convert—User is added with the claim process.
  • Sideboard—User is added from the Webex App.
  • Self_signup—User is added with the self sign-up process.
  • BWKS_prov_API—User is added with the Webex for Broadworks provisioning API.
  • People_API—User is added with the Webex People API.
  • Site_conversion—User is added with the Site admin to the Control Hub update process.
  • Org_license_template—User is added with the organization license template.
  • Group_license_template—User is added with the organization group license template.
  • External_admin_invite—User is added by an external admin in the organization.
  • Other—User is added with other methods not described.

License Assign Method

The method used to assign the user the license. The methods are:

  • Manually—An administrator assigned the license to the user manually.

  • Auto—A license template assigned the license to the user automatically.


The names of licenses assigned to the user.

License Assign Status

If the licenses are assigned to the user successfully or unsuccessfully.

Activation Status

The user’s activation status is shown as Activated if the user signs in to the Webex App for the first time.

Users that haven't signed in to the Webex App show as Pending.

Activation Date

The date of when the user’s status changed to Active.

User ID

The unique ID of the user.

Administrator ID

The unique ID of the administrator who added the user.

Enterprise Agreement Report

This report provides details about how many licenses are being used in a subscription. This report is only available if your organization has an active true forward eligible subscription.

Column Name



The period that the subscription is in. A period is defined as a 30-day cycle that starts on the day your subscription is activated, and corresponds with your billing cycle.

For example, if your subscription started on July 5, 2020, then the next period would start 30 days later, on August 4, 2020.


The calendar date within the period.

Subscription ID

The unique ID of the subscription.


The name of the product for the reported licenses.

Provisioned License Quantity

The total number of licenses provisioned for the subscription and product.

Allocated License Quantity

The number of licenses allocated to users at the reported date.

Consumption Quantity

This number reflects the aligned value used to identity a True Forward. IT admins can track this value throughout the contract term, well before the period in which the subscription is due for a potential change.

This number is calculated as whichever product has the higher Provisioning License Quantity or Allocated License Quantity number in a subscription.

For example, if a subscription with Webex Calling has 500 Allocated License Quantity, and Webex Meetings has 600 Allocated License Quantity, then the Consumption Quantity is 600 for that subscription.

Customize existing templates by reordering or removing columns to view the data that you want to focus on. For example, you can create customized Meetings Attendees reports that focus on participants in specific locations or specific operating systems, or customized Calling Quality reports that focus on audio or video media quality instead of both. Custom templates appear in their own section, and are tagged so that you can easily identify them.

Custom reports section in Control Hub

Some templates can't be customized, and some columns are required for certain templates. You can choose which columns are required while customizing a template. The following image shows an example.

Static column fields example for custom reports in Control Hub.

Each administrator can create up to 50 custom templates, and view only the custom templates that they created.

An external administrator, such as a partner administrator who manages a customer's organization in the Control Hub, cannot create new custom templates.

You can create up to 50 custom templates and view only your custom templates. Other administrators can create their own set of up to 50 custom templates.

Custom templates aren't editable after they're created.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Templates.


Click New custom template.

A full-screen window appears. To exit this window, you can click Cancel or finish creating the custom template.Creating a custom template screen

In the Template section, select which template you want to customize, enter the name for the custom template, and add a description.


In the Data section, select options:

  • Filter data—Select the filters for which you want to show data. For example, if you select IS_SHARING = YES as a filter in the Meetings Details report, the report only shows data for the meetings where someone shared their screen. If you select Location = Toronto in the Call Queue Stats report, the report only shows data for the call queues based in Toronto.
  • Customize columns—Select the columns you want to reorder in the customized template. Some templates have columns that can't be removed.

Click Save template.

When you delete a custom template, any automatic schedules for that template are also deleted. Previously generated report from that custom template is kept.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Templates.


Click the More button next to the custom template that you want to delete.


Select Delete and then confirm your choice.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Templates.


Click on a report template that you want to generate.


Click Generate report.

Generate report UI in Control Hub

Choose to generate the report:

  • Now—Select the date range on which you want to view the data.
  • Daily—Select on which days you want to generate the report automatically. The report contains data for the previous day of what you select.
  • Weekly—Select the day that you want to generate the report automatically every week. The report contains data for the last seven days starting from the day that you select.
  • Monthly—Select the day that you want to generate the report automatically every month. The report contains data for the last 30 days starting from the day that you select.

Check the Notify me by email check box if you want an email of when the report is ready for you to download.


Depending on the schedule for the report, select Generate Report or Schedule Report.

Reports that you generate show up in the Report list tab. You can see when a report is ready to download under the Status column. Report statuses available are:

  • Processing—The report is generating the data for you to download.
  • Processed—The report has generated the data. You can start to prepare the report for download.
  • Preparing for download—You've selected to prepare the report so you can download it.
  • Ready for download—The report is ready for you to download at any time.
  • Incomplete—The report isn't processed correctly. Generate the report again to fix this status.

You can only have a maximum of 50 reports in this list. Future scheduled reports won't run until there are fewer than 50 reports.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Report list.


Under Actions, click MoreMore inline icon next to the report you want to download, and then select Prepare for download.

The status of report changes to Preparing for download.

Once the status of report changes to Ready for download, click MoreMore inline icon, and then select Download report.


Select Compressed file.

The report starts to download.

You can disable a report if you want to pause the report from running automatically.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Scheduled jobs.


Under Actions, click MoreMore inline icon, and then select Disable.


Sign in to Control Hub and go to Reports > Scheduled jobs.


Under Actions, click MoreMore inline icon, and then Delete.


Select Delete.

You can use classic reports to view comprehensive statistics for Webex Meetings, Webex Events (Classic), Webex Training, and Webex Support services in your organization. Monitor usage across services, attendance for events and sessions, and support activities so that you can determine how you can build a more efficient organization.

Learn more about these reports at this article.

You have access to 3 months of data for classic reports with both Standard and Pro Pack licenses.