Desktop profiles

Each desktop profile specifies following permissions and settings:

  • General settings

  • Wrap-up and Idle Codes

  • Collaborations

  • Outdial options

  • Voice Channel options Capabilities

  • Agent Statistics

  • Desktop Timeout

Create a desktop profile

To create a desktop profile:

Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop experience > Desktop profiles.


Click Create desktop profile.


Enter details in the following fields of General settings section:




Enter a name for the desktop profile. You can create a desktop profile from copy of another agent profile. When you copy a profile, the system renames the copy. The copy name consists of the name of the profile from which the copy is made and the words copy_of appended as a prefix. You can retain the name the system assigned to the file or rename it.


Enter a description for the desktop profile.

Parent Type

Choose a parent type:

  • Tenant: The desktop profile is available to all sites at your enterprise

  • Site: The desktop profile is available to a specific site.

You can't change the parent type after you have created a desktop profile.

Screen Popups

Toggle On or Off to specify whether you want to allow external pop-up screens.

Last Agent Routing

Toggle On or Off to specify whether you want to keep last routing.


Click Next to create Idle/wrap-up Codes and enter details in the following fields:



Wrap-up codes



Agent available

(Optional) Enter a description for the desktop profile.

Wrap-up codes



Idle codes




Click Next to create Collaboration and enter details in the following fields:



Entry Point/Queue Transfer Targets

Specify the entry points or queues that the agents can choose from the Queue drop-down list on the Agent Desktop:

  • Select All to make all entry points and queues available.

  • Select None if you do not want to make any entry points or queues available as transfer targets.

  • Select Specific to make specific entry points and queues available; then choose entry points and queues from the drop-down list.

Consult To Queue

Toggle Consult to queue if you want the agent to be able to select a queue in the Queue drop-down list as a target for a consultation. The target must be an inbound queue.

  • If the agent selects an entry point as the target, the system disables the Consult button.

  • The system supports Consult to Queue only for queues that have teams serving them. If the agent attempts to consult to a queue that only redirects to another entry point or queue, the system displays a Consult Failed message.

Buddy Teams

Specify the teams that the agents can choose from the Agent drop-down list on the Agent Desktop.

Agents can consult, conference, and transfer calls to other agents from the teams that they choose.

  • Select All to make the agents on all teams available.

  • Select None if you do not want to make any teams available for consultation, conference, or call transfer.

  • Select Specific to make agents on specific teams available; then select teams from the drop-down list.

Microsoft Teams/Webex App

Toggle ON the Display user details setting in Microsoft Teams to enable the agents to view the presence of the subject matter experts and search by name, department, and role of the users from Microsoft Teams when initiating consult or transfer of calls.

Toggle ON the Display user details setting in Webex App to enable the agents to view the presence of the subject matter experts and search by name of the users from Webex App when initiating consult or transfer of calls.

Toggle ON the State synchronisation setting in Microsoft Teams/Webex App to synchronise the states between the Microsoft Teams/Webex App and Desktop.

You must toggle ON Microsoft Teams/Webex App at the tenant level to ensure State synchronization and Display user details for Desktop Profiles work correctly.


Click Next to set up dial plan in the Outdial Options field, and enter details in the following fields:



Outdial enabled

Toggle Outdial to enable if you want the agent to be able to make outdial calls. After you have enagled the outdial, you will have to select an outdial entry point.

Outdial Entry Points

If you toggle Outdial to enabled, choose an entry point that the agent can use to make outdial calls from the drop-down list in the Outdial Entry Point field.

Address book

Choose an address book from the drop-down list in the Address Book field. An address book includes the speed-dial numbers that the agent can choose from to make outdial and consult calls.

Outdial ANI

This setting appears only if you have toggled Outdial to enable. From the drop-down list in the Outdial ANI field, choose the name associated with the list of phone numbers that the agent can use to make an outdial call. The system uses the number that the agent uses as the caller ID for the call. For more information, see manage Outdial ANI.

Dial Plan enabled

If you toggle Dial plan to enabale, the agent can make ad-hoc outdial calls.

Select Dial Plan

This setting appears only if you toggled Dial Plan to enable. Choose one or more dial plans for the system to use to validate the Dial Numbers (DN) that the agent enters in the Enter number to call field.

Two default dial plans are available. You can also create custom dial plans for your enterprise. The default dial plans are:

  • US accepts input text such as the following:

1 (800) 555-1234

  • Any Format accepts input such as the following:

(800) 555-1234


Click Next to set up Voice channel options and select following options accordingly:



Voice Channel options

  • Agent DN: Allows agents to sign in using a DN

  • Extension: Allows agents to sign in through a specific extention number

  • Desktop: Allows agents to sign in through a browser

Desktop option uses webRTC and is available for both Premium and Standard Agents and doesn't require any extra license. It can be used by both agents and supervisors.

The Desktop option is supported for Chrome browser version 104 or later.

Administrator needs to enable End button in Control hub for agent to end a Desktop call.

Validation for Agent DN

Click Unrestricted to allow agents to use any DN to sign in through the Station Credentials prompt on the Agent Desktop.

If an agent enters an ad-hoc DN and the entry does not meet the sign-in syntax rules, the system rejects the agent sign-in.

To restrict the DN that the agent can enter, click one of the following:

  • Provisioned DN restricts the sign-in DN to the default value you provision for the agent.

    Note: To provision or change an agent's default DN, edit the agent's user settings. Choose Provisioning > User > Edit > Agent Settings and enter a DN in the Default DN field. If you do not provision a DN, the agent can enter any DN to sign in.

  • Validation using Dial Plans restricts the sign-in DN to the all or specific dial plan that you give in the Validation Criteria setting.

Select Dial Plans

This setting appears only if you set Validation for Agent DN to a validation criteria.

Select the dial plan to use for the DN validation:

  • Click All to validate the DN against all available dial plan formats.
  • Click Specific to validate the DN against one or more dial plans that you can choose from the Select Validation Criteria drop-down list.

Click Next to set up Agent Statistics and select following options accordingly:



Agent Statistics

Toggle Agent statistics to specify whether you want the agents to view their personal statistics in Agent Desktop.

Queue Statistics

This setting controls whether the agent can display statistics for all or some queues in the Agent Personal Statistics tab. Do one of the following:

  • Select All to enable the agent to display statistics for all queues.

  • Select None to prevent the agent from displaying queue statistics.

  • Select Specific and then choose the queues from the Select Queues drop-down list to enable the agent to display statistics for specific queues.

Logged-in Team Statistics

Toggle Logged-in Team Statistics to specify whether the agent can view statistics for the team.

  • Settings for Logged-in Team Statistics and Team Statistics are independent of each other.

Team Statistics

This setting controls whether the agent can display statistics for all or some teams in the Agent Personal Statistics tab. Do one of the following:

  • Select All to enable the agent to display statistics for all teams.

  • Select None to prevent the agent from displaying teams statistics.

  • Select Specific and then choose the teams from the Select Teams drop-down list to enable the agent to display statistics for specific teams.


Click Next to set up Desktop timeout and select one of the following options:



Default Value

Select this to inherit the values given at the tenant level configuration.

Custom Value

Type the value in minutes to set the idle timeout. Enter any value from 3 to 10,000 minutes in the text box. This overrides the value given at the tenant level configuration.


Click Create to create a deskotp profile.

Edit a desktop profile

To edit or delete a desktop profile:

Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop experience > Desktop profiles to view the list of desktop profiles.


Click the desktop profile that you want to edit.

The desktop profile opens in editable mode.

Edit the details desktop profile, refer to create a desktop profiles steps above to edit the fields.


Click Save to save the edits else click Cancel to discard the changes.

Activate or deactivate a desktop profile

To activate or deactivate a desktop profile:


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop Experience > Desktop Profiles to view the list of desktop profiles.


Click the desktop profile that you want to activate or deactivate.

Desktop profile opens in editable mode.

Toggle Active/Inactive to perform the desired action.


Click Save to save the modified state else click Cancel to discard the changes.

Delete a desktop profile

To delete a desktop profile:

Before you begin

Ensure that the desktop profile that you want to delete is in an inactive state.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Desktop Experience > Desktop Profiles to view the list of desktop profiles.


Click the desktop profile that you want to delete.


Click the delete icon on top right of the page.


Click Delete in the confirmation pop-up message to delete the desktop profile.