We recommend adding users by entering their email addresses, so that they can join Webex Meetings and use Webex App. We encourage them to use the services and to provide feedback. You can add more users at any time.

Control Hub fully supports Mozilla Firefox 66 and later, Google Chrome 89 and later, Microsoft Edge 89 and later, and Apple Safari 15.1 and later.

  • Control Hub nu acceptă Internet Explorer.

  • Control Hub nu este conceput pentru dispozitive mobile.


Sign in to Control Hub to manage your users, services, and devices.

Once your organization has been created, you will receive an email with instructions to get started with the administrative functions in Control Hub.

Whether you're starting a trial or a paid subscription, click Get Started to set up your admin account and to have access to the Control Hub. The email address used for activation is also used to sign in, where you'll be prompted to set the administrator password.

Expert de instalare inițială pentru perioade de probă

Once you sign in, a setup wizard automatically starts if you're using a trial version.

After accepting the terms and services agreement, you can set up your Webex services (Meetings, Messaging, and Calling).

Check how Webex adoption is going, and make your environment more secure

After you set up your environment, you can check to see how the adoption of Webex is going. Control Hub can also guide you through making your environment more secure. See set up an organization in Control Hub.

Prezentare generală

The Control Hub settings are on the Overview page. You can view licenses across all your services, administer licenses to users, and see notifications to stay updated with new functions.

Configurați-vă rețeaua

Configure your network so that the Webex can access all the necessary traffic. This ensures Webex services are optimized for your users, and makes it easier for you to troubleshoot the network issues.

Configurați serviciile Webex

If Messaging, Meeting, or Webex Calling is provisioned for your organization, you can configure the settings for each service.

  1. Conectați-vă la Control Hub.
  2. Go to Services, then select a service.
  3. Select Settings, then configure the service.

To configure Webex Calling, see the following guides:

  • Webex Calling—Acest serviciu oferă apeluri bazate pe cloud. Consultați Ghidul de configurare pentru mai multe informații.

  • Apelarea în aplicația Webex (Unified CM)—Acest serviciu este o integrare între mediul dvs. Unified CM și cloud, realizată în funcție de client. Consultați ghidul de implementare.

  • See Supported calling options for supported calling features for all Webex-based call services.

To configure a specific Webex Meetings site:

  1. Go to Services, then select Meeting.
  2. Select the site to configure, then click Settings and choose the area you want to configure.

Gestionați domenii

Manage your domains in Control Hub to help add security and credibility to your organization. Domeniile ajută și la gestionarea utilizatorilor.

Claim users to your organization

You can Claim users who signed up for Webex using your company's email domain, into your organization. This ensures the users in your company are in one organization, so that you can manage and provide them with the needed Webex services and support.

Adăugați utilizatori la organizația dvs.

Now that you've set up your services, you can add people from your company directory.


Conectați-vă la Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users, then click Manage Users.


Choose one of the available methods to add users, depending on the number of users you want to add.

  • Add users manually if you have a small organization. You can add up to 25 users at a time.
  • Add users with the CSV template if you have a medium-to-large organization of more than 25 people.
  • Directory Synchronization if you have a large organization with existing Active Directory user accounts. Puteți să sincronizați automat directorul dvs. pe baza unui program, în loc să adăugați sau să eliminați manual conturi în Control Hub. De asemenea, puteți sincroniza utilizatorii folosind SCIM API. See Manage Synchronized User Accounts in Control Hub in the Deployment Guide for Directory Connector.

Assign roles to your users

You can assign different administrator roles to users in your organization. Users can become full administrators, or a combination of support administrators, user and device administrators, location administrators, device administrators, read-only administrators, or compliance officers. De asemenea, puteți vedea o listă cu toți administratorii sau anumiți în Control Hub, inclusiv administratorii de dispozitive și responsabilii cu conformitatea.

Alocați servicii utilizatorilor

După ce adăugați utilizatori, le puteți aloca acestora diferite servicii Webex.

While you can edit the services for an individual user, it can be more efficient to edit multiple users' services at once using the bulk CSV template.


Conectați-vă la Control Hub.


Go to Management > Users, then click Manage Users.


Select Export and import users with a CSV file, then click Export.


In the downloaded file, add True for the services you want to assign to each of your users.

Set up Single Sign-on (SSO) for users

Aplicația Webex utilizează autentificarea de bază. You can set up SSO so that, users only need to authenticate once.

For more information, see Single Sign-On Integration in Control Hub.

Conectați-vă la Control Hub.


Go to Management > Organization Settings.


In the Authentication section, under Single sign-on & multiple identity providers, click Activate SSO.


Select an identity provider, then click Next.


Select a certificate, then click Download metadata.


Faceți clic pe Următorul.


Select how to connect your identity provider (IdP) to the Webex cloud by clicking either Upload your IdP's metadata or Fill out the configuration form.


Faceți clic pe Următorul.


Faceți clic pe Salvare.

Add and manage devices

Puteți să adăugați dispozitive în organizația dvs. și să le alocați fie utilizatorilor individuali, fie spațiilor de lucru partajate. Pentru a facilita organizarea și căutarea dispozitivelor mai târziu, puteți grupa dispozitivele după etichete.

După adăugarea unui dispozitiv, Control Hub generează un cod de activare pe care trebuie să-l introduceți în dispozitiv pentru a-l conecta la Control Hub.

Dacă în cadrul organizației dvs. există multe dispozitive, puteți, de asemenea, să căutați dispozitive.

Modificați setările

Add your logo

  1. Conectați-vă la Control Hub.
  2. Go to Management > Organization Settings.
  3. Scroll to Branding, then select Use your own logo.
  4. Select your logo and click Upload.

You can also configure advanced branding customizations.

Help and support information

Follow the steps below to provide support information for your users. This is displayed on your Webex site, their Webex App, and Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) case open tools.

  1. Conectați-vă la Control Hub.
  2. Go to Management > Organization Settings, then scroll to Help and support information.
  3. To provide direct support to your users through your organization's support team, toggle on Redirect user support.
    • When turned on, your users are redirected to the Contact support and Help Site URLs you specify, and see the description you configure. Users cannot open support cases with Cisco TAC through Support Case Manager, the Webex Chat Assistant, or by making a phone call. This setting does not apply to Webex organization administrators, as defined in Assign organization account roles in Control Hub.
    • When turned off, users' support requests are not redirected; they can open cases with Cisco TAC.

      You can still configure the Contact support and Help Site URLs. These are displayed in Webex App under the Help menu, and on your Webex site under Support.

  4. In the Contact support section, enter the following, which is shown under the Support option on your Webex site:
    • Support URL—URL where your organization's users open support cases.
    • Description—Specify details to be presented to a user about your Webex organization's support, such as hours of operation, phone number for urgent support, etc.
  5. In the Help Site section, enter the URL to your company's knowledge base, where users can access self-help resources.

    If Contact support and/or Help Site are configured with a URL that is internal to your organization, users must be connected to your organization's network or connected through a VPN.
  6. Faceți clic pe Salvați.

For more settings, see Set up your organization in Control Hub.

Track site and service usage

Use Analytics and Reports in Control Hub to see how your users use your Webex site and services.

  1. Conectați-vă la Control Hub.
  2. Under Monitoring, select an option:

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

You can collect baseline data on your organization’s network when using Webex services with the Webex Monitoring Service. The data can help you troubleshoot issues that your users run into, such as identifying if a low-quality meeting is caused by a network problem.

If issues come up with a Webex service, or to check the status of your services, do the following:

  1. Conectați-vă la Control Hub.
  2. Go to Monitoring > Troubleshooting.