What's New in Wholesale RTM
The Wholesale Route-to-Market (RTM) is a strategic channel solution that is designed to bring Webex to the SMB segment by leveraging the market power of Service Providers around the world.
As a Wholesale RTM partner, we want to make sure you know about the latest administration features being released. Subscribe to this article to receive notifications for future releases.
For technical documentation, see the Wholesale Route to Market Knowledge Portal.
February 2025
Enhanced Help Desk Search for Partners
Partners can now search for devices using MAC address, phone number, or SIP address. Partner administrators with the Help Desk role can leverage this expanded search capability for improved device management. For details, see Webex Control Hub Help Desk for partners.
Webex Go Support for Wholesale RTM
Wholesale Partners can now enable Webex Go. To activate Webex Go for Wholesale RTM, contact your Partner Success Manager. For details, see Provision Webex Go.
January 2025
Webex Attendant Console
Webex Attendant Console is a web-based tool that combines the Webex Calling service, Webex App, or desk phone with a desktop interface to process calls within or outside your organization. It is designed to increase productivity with an enhanced user experience for receptionists, attendants, and operators. Users can screen incoming calls, manage calls and contacts, and monitor calls in a queue. For details, see Get started with the Attendant Console.
Calling Usage Details report in Partner Hub
We've introduced the Calling Usage Details report for partners to help you monitor customer organizations' usage of Webex Calling while using Webex App. This report includes detailed metrics such as the number of call legs using audio and video, the number of poor-quality call legs, the number of timed-out calls, and more.
For details, see Get started with Partner Hub.
Advanced Email Customization — Webex Partner Hub
Partners can now enhance email communications by customizing various branding and support elements:
Logos: Configure a custom logo for bright mode emails.
Support Links: Set up custom Terms of Service and Privacy Statement links.
Email Signature: Personalize onboarding email signatures (limited to 100 plain-text characters).
Reply-To Address: Define a custom Reply-To address for recipient responses.
Contact Us Link: Customize the default Webex Help Center link to direct users to partner-specific support pages.
For details, see Configure Advanced Branding Customizations.
December 2024
Migration Tools
Migration tools V1.45 released. This update includes migrating from BroadCloud or BroadWorks to Flex. For details, see Release Notes.
User Hub Administration Enhancements
Under the Administration section, Customer Administrators can now manage the following features in User Hub: View company contacts, initiate a one-time password reset for a user, group paging, Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) networks, Customer Experience Essentials, meeting sites, meeting settings, and hybrid calendars. For details, see: User Hub - Admin Settings for Partner Administrators.
Pro Pack
Pro Pack will now be included with all customer organizations provisioned on wholesale Webex. There is no longer a minimum package requirement. For details, see Pro Pack For Control Hub.
Standard Calling Package
This package is designed to meet the needs of a conventional calling user. Standard Users can have either a physical device (Phone or ATA) or soft client for calling, but not both.
Improvements to pinned messages—iOS and Android
To make it easier for mobile users to view pinned messages on a smaller screen, we will prioritize showing the message content or the file name. On large-screen devices like iPads and tablets, you'll see the message content, followed by the sender's name, date, and time. When a pinned message is no longer available, due to your organization retention policy, it will be removed. For details, see Webex App | Pin messages in a space.
Call queue sign-in/sign-out enhancements—iPhone, iPad, and Android
We’ve made some changes to how agents sign in and sign out. As an agent, the options to sign-in or sign-out are now separate buttons, they are no longer available in the drop-down list.
November 2024
Migration Tools
Migration tools V1.44 released. For details, see Release Notes.
Support for Personal Call Routing (Personal Assistant)—iPhone, iPad, and Android
We’ve added a new availability option of Away. You can set up personal call routing rules when you’re away from work and want to forward your calls or send them to voicemail. Callers hear a greeting with the reason you’re away and when you’ll be back.
For details, see Webex App | Set up call routing for when you're away.
AI-generated summaries for call recordings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android
When you play back a call recording in the app, you'll see an AI-generated summary, listing the action items, and the full transcript from the call. So, you can quickly catch up on the discussion and better understand the conversation at a glance. Contact your organization administrator if you can't see the AI call summary feature. For details, see Webex App | Generate space summaries.
October 2024
Migration tools V1.43 released. For details, see Release Notes.
September 2024
Make call forwarding indicator more obvious—Windows and Mac
Previously, you may not have known that call forwarding was set, which could result in missed calls. With this update, a call forwarding banner is displayed across all tabs in the app, allowing you to quickly edit the forwarding destination or turn off call forwarding.
For details, For details, see Configure call forwarding for users and workspaces.
Support Yealink T34W Webex Calling
Webex Calling supports Yealink T34 devices. For details, see Poly and Yealink support on Webex Calling.
August 2024
Support for users with an alternate ID
This will allow partners to provision users with email- like user IDs that do not actually have an inbox behind the address. The first user will be required to have a valid email but the other users can be provisioned and login using a unique ID in email format.
Email Customization
Ability for partners to customize the email signature of emails sent from Cisco.
User Hub Admin Enhancements
Expanding the capabilities for Customer Admins to administer their accounts directly from User Hub. The enhancements include device management, Workspace management, and messaging & meeting user interface updates. For details, see: User Hub - Admin Settings for Administrators.
User access to native Webex call recordings in Webex App
Any calls that you recorded are now available in the calling tab. Available on Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Highlight to call from anywhere—Windows and Mac
We’ve added a new keyboard shortcut that you can use when you highlight a number, and you can then make the call in Webex App. Customize the shortcut at Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts > Highlight to call. Choose the keys used for the shortcut or to use this shortcut when Webex is minimized or in the background, select Global.
Updates to accessing calling options—iPhone and iPad
We've improved the iOS mobile navigation to make it easier to find the dial pad for calling only users. The dial pad is moved to the footer for calling only users. For people who use Call Park Retrieve (Webex Calling) or Call Pickup (Unified CM), accessing these options is easier as they are now moved from a tab to a button at the top of the calling screen.
Enhancements to the Calling tab—Windows and Mac
We’ve made some design changes to the calling tab in the app. These updates help to increase the value that you derive from the calling tab and include the following:
- Quick and intuitive access to the dial pad
- Additional call history interactions on the more menu
Hunt Group Busy
This feature allows Hunt group agents to enable group busy status for a Hunt group using a feature access code. The administrator can authorize agents to activate the group busy status.
For details, see Manage hunt groups in Control Hub, Feature access codes for Webex Calling, and Webex Calling hunt group CSV file format reference.
Device Fulfillment
Device Fulfillment is an end-to-end solution to support Device ordering, fulfilment and provisioning for our Partners and Customers that will provide a near plug and play experience to the end users. This feature will allow service providers to integrate their preferred distributor into the Webex platform so that they can place their devices orders directly via Control Hub/Webex APIs. The devices will be drop shipped to customer location via distributor and provisioned via the solution. (Launching in the US with NetXUSA)
Support AudioCodes Devices MP 202 and MP 204 on Webex Calling
Webex Calling supports AudioCodes MP 202 and MP 204 devices.
July 2024
Webex Customer Experience Essentials bounced calls—Windows and Mac
This applies to Webex Customer Experience Essentials.
As an agent, when your administrator has configured a bounced call policy if you miss a call, you'll receive a bounced call notification, and your status will be changed to unavailable. When your status is unavailable, calls are not routed to you. For details, see Webex Customer Experience Essentials.
Distinctive ringing & priority alert for call queues
Distinctive ringing sets different ring tones for various call queues. This can be particularly useful in differentiating between calls from other queues.
Priority alert allows users to set up a unique ringtone based on predefined criteria set in User Hub. This is helpful when you want to be quickly notified that a specific phone number is calling you. Available for Customer Experience Basic and Essentials.
Support for LLDP with Emergency (E911) location tracking—Windows and Mac
When your organization uses enhanced location information for emergency calls, the app can access and send network information for accurate locations to the E911 provider. This depends on LLDP support and is supported with Redsky, Intrado, or 9Line. For details, see Enhanced emergency calling for Webex Calling.
June 2024
Email Customization for Activation Emails
Allows partners to include their own “reply to” link in the activation emails.
API Enhancements
- Customer name: Provides an API to update the customer’s name
- Devices:
- Improve usability of list device API by accepting "product" value in /telephony/config "model" fields
- Allow device management updates / removals / assignment changes using MAC address
- Welcome email: Introduces a public API to Send the activation emails
- Call Recording: Introduces a public API to select the call recording vendor
- Enhanced 911: Introduces public APIs to activate/deactivate enhanced 911 for a location and other attributes (ECBN)
- • Partner Admin APIs for managing MS Teams configuration settings for presence sync and Hide Webex App at the organization level. For details, see developer.webex.com.
Customer Experience Essentials
Support supervisor barge and whisper coaching in an agent’s call in the Webex App. For details, see Webex Customer Experience Essentials.
May 2024
Customer Experience Essentials
Customer Experience Essentials is a new package expanding the existing Wholesale Webex offer. This will expand on the current Webex customer experience Basic features to include agent and supervisor capabilities within the Webex App.
Features for agents include:
- Set availability
- Join call queues
- View live queue statistics
- Multi-call window for customer calls on Windows
- In-call screen pop that includes relevant customer information
Features for supervisors include:
- Agent monitoring
- Manage agents: change availability, sign in or sign out agents, join or unjoin agents in the queue
- View real-time and historical statistics
Related Articles:
- Get started with Webex Customer Experience Essentials for Agents
- Get started with Webex Customer Experience Essentials for Supervisors
- Webex Customer Experience Essentials
Webex Call Recording
Webex Calling introduces built-in Call Recording using the robust recording capability of the Webex platform. Call Recording is included with Webex Calling and Webex Wholesale offers. Webex call recording provides organizations the ability to choose storage location at a Location level to meet their data residency requirements.
This solution ensures that recordings are encrypted in transit and at rest for greater security. The recording solution offer options to handle recording failures, proceed with the call, or terminate the call. Administrators can manage access to end users allowing them to view, download, or delete recordings. Use the enhanced Control Hub or User Hub to access the recording details for administrators and end-users respectively. This solution offers Webhooks for applications to get recording events and APIs to manage the recordings.
For details, see
- Manage call recording for Webex Calling
- Play a Webex recording
- Find your Webex recordings
- Delete or restore a Webex recording
User Hub Admin Enhancements
Expanding the capabilities for Customer Admins to administer their accounts directly from User Hub. The enhancements include Auto Attendant & Hunt Group enhancements, Call Queue Management, User settings management, Admin roles, Location Management enhancements, Analytics, and Branding Support. For details, see: User Hub - Admin Settings for Administrators.
Partner Hub Wholesale Admin Role Update
For partners who leverage both flex and wholesale they can now assign admin privileges only to admins who manage the Wholesale Route-to-Market. For details, see: User Hub - Admin Settings for Partner Administrators.
Rewrite your message using our AI-powered writing assistant—Windows and Mac
Enhance and improve your communication and collaboration with your team, with AI-powered message rewrites. AI Assistant analyses your message and provides options to adapt the style, tone, and content quality, to help you communicate more effectively.
Space and thread summaries—Windows and Mac
When you're busy, or you've been away from the office, catching up with all your spaces and threads can be challenging. AI Assistant generates space and thread summaries to help you quickly catch up on missed messages and conversations in a space. Stay informed on decisions, and key points, and get up to date with the discussion. For details, see Webex App | Generate space summaries.
Translate messages—Windows and Mac
Break down communication barriers and promote more effective conversation with message translation. Select your preferred language and choose to either live translate all messages in a space or translate an individual message. For details, see Webex App | Translate messages in a space.
April 2024
Set SIP Domain on customer organizations during provisioning
Allows partners to set SIP domain during organization provisioning to avoid Control Hub error when provisioning workspace devices.
Webex Suite Meetings Platform
Webex is enhancing the meeting platform to the Webex Suite meeting platform. This platform improves and simplifies hybrid work across the entire Webex Suite, and incorporates AI-based experiences, with common architecture, administration, and integrations. The new platform converges the meeting experience across Webex applications and devices and delivers continuous collaboration before, during, and after the meeting. To check if you are on this new platform and read about key changes, and new, and forthcoming features. For details, see Webex Suite meeting platform.
Choose your caller ID—Windows and Mac
When you make follow-up calls to customers, choose a suitable caller ID from a list of call queues your administrator has assigned to you.
Enhancements for multi-call window—Windows
We're renaming the multi-call window to Calling dock. The window can now be docked to the edge of your screen to temporarily hide the window. You’re still notified when you have incoming calls or other notifications. For details, see Webex App | Manage all your phone calls in one place.
March 2024
Calling engagement analytics in Partner Hub
Calling engagement analytics is now available in Partner Hub. Data in this section shows the call usage rate and call quality of the customers that have purchased Webex Calling in your organization. This data shows how you can proactively help your customers, such as if you notice their call quality is trending downwards, you can reach out and troubleshoot their issues before it gets even worse.

Email Customization for Activation Emails
Allows partners to include their Terms of Service and Privacy Statement links in the activation emails. For details, see Configure Advanced Branding Customizations.
Custom Tags
Partner admins with >1000 customer organizations can leverage custom labels to easily identify and group customers of interest, subscription, or partner OSS/BSS native identifiers.
Sub-Partner access enhancements in Partner Hub
Partner admins will be able to see and access sub-partner organizations directly from Partner Hub.
February 2024
Vidcast integration
Vidcast integration recording Vidcasts within Webex. Your users can effortlessly record and share Vidcasts within Webex. Admins can also configure their organization's access, fine-tune their Webex integration, manage their data, set their video retention policies, define classifications, and choose languages for translated closed captions in Control Hub. Currently, this feature is only available on the Windows platform.
Slido is now on by default for all customers (except in Canda & Japan due to data residency restrictions). Users can now login user their user credentials and use Slido as their polling and Q&A tool in meetings.
Audiocodes for Webex Calling
Webex Calling now supports adding Audiocodes MP 202 and MP204 ATAs.
SMB Administration Portal (Webex User Hub)
New admin portal experience designed specifically for small and medium businesses. This new portal experience provides a simplified and streamlined user experience for admins who do not need all the complexity of Control Hub. This Simplified Administration will be accessible via an Administration tab in User Hub for those who are assigned as administrators for their organization.
January 2024
Partner Managed Devices
A new device management solution for Partners who need to support third-party devices with customization and at scale.
Email Customization for Activation Emails
Allows partners to include their logo and customize the 'Contact us' information in the activation emails. For details, see Configure Advanced Branding Customizations.
December 2023
Multi-line Hold resume across users
Allows users who have shared line functionality to put a call on hold and have it resumed by another user on the same shared line.
September 2023
Transfer calls to an active call-Windows and Mac
When you’re juggling lots of calls, you’ll have an option to transfer a call to somebody you’ve put on hold.
Device Provisioning APIs for Users and workspaces
Webex API capability to add/remove Webex Calling Devices to Webex Calling users and workspaces.
Add Yealink DECT to Webex Calling
Webex calling now supports adding Yealink DECT Bases models W52B, W60B, W70B, W56B And Handset models - W52H, W56H, W73H, W59R.
August 2023
Improved Role Based Access Controls for Restricted Admin User Roles
Allowing Customer Admins to make common changes that are currently restricted, including First Name, Last Name, Display Name, and email address.
Add Polycom Sound Station IP 5000, 6000 to Webex Calling
Webex Calling now supports adding Polycom Sound Station IP 5000 and 6000.
Show redirect information in the multi-call window-Windows
When you receive incoming calls that are redirected, you'll see more information in the multi-call window on where they are from. For example, the hunt group, call queue, or who the call was forwarded by.
June 2023
BroadCloud to Wholesale Automated Migration Tools
A set of tools to allow partners to automate the migration of customers, users, services, and devices from their BroadCloud offer to Wholesale.
Show active calls as an option to transfer (Mobile)
When transferring a call you will now have the option to transfer to another active call that is on hold.
Hot Desking Support MPP8800 Series:
Hot desking allows organizations to make the best use of office space by having employees sign in and book a shared device for their workday.
It gives users the benefits of a personal meeting device, including meeting notifications 5 minutes before the start time. Notifications originate from the user's personal calendar, and they join their meetings with One Button to Push. Hot desking includes the standard Webex Meeting features, such as a personal whiteboard. Users can start a Personal Room meeting from Join Webex, and they get controls for meetings that they host.
May 2023
Catch Up Usage Billing for Sub-Partners
Allows sub-partners to get set up and setup customers without being billed immediately, and allow partners to back bill for customers and usage when they turn on billing.
Block Spam callers - Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android
Stay focused on what’s important, and stop unwanted calls directly in the app. Block callers from your recent list or add the number to your block list.
Hot Desking Support for Room OS devices
Hot desking allows organizations to make the best use of office space by having employees sign in and book a shared device for their workday.
It gives users the benefits of a personal meeting device, including meeting notifications 5 minutes before the start time. Notifications originate from the user's personal calendar, and they join their meetings with One Button to Push. Hot desking includes the standard Webex Meeting features, such as a personal whiteboard. Users can start a Personal Room meeting from Join Webex, and they get control over the meetings that they host.
April 2023
Country Specific call-in number for Webex Meetings
The provisioning API will automatically set a default Dial In a number that matches the country defined in the API payload.
Hot Desking Support for MPP 8875, MPP8800 Series
Hot desking allows organizations to make the best use of office space by having employees sign in and book a shared device for their workday.
It gives users the benefits of a personal meeting device, including meeting notifications 5 minutes before the start time. Notifications originate from the user's personal calendar, and they join their meetings with One Button to Push. Hot desking includes the standard Webex Meeting features, such as a personal whiteboard. Users can start a Personal Room meeting from Join Webex, and they get control over the meetings that they host.
March 2023
Cross Region Support for Sub-Partners
Enables partner to have sub-partners in different geographic regions from their own.
Webex Wholesale Information in Customer List
For partners who have multiple offers in the market (flex and Wholesale) they will be able to easily identify which offer each customer has in the customer list in the Control Hub.
Webex for Broadworks to Wholesale Automated Migration Tools
A set of tools to allow for partners to automate the migration of customers, users, services, and devices from their Webex for BroadWorks offer to Wholesale.
Webex Meetings Integration on MPP 8800 Series
This feature integrates the MPP 8800 series phones with Webex Meetings capabilities. These Webex Meetings features are introduced on MPP:
Ability to join Webex Meeting via MPP by clicking on the meeting join button.
Ability to join the meeting from Meeting Menu at any time while the meeting is in progress.
Telephony functions like hold, conference, and transfer are disabled while in meeting.
Ability to view participants in the meeting.
February 2023
Partner SSO Enhancement Options
Add support for oAuth/OpenID Connect IDP to the Partner SSO options. This is in addition to the currently supported SAML IDP.
Support for multiple shared lines - Windows and Mac
Answer calls from any of your shared lines and choose any line to make calls from within the app. Your administrator must set you up with shared lines and you can see your primary line and up to nine shared lines. For details, see Webex App | Multiple lines
January 2023
Broadworks to Wholesale Automated Migration Tools
A set of tools to allow partners to automate the migration of customers, users, services, and devices from their BroadWorks platform to Wholesale.
Coming Soon
Number Inventory Reports
Allow partners to download reports through Partner Hub, offering a comprehensive snapshot of their entire phone number inventory at a specific point in time.
Device Inventory Reports
Allow US partners to download reports through Partner Hub, providing a comprehensive snapshot of their entire device inventory at a specific point in time.
Hunt Group Analytics in Control Hub
A dedicated Hunt Group Analytics tab has been introduced under Calling Analytics in Webex Control Hub, enabling customers to track and evaluate Hunt Group usage and performance.
Hunt Group Agent Statistics Report in Control Hub
Administrator can access historical trends on Hunt Group agent utilization and performance, including metrics such as handle time and answered call volumes, to enhance agent efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.
Supporting multiple lines on Webex App for mobile users
Multiple lines on Webex App allows handling multiple lines from a single interface by switching between lines with a single tap. You’ll never miss an important call, always be productive, and manage multiple calls from your mobile device.
Features in development
Configurable Agent notifications
Administrators can configure notification tones that will be played to agents when a supervisor invokes functions like Monitoring, Coaching, Barge, and Takeover.
CX Essentials - Call Queue report in Control Hub
A new Call Queue report that contains one entry per call session and details on how the call is handled.
Provisioning APIs for CX Essentials
Enabling public APIs to configure and manage CX Essentials.
This page contains important announcements for partner administrators. For example, this includes non-feature updates that can affect network connectivity.
December Roadmap available now.
November Roadmap available now.
Webex Wholesale RTM Roadmap and Recording are available now
Download the reimagined Webex Wholesale Route-to-Market Feature Matrix that includes Cisco AI for Webex features and links to help articles.
Migration to Single-License Framework Begins March 3, 2025
Since December 10, 2024, all new Webex customers have been provisioned under the single-license framework. Beginning March 3, 2025, we will start migrating existing customers to this framework. Partners should review the migration plan to understand the process and ensure they are prepared to communicate the changes to their customers.
Webinar Announcement for Wholesale RTM
Webex by Cisco Partner Managed Devices integration with Phonism Webinar.
Join us for an exciting Webinar to learn all about Webex by Cisco Partner Managed Devices integration with Phonism. We will cover:
- The Solution
- Phonism's Device Management capabilities
- Processes
- Integration
- Manageability
- Certifications
Register Now for one of two options:
- US Wednesday March 20 3PM EDT/12PM PDT https://cisco.webex.com/weblink/register/r3c3a93ff7d5894185b2dc24f2f9cdeb9
- EMEA & America's East: Thursday March 21 9AM EDT/3PM CET https://cisco.webex.com/weblink/register/rc122a1fbc723e4eaa3ff4491dbee5d98
December 01, 2023
Change to Subscriber APIs
This change is to GET and LIST Subscriber APIs for Wholesale Route-to-Market. The change is to the errors array parameter in the APIs listed below. This errors param contains an array of Error structures that have 2 parameters, errorCode and description. 'errorCode' parameter changes from a String to an Integer.
/ api /v1/ wholesale-provisioning / get-a-wholesale-subscriber
/ api /v1/ wholesale-provisioning / list-wholesale-subscribers
Action Required
Partners should review and update their code in case it does any errorCode parsing for the GET and LIST APIs by January 31, 2024.