Antes de começar

  • Your administrator must have enabled the voicemail settings for you to access and configure them. If you don’t find any voicemail settings, check with your administrator.
  • Calling option in User Hub

    You can configure all the voicemail settings from the User Hub by navigating to Settings > Calling > Voicemail.

    The Calling option is available only for users with the Webex Calling license. If you don’t see the Calling option, it means you don’t have the Webex Calling license.

    If you want to find out which calling service you’re set up with, you can check from the Webex App. For more details, see Find out what calling service you have.

  • Encaminhamento de correio de voz

    When your administrator has enabled this setting, you can forward voice messages to another users’ number or extension. When disabled, you can't forward voice messages, use an external mailbox, or send a copy of the voice message to a specified email address.

  • Exclusão do correio de voz

    Your administrator can set the voice messages expiration period (1-180 days), and the conditions for expired messages deletion.

    When your administrator has configured the settings, the voice messages over 180 days old are archived automatically. If you require access to archived voice messages, contact your administrator.

    If the administrator hasn't configured the settings, you need to manually delete the messages.

  • Voicemail passcode or PIN

    Your administrator can set the minimum number of days (1–7) between the passcode changes, and the passcode expiration period (15–180 days). If the administrator hasn't configured the settings, your passcode never expires.

    You can reset your voicemail passcode from the User Hub, see Set or reset your voicemail PIN for more details. To listen to your voice messages from User Hub, see Listen to your voice messages.

If you find any issues in configuring the settings, contact your administrator. Your administrator can also configure all the voicemail settings on your behalf.

Enable voicemail

To receive voicemail and fax messages, and configure various voicemail settings such as sending calls to voicemail, enabling notification, and setting message storage, you need to enable the voicemail toggle first.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Voicemail section and turn on the toggle.

O que fazer em seguida

Once the voicemail toggle is enabled, you can configure various voicemail settings.

Send calls to voicemail with greetings

You can set when you want to send callers to your voicemail. Por exemplo, você pode enviar todas as chamadas para o correio de voz quando você sabe que vai estar fora do escritório e não fazer chamadas telefônicas.

You can set a voicemail greeting which is the message that your callers hear when they reach your voicemail. Há dois tipos de saudações de correio de voz : Ocupado e Sem resposta. The Busy greeting is played when you’re on another call and don’t have a call waiting, and the No Answer greeting is played when you don’t answer the call.

  • The incoming calls aren’t directed to voicemail when you've enabled the call waiting.
  • Se você ativou o encaminhamento de chamadas, essas configurações de encaminhamento de chamadas substituem as configurações de correio de voz definidas.

Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Send calls to voicemail and choose from the following options:

  • Send all calls to voicemail—This option forwards all calls to voicemail.

  • Send calls to voicemail when the line is busy—This option forwards calls to voicemail when you’re already on a call. You can choose to set up either a default greeting or a custom greeting to play when the line is busy.

    To set the default greeting, select the Default message when busy option.

    To set your own custom personalized greeting, select the Custom message option and click Upload File to upload your audio (WAV) file or click the Record Message to record the message.

  • Send calls to voicemail when no one answers—This option forwards incoming calls to voicemail after a specified number of rings. From the drop-down list, choose the number of rings before playing the greeting. You can choose to set up either a default greeting or a custom greeting to play when no one answers the call.

    To set the default greeting, select the Default message when no answer option.

    To set your own custom personalized greeting, select the Custom message option and click the Upload File to upload your audio (WAV) file or click the Record Message to record the message.

Once you've uploaded the file or recorded the greeting, you can change it by selecting Replace File or recording another greeting. Recording a new greeting or uploading a new file overrides the previous greeting.

The audio (WAV) file must be 8Khz, 8-bit mono, CCITT µ-law, 2 MB max, .wav file format. The maximum file size is 960 KB for 90 seconds of playback.

You can also record the greetings by dialing the Voice Portal *62 from your Cisco IP Phones or Webex App.

If you select Send all calls to voicemail, you can’t select the other two options. Você pode optar por direcionar para o correio de voz, com ambos Enviar chamadas para o correio de voz quando a linha estiver ocupada e Enviar chamadas para o correio de voz quando nenhuma opção de resposta estiver selecionada em conjunto.


Clique em Salvar.

Store your voicemail and fax messages

You can choose where you want to store your voicemail and fax messages—in the User Hub or to a specified email address as a .tiff file.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Message storage and select where you want to store your messages:

  • Use internal mailbox—This option allows you to access the voicemail from your phone or from the User Hub. Select Use the phone's new message indicator to enable the message waiting indicator for your desk phone.
    A caixa de correio interna tem as seguintes limitações de armazenamento:
    • Limite de 10 minutos para mensagem única

    • Limite total de 100 minutos para caixa de correio

  • Use external mailbox—With this option, you can enter the email address to which you want to send all the voicemails. If this option is selected, voice messages aren’t transcribed, and it can't be accessible from your phone, desktop app, and the user portal.

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O que fazer em seguida

If your location has voicemail transcription enabled, the option Use internal Mailbox and Email a copy of the voicemail message must be selected for you to receive voicemail transcriptions. For more information, see the Set up voicemail transcription section.

Habilitar notificações de correio de voz

You can set up an email id to receive notifications when a new voicemail is received.

Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Notifications and toggle on Receive voicemail notifications.


Escolha uma das seguintes opções:

  • To receive email notifications, select Email and enter the email address to send notifications to.
  • To receive text message notifications, select Text message and enter the phone number and choose the service provider.

    If you want to receive notifications through text, check with your wireless provider for their email to text process.


To send a voicemail to an email address with the message attached, go to Additional settings, toggle on Email a copy of the voicemail message, and enter the mail address to send the transcriptions to.

Esta opção pode estar indisponível se o encaminhamento do correio de voz estiver desativado.


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O que fazer em seguida

If your location has voicemail transcription enabled, the option Use Internal Mailbox and Email a copy of the voicemail message must be selected for you to receive voicemail transcriptions. For help, see Set up voicemail transcription section.

Set up voicemail transcription

With voicemail transcription, you can receive an email with the voicemail transcription in the body of the email and .wav file as a voicemail attachment. You can also see the voicemail transcription in Webex App.

Antes de começar

  • The supported languages are:

    • Inglês
    • Alemão
    • Espanhol
    • Francês
  • O administrador deve ativar a transcrição do correio de voz para a sua localização.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Message storage and select Use internal mailbox.


Go to Additional settings and toggle on Email a copy of the voicemail message, and enter the mail address to send the transcriptions to.

Esta opção pode estar indisponível se o encaminhamento do correio de voz estiver desativado.


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You can use the following image as a helpful visual of an email notification for voicemail transcription.

Motivos pelos quais a transcrição do correio de voz não está disponível

The system doesn’t produce a transcript if the overall quality or accuracy of the transcript is poor. It may happen if the audio quality was bad due to the following constraints:

  • Plano de fundo com muito nós

  • Audbilidade ruim

  • Unsupported language words present in the audio

    Voicemail transcription is available only for voicemails left in the supported languages.

  • Acento forte

Limitations with voicemail transcription

  • When you forward or reply to a voicemail from the voice portal, the voicemail isn’t transcribed.

  • When you compose a voicemail and send to another user from the voice portal, the voicemail isn’t transcribed.

Permitir que os chamadores transfira a partir da sua saudação de correio de voz

Você pode permitir que os chamadores pressionem 0 e sejam transferidos para outro número de telefone, de sua escolha, quando alcançarem sua saudação de correio de voz.

Se este recurso estiver ativado, certifique-se de gravar sua saudação de correio de voz com a orientação apropriada para o chamador. Por exemplo, "Para alcançar o meu assistente, pressione 0".


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Additional settings and toggle on Transfer on '0' to another phone number, and enter the phone number to which callers to be transferred.


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Set up to receive fax messages

Fax messaging allows you to receive direct inbound faxes from the voicemail service.

Faxes are stored in a shared storage area along with voice messages. A capacidade de armazenamento é de 100 minutos de correio de voz ou 1000 páginas de mensagens de fax. Make sure to allocate space for new fax messages and archive wisely.

Antes de começar

The fax messaging option appears only if your administrator has enabled the feature for you.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Voicemail.


Go to Fax messaging and turn on the toggle.

If the fax messaging is enabled by the admin, the toggle is on by default.

Your fax number and extension appear.


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