Error: 'Setup was Unsuccessful. Please try again. Error [23]' When Starting or Joining a Meeting

Users may encounter an error message stating, "Setup was Unsuccessful. Please try again. Error [23]" when attempting to start or join a Webex meeting.


If you are on Lockdown version WBS33.6, it is recommended that you use the Webex Web App as an alternative method to start or join the meeting. For instructions on using the web app, you can visit Get Started Joining a Meeting with the Webex Web App.

If your site is on a newer release of Webex or if the workaround does not resolve the issue, follow these troubleshooting steps.


  1. Log into the computer with an Administrator account.
  2. Uninstall Webex Meeting Manager from the Control Panel. For assistance, see:
  3. Download the Webex Removal Tool to your desktop. For help, see: Meeting Services Removal Tool
  4. Extract the contents of the zip file to your hard drive.
  5. Double-click on the Meeting Services Removal Tool file. 
  6. Follow the on-screen prompts.
  7. Delete the WebEx folder located at `C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local`.
  8. Download and install the Meeting Manager. For guidance, see How Do I Download the Webex Client?
  9. Try starting or joining the meeting again.

  1. Uninstall Webex Software on a Mac. For instructions, see: How Do I Uninstall Webex Software on a Mac?
  2. After uninstallation, attempt to start or join the meeting again.

Further Assistance

If the issue continues after following the steps, you should reach out to technical support for more help. For support, see: - How Do I Contact Webex Customer Services or Technical Support?

The error is typically due to a known bug fixed in the Webex version WBS33.7. However, if your site uses the Lockdown version WBS33.6, you might experience this error because this version did not receive the bug fix.

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