When you use Webex App for calls and sign in to agent desktop using either Dial Number or Extension, you can choose the following to simplify your call notifications:

This is only available with Webex App 44.12 or later

To use this feature Webex Calling must be enabled in Control Hub. If you can't access the feature, check with your organization administrator for assistance.

The Webex App call window is minimized to your taskbar (Windows) or dock (Mac). You use the Desktop to manage your call notifications and mid call actions.

The following are changes you'll see when you choose to optimize your notifications:

  • Incoming call

    You'll see the following incoming call notification popover, with the Answer and Decline options.

    Incoming call popover
  • During a call

    Mid call controls for Desktop agent

    You'll see the above mid call options that include a keypad button to enter dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tones, a mute button to mute or unmute the call and so on.

  • Conference, consult or transfer calls

    When somebody consults with you during a call or transfers a call to you, the notification popover occurs in the Desktop.

  • Outdial and outbound calls

    When you make an outdial or outbound call, you'll see options to Answer and Cancel. When you click Answer or Cancel the notification popover closes.

    If you want to cancel the call after you click Answer, you can reopen the Webex App call window, from your taskbar/dock and click Cancel.